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102. Chapter 102: The Holy Soldier Appears, Destroying Everything with One Sword

102. Chapter 102: The Holy Soldier Appears, Destroying Everything with One Sword

2024-01-24 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 102: The Holy Soldier is born, and

  the back of the neck is torn apart with one sword, and the flesh and skin are scattered like ashes.

  Yue Rui watched coldly, and was about to swing the sword again, but her expression suddenly froze.

  ——A ball of fire was brewing at the broken neck, and the fire gradually rose!


  The blazing fire suddenly erupted from the back of her neck, like a fire dragon.


  Yan Lingshuang exclaimed, and hurriedly raised the sword to chase.

  Tan Xiang quickly retreated to his side: “Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

  Yan Lingshuang glanced at Yue Rui and appeared not far away from him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”This girl, what a wonderful body movement, how did she avoid it?”

  Before he finished speaking, he saw the gray air rising around Yue Rui, as if a dormant beast appeared, and the ghostly evil flashed on her pretty face with hidden anger, and her hair fluttered upside down.

  Yan Lingshuang’s eyes moved slightly, but he didn’t say anything more.

  ”The body of this old sect master is no longer a human body.” Tan Xiang whispered, “Emperor Yan has been probing for a long time just now. Has he found any weaknesses?”

  Yan Lingshuang shook her head, “Not yet.”

  This old sect master already has a powerful cultivation that is close to that of a celestial being. Now that he has this terrifying body, not only is his hands and feet not restrained, but his movements are even more swift. I’m afraid he is no less than a celestial being and a black tortoise.

  She and Bei Mang can restrain him together, but it is not easy to kill him.

  ”–You want to kill me with mortal weapons? It’s a fantasy!”

  The old sect master stood up again with a sneer, his skin gradually festering and melting, and magma flowed everywhere on his body surface.

  He stretched his body, and even the giant sword in his hand ignited a raging fire. He said hoarsely, “Let me show you the weapons of my Qianren Weapon Pool!” He

  suddenly raised the sword and inserted it into the ground. As the raging fire rushed, weapons broke out of the ground one by one!

  ”What kind of means is this?!”

  Bei Mang was immediately forced back by these strange weapons.

  Looking again, a large amount of flesh and blood emerged from the cracks in the ground, piling up into human shapes, holding these gloomy weapons, approaching step by step like a large army.

  Seeing this, Yan Lingshuang looked even more heavy.

  How many tricks does this monster have!

  ”Come again, fight with me!”

  The old sect master roared and swept his sword, shaking up the sky with dust.


  The weapons collided, shaking off sparks.

  People from various countries in the training ground fought and retreated, temporarily resisting the attack of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pool.

  In addition, reinforcements came to the front hall one after another, and the outcome of the battle was tilted.

  ”Elders of the Nine Sects! The monster transformed by the old sect master must be dealt with as soon as possible!”

  Someone saw that the battle situation next to the main hall was tense, and hurriedly shouted: “The situation here is a little slower, go to help Emperor Yan and Beiwang!”

  ”I’ll go first!”

  Lin Dongtian swung his sword to chop down a demon elder, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and was about to rush into the battle between heaven and man.

  But what came towards them was a group of puppets holding swords like the living dead. They were so shocked that their eyes widened and they retreated in horror: “Everyone be careful! Another group of monsters is coming!”

  ”What monsters? Fuck!”

  The elders of the various sects who had just broken through the siege shouted in surprise and hurriedly fought.

  The two celestial beings held the enemy head-on, and the battle was intense.

  Tan Xiang wandered in the dark smoke and dust, and occasionally pierced his legs with spider blades to restrict the old sect leader’s movements.

  Yue Rui became more and more courageous in the battle, flashing and moving around the ruins, and attacking fiercely when the opportunity arose, tearing through the air with sharp claws – the

  old sect leader roared and swung his sword wildly, but only smashed its residual shadow.

  Just as he blocked the siege of the celestial beings on both sides, a light figure fell silently on his head, and a black cat claw slapped it brazenly.


  The old sect leader was shocked and lowered his head, and his anger became even stronger: “So, you, a girl, are the same as me!”

  He waved his arm brazenly to force Yue Rui back, and wanted to chase with a knife.

  But Yan Lingshuang flashed to the middle of the two sides in an instant, and the swords merged into a stream, and the spiritual light suddenly rose.

  Beiwang roared and raised his gun from the side, and the muscles in his arms swelled, and the shadows of the guns poured out like a rainstorm!

  The old sect master snorted coldly, and a pair of thick arms grew out from his back again, each holding a weapon, and confronted the chain of gun shadows head-on.

  Ding ding ding——!

  When the two sides collided fiercely, Yan Lingshuang opened her beautiful ice-blue eyes, like the nine nether ice streams——

  ”Extreme Wu Xuan Fa, Frost Sword Lingxiao.”

  All swords merged into one and moved at will.

  Yan Lingshuang swept his sword finger across, and a touch of ice-blue sword light instantly passed through the whistling wind and pierced the huge demon directly from the side!

  As the sword wind scattered, the burning fire around the ruins was extinguished, and the area of ​​dozens of feet was covered with ice and snow.


  The old sect master staggered two steps, and his body gradually froze.

  But he suddenly laughed out loud, and the magma in his body quickly melted the ice and snow around him, until he waved his arms and shattered the ice crystals that were entangled.

  ”So what if you have the Jiwu Xuanfa? It still can’t kill me!”

  ”Then try my trick!”

  Beiwang used his Jiwu Xuanfa, and the tip of his spear flashed with blood!

  The old sect leader suddenly raised his sword to fight back, and the area within a radius of dozens of feet suddenly shook like an explosion, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.

  Yan Lingshuang exhaled an icy wind, her long hair was like snow, and she summoned several swords to rush into the battle.

  Yue Rui was about to go forward and chase, but was quickly suppressed by Tan Xiang.

  ”They are going to use their full strength, and you will not get any benefit if you go in. And you have maintained your true form for too long, and if you continue to hold on, something will definitely happen!”

  ”Guuuu.” Yue Rui bared her teeth like a raging fire, staring at the battle situation.

  Clang, clang clang clang——!

  The two celestial beings and black tortoises pushed their skills to the peak, and launched a series of killing moves. But in the shadow of the gun, the old sect master still stood firm, fighting one against two without losing.

  Tan Xiang’s face was heavy, and she was thinking about how to deal with it.

  But at this moment, she suddenly felt a strange vibration coming from under her feet. It was not a battle between heaven and man, but from…

  deeper underground?


  In an instant, a dazzling fire broke through the night sky and went straight to the top of the mountain. It was as bright as day!

  Tan Xiang looked at the flickering light in the depths of the ruins, and her eyes trembled.

  ”Is that… the birth of the holy weapon?!”

  Almost everyone’s eyes were attracted and they were surprised.

  A large number of people in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond are here, and who forged the holy weapon? !

  The old master waved his sword to force the two men back, but his old face full of sword marks suddenly showed ecstasy:

  ”It’s done! My Taiwu Holy Weapon is finally done!”

  He turned and ran to the depths of the ruins, smashed the mountain wall with his head, and jumped off the cliff!

  Seeing this sudden change, Yan Lingshuang had no time to think about the origin of the Holy Weapon, and immediately shouted: “This person wants to take the Holy Weapon, stop him quickly!”

  She and Beiwang beside her rushed into the ruins first, and Tan Xiang and Yue Rui also thought it was not good and followed immediately.

  The elders and senior officials of various countries also broke through by force and immediately chased into the cliff.

  Stepping into this place, the scene of Qishan Bingtan soon came into everyone’s eyes.

  But unlike the dimness of the previous day, now the giant tripod is now full of flames, and lava pillars are spewing from time to time, quickly converging into the ditch at the bottom of the cave.

  The array pattern symbolizing the Thousand Blade Weapon Pool suddenly emerged, and the firelight illuminated almost every corner, shining like the sun!

  ”The future of our sect is here!”

  The old sect leader landed on the ground first, spread his arms, and laughed at the sky: “It’s worth my preparation for a long time. I have forged a holy weapon with my flesh and blood, and I will devour the world!”

  As the flames gushed out, hundreds of weapons shot out from the surrounding cliffs and inserted into the scorching earth.

  Tan Xiang stepped on the cave wall and slid down quickly. Seeing this, he had a guess in his mind.

  ”This person may have done something to the holy weapon. We must not let him get it!”

  Yan Lingshuang and Bei Wang used their Qinggong skills, flew in the air, and chased the old sect leader.

  ”I have been waiting until now for this moment!”

  The old sect leader stomped on the ground fiercely, and it seemed that there was a raging fire erupting underground. Hundreds of weapons in the array pattern were stained with flames, and they wanted to fight back.

  But at this time, Qishan Bingtan shook again!

  A green light rose above the giant tripod, and a stream of light flew out of it, and with a clang, it inserted into the magma ditch.


  The fire channels of the Qianren Bingtan array pattern burst together, and the magma gushed out.

  The slender sword flashed a magnificent rainbow light in the sea of ​​fire, and the green air was overflowing.

  It only appeared in the world for a moment, and immediately attracted all the attention in Qishan Bingtan.

  ”That’s the holy weapon!?”

  ”My holy weapon is finally completed!”

  The old master was ecstatic, waved his hand to sweep away the magma column blocking the way, and ran quickly.

  ”Don’t even think about leaving!”

  Yan Lingshuang and Beiwang took the opportunity to catch up and used fierce killing moves together.

  The old master suddenly turned around and pushed out with a palm. Hundreds of weapons that were inserted into the ground trembled together, entangled with strange flesh and blood, and shot out from all directions!

  ”Be careful!”

  The people who had just landed on the ground of Qishan Bingtan were horrified and hurriedly resisted the long river of weapons. I don’t know how many people were scratched and pierced.

  Yan Lingshuang and Beiwang were hit head-on by the torrent of weapons, and they had no choice but to keep retreating.

  But Tanxiang and Yuerui concealed their breath and came around from the side and quickly took action.

  ”Two girls, you still want to stop me?!”

  The old master waved his sword to repel Tan Xiang. Even though the back of his head was smashed by Yue Rui’s palm, he continued to run forward regardless.

  ”Girl, get out of the way!”

  Bei Mang and Emperor Yan shouted from behind, and spears and swords were thrown from a distance.

  Yue Rui jumped back in the air, and the spear and sword passed by her, instantly piercing the old master’s neck and heart, causing his huge body to stagger forward until it was nailed into the scorched earth.

  Tan Xiang saw the opportunity and wanted to take action, but unexpectedly, the demon slapped the ground with his palm, and dozens of weapons broke out of the ground, forcing her and Yue Rui to retreat together.

  ”If I combine the power of the holy weapon again, there will be no rivals in this world!”

  The old master pulled out the sword and spear in his body without caring, and was only ten feet away from the holy weapon.

  He stretched out his hand with ecstasy on his face, trying to pull out the holy weapon –


  In an instant, the holy weapon suddenly trembled slightly, and it seemed to sense something and burst out with green light and cold air!

  The raging fire around him suddenly died out, the flesh and blood scattered, and the old sect master’s right arm was rotten and broken like melting.

  ”This, this is–”

  The old sect master was stunned for a moment, and his movements were half a beat slower.

  When he wanted to grab the holy weapon again, the sword actually flew up and shot into the sky!


  The old sect master screamed in shock, and hurriedly jumped up, trying to take it by force.

  But the long sword flew faster, until it fell into the palm of a person, bursting out with a long sword whistle, making all parties quiet down.

  The old sect master’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  Who is this person!


  Yang Shifei held the holy weapon in his hand, stepped on the top of the giant tripod, overlooked the people below, and scanned the old sect master’s demonic face.

  He raised his arm and held the sword horizontally, and shouted with a heavy momentum: “Since you want this sword, I will give it to you!”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he leaned over and jumped down!

  The wind and waves blew on his face, and his clothes fluttered.

  Facing the old sect leader’s horrified gaze, Yang Shifei raised his sword in mid-air, twisted all his strength, borrowed the power of the holy weapon, and slashed with anger! Clang


  The green sword shadow was like a rushing aurora, slashing all the way from the air to the dark scorched earth, as if cutting through the darkness.

   Second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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