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101. Chapter 101: Battle between Heaven and Man

101. Chapter 101: Battle between Heaven and Man


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 101 A Battle between Heaven and Man

  ”Why did the leader of Qianren Bingtan become this monster?!”

  After a brief moment of unconsciousness, everyone present was even more horrified, as if they were seeing ghosts and evil things being played out in front of them.

  Although there are many natural treasures in the world, there have never been any real demons and evil spirits. Now seeing a terrifying demon nearly two meters tall appear, even many masters are terrified.

  Beside the ruins of the main hall, Yan Lingshuang swung her sword to sweep away the bricks and stones.

  She glanced at Tan Xiang and Yue Rui beside her: “Are you okay?”

  ”It’s okay, but…”

  Looking at the giant that was like a hill not far away, Tan Xiang was also shocked.

  Such a strange phenomenon is almost the same as an alien.

  Could it be that this old leader was born an alien like them, so he could become like this?

  ”You should be more careful, this demon is probably not simple.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes became more vigilant.

  After the filth is possessed by the devil, it can affect the infected person’s body. She has personally experienced this.

  But the transformation of the old leader of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond into such a huge giant was still far beyond her expectations.

  ”——Haha, there are so many people here today.”

  The old leader grinned coldly, supported his knees with one hand, and slowly sat down on the ruins of the hall.

  In the smoke and dust, he looked down at the warriors from various countries who were constantly retreating in the training ground, and laughed in a low voice: “After hundreds of years, the Holy Weapon is still so famous. It can attract so many heroes. As the leader, I am really happy.”

  The heavy voice shook the air, but it made more people feel depressed.

  This monster is really the leader of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond.

  ”Old Sect Master, why have you become like this?”

  An elder of the Wuchen Sect couldn’t help but ask, “Are you a human or a monster?”

  ”Chen Qiu, the Ninth Sect Elder, I still remember you.”

  The old sect master said in a low voice, “I didn’t expect that after so many years, you are still trapped in the upper three ranks. I’m afraid you will never be able to touch the barrier of the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise in this life.”

  Chen Qiu’s face became more and more ugly, “You are not the old sect master!”

  ”If I am not, who else in this world is.” The old sect master raised his head and laughed, and a chilling cold air swept up.

  Everyone’s heart was shocked, and they hurriedly raised their arms to block the wind. Those with weaker cultivation were even blown staggeringly.

  ”It’s ridiculous that my Qianren Bingtan has stood for hundreds of years, but I can only curl up in the cave and forge weapons for you day and night. Even if I forged the Taiwu Saint Weapon, I had to hand it over obediently and let you fight for it.”

  The old sect master’s tone became colder and colder: “All this is just because my sect does not have the Heavenly Man Xuanwu sitting in the palace, so you can act so arrogantly.”

  ”This is the choice made by your ancestors of Qianren Bingtan.”

  An elder of Wuyun Valley tightly grasped the long knife and said in a deep voice: “It’s meaningless for you to say these words now. If you have resentment in your heart, we will naturally not come here again in the future.”

  ”You, leave when you say you want to, come when you want to?”

  The old sect master grinned grimly: “Now, there is no such reason. All of you, all of you must stay together.”

  The people of Qianren Bingtan who had retreated to the sides slowly dispersed and set up a battle again.

  Seeing this, everyone’s face became even more heavy.

  ”Now, let’s kill a few people to help cheer us up.”

  The old sect master raised his thick right arm, sneered and suddenly stretched out his palm!

  Although his body was huge, he burst out with incredible speed at this moment. With strong wind pressure, his giant palm was pushed in front of the crowd, trying to grab a few people in the front row.


  But at this moment, a long spear wrapped in cloth shot out from the front hall and hit the palm with a roar.

  The old master exclaimed and quickly retracted his right hand.

  The spear flew and stuck into the ground, and a figure crossed the crowd and stepped to the side of the spear with full aura.

  ”Bei Man, Li Yizhong!”

  Looking at the tall man who appeared in front of them, people from all countries showed joy.

  The appearance of Tianren Xuanwu naturally brought them a lot of confidence. After all, for mortal warriors, Tianren Xuanwu is almost the same as immortal gods in the world.

  ”Old Sect Master, can you tell me why you became like this?”

  Li Yizhong had a rough and stern face, his eyes were stern, and he shouted in a deep voice: “What happened in your Qianren Weapon Pond that made you so crazy just now!”

  ”Heavenly Man Black Tortoise. Haha, you came at the right time!”

  But the old Sect Master laughed out loud at this time: “I have been in a deadly state for several months, and I thought there would be no possibility of breakthrough. But God took pity on me and finally let me feel this mysterious energy of heaven and earth when my life was about to end, and trained this body of gods and demons!”

  He clenched his fist and smashed it to the ground. In an instant, the earth shook and dust flew.

  ”This breath is still pouring into my body continuously. The endless power is not comparable to that of Heavenly Man Black Tortoise at all!”

  The old sect master stood up again in the smoke and dust, looking down at the people below, grinning: “I will kill all of you and refine you into soldiers. I will also kill all the heavenly beings and black tortoises in this world to prove the prestige of my Thousand Blade Weapon Pool!”

The people

  of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pool around roared and charged again.

  People from all countries were frightened and ready to fight, and their momentum was already retreating.

  Seeing this, Beiwang’s eyes condensed, but he saw the old sect master pull the chain behind him, and a roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the ruins of the hall. It turned out that a huge sword was pulled out alive and flew towards the crowd like a rock!

  ”Get out of the way!”

  Beiwang roared, suddenly pulled out his spear, stepped forward and swept hard!

  The tip of the spear hit the stone sword, and a terrifying wave of air burst out. With sparks flying, the landing point of the giant sword was forcibly deviated and smashed into the high wall of the inner sect, almost smashing through the inner sect and the front hall.


  The old sect master laughed again and again: “You are worthy of being the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise! ​​It’s a pity that I have entered a higher realm, far beyond the reach of ordinary people like you!”

  He pulled up the two chains behind him again, trying to pull out the giant soldiers buried in Tianlu Mountain.

  Beiwang gritted his teeth secretly and took a stance with a solemn face.

  But at this moment, a flash of sword light suddenly burst out in the smoke and dust, instantly slashing through the old sect master’s arm, forcibly cutting a narrow wound.


  The old sect master staggered to the side, looking sideways in surprise: “You are…”

  ”Since you said you want to kill all the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise in the world, I will not sit idly by.”

  The smoke and dust dissipated, Yan Lingshuang pressed the sword box with one hand, took off the bamboo hat and threw it away, revealing a heroic and cold fairy face.

  ”There is no blood in the wound, you have indeed become a complete demon.”

  ”Emperor Yan, Yan Lingshuang. So you are here too.”

  The old sect master said several times, “Good! ‘, raised her hand and pulled out the weapon stuck in her back, and strange flames ignited all over her body. Her eyes were engulfed by the flames, and she let out a terrifying howl that was breathtaking: “I will kill all of you, then kill into the human world and clear everything in the world!”

  ”Then get through us first!”

  Yan Lingshuang suddenly shouted delicately, and punched the sword box with all her might.

  There was a crisp sound, and arc sword racks were instantly unfolded on both sides of the sword box, and more than a dozen various black swords were revealed.

  She focused her eyes and raised her sword fingers, waving them towards the sky, and more than a dozen sharp swords flew out by themselves, stepping on the black wind and soaring into the air.

  Seeing this, Beiwang in the distance felt relieved, his body was full of fiery energy, his spear was burning with fire, and he shouted angrily and leaped from the ground, attacking the giant’s head!


  In the inner sect cave, a violent shock suddenly broke out.

  Tan Xiang blocked the wind and waves, watching the two figures moving between the attics, while the old sect master was waving his huge weapon behind him, smashing and chopping almost everything he saw along the way.

  ”That demon is not a natural alien.”

  Tan Xiang murmured with a gloomy face, “He has no reason at all, he was transformed by the devil!”

  Yue Rui raised her arm and waved it casually, and the black shadow behind her knocked away a demon elder who took the opportunity to attack. Her pretty face was cold: “Moreover, he is still absorbing filth.”

  ”Use your true power to wrap us two and help us.”

  ”Okay.” Yue Rui’s figure turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated, and eight spider blades appeared behind Tan Xiang, rushing towards the old sect master.


  The old sect master swung his knife to chop off half of the attic, his eyes spitting fire, and laughed angrily: “Can you, the celestial beings and black tortoises, just run away?!”

  As soon as the voice fell, several sharp sword beams came towards them!

  But the old clan leader was not slow at all. He immediately blocked the attack with his sword, shaking off the strong sword energy that was enough to shatter gold and split stone.

  He then swept the sword with his backhand, stirring up a cloud of dust. He suddenly pulled out another huge sword, blocked it horizontally, and forcibly resisted the gunshot from Bei Man. He raised his leg and kicked it out, directly kicking out the remaining half of the attic.


  Bei Man had no choice but to retract his move and hurriedly retreated.

  Even though Tian Ren Xuan Wu had extraordinary power, he had to avoid such an impact.

  ”Emperor Yan, do you have any other moves!”

  ”I’m thinking of a way!”

  Yan Lingshuang stepped onto the roof of another attic, and the long sword followed and fell beside her.

  She quickly drew out a sword and wanted to perform a killing move, but when she looked closely,

  the old clan leader suddenly staggered to his knees, and his right leg seemed to be pierced by several black sharp blades.

  At the same time, a petite figure stepped on his huge body and rushed up, spinning in the air and stabbed his neck with a knife, slicing it open!

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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