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103. Chapter 103 I am in charge of right and wrong, no one can resist

103. Chapter 103 I am in charge of right and wrong, no one can resist


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 103 I am in charge of right and wrong, who will not obey?

  A sword fell, and the pool of soldiers was quiet.

  The old sect master fell back to the ground, shaking up a cloud of dust, with a bit of surprise on his twisted face.

  The green light faded slightly, Yang Shifei pulled the holy weapon out of the crack in the ground, and looked back.

  ”It’s impossible. How could my holy weapon be taken by you.” The old sect master trembled and climbed up, speaking hoarsely, but a green crack had already appeared on the top of his head, spreading and cracking rapidly, and his whole body was decaying like decay.

  ”Your little tricks in the triple secret cave have long been eradicated by us.”

  Yang Shifei said indifferently: “Lord of the pool of soldiers, you should be buried here.”

  The old sect master was silent for a moment, and suddenly roared and rushed over.

  But Yang Shifei just swept the sword casually, and the green sword energy burst out by itself, piercing through the huge body like a gust of wind.


  The old sect master only left half of his body and fell, and the remaining body was broken into pieces.

  There was a bit of unwillingness and shock on his face, and his consciousness began to dissipate rapidly.

  ”——The Thousand Blade Weapon Pond will be managed by the young man from now on.”

  Not far away, Qiu Buhuan appeared in his long robe and sighed with a complicated expression: “Master, rest in peace.”

  The old master opened his mouth slightly and smiled in a low voice: “The holy weapon can save the world or destroy it.”

  As soon as the voice fell, his head was shattered and scattered on the scorched earth, and slowly swept away with the magma.


  Everyone in the distance was stunned when they saw this scene.

  They had never thought about how someone could appear from the giant tripod, not only to take the holy weapon in time, but also to kill the terrifying monster with two swords!

  ”We came in time.”

  Luo Xian’er quietly walked out of the triple secret cave and came to Qiu Buhuan.

  Yang Shifei looked down at the holy weapon, and the slender sword flashed with green light, as if responding to the master’s gaze.


  Yue Rui was full of joy and ran from not far away.

  As soon as Yang Shifei turned around, the girl hugged her tightly and patted her back with a smile: “Good girl.”

  Tan Xiang arrived a step late. Seeing that the three were fine, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief: “I’m glad you’re all right.”

  Yang Shifei smiled gently and said: “Although there were some changes, it was still going smoothly.”

  At the same time, Yan Lingshuang came over with a long sword in her hand, and a bit of admiration appeared on her mature and cold face: “You are worthy of being the man that Xian’er likes. You are really impeccable.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “You are. Emperor Yan?”

  This mature and arrogant face is indeed beautiful. But this long snow-white hair is even more moving.

  Yan Lingshuang smiled lightly and glanced at the scorched earth slurry canal not far away: “The old sect master is now…” “He

  was hit by two swords of the holy soldiers and died completely.”

  Hearing this, Yan Lingshuang was completely relieved and turned around to raise his sword to signal.

  Beiwang Li Yizhong immediately collapsed to the ground with sweat all over his body and laughed heartily.

  After a moment of silence, people from all countries cheered and rejoiced.

  This experience tonight was truly unforgettable for everyone. Now that they could win smoothly, how could they not be excited?

  Yang Shifei pointed to the hole in the cliff above: “What’s the situation outside?”

  ”Many disciples and elders of Qianren Bingtan have been possessed by demons, but they have basically been suppressed. There is no need to worry.”

  ”Okay, in this way–”

  Yang Shifei let go of Yue Rui in his arms and strode towards the crowd in front.

  ”Everyone! The master of Qianren Bingtan was eroded by evil spirits and turned into a demon. Now he has been killed by me!”

  Yang Shifei put the holy weapon on the ground with one hand, looked around at everyone, and said loudly: “In this case, do you want to hand over the holy weapon to my Liang country!?”


  The laughter of everyone in Qishan Bingtan suddenly stopped, and the atmosphere was slightly quiet.

  People from all countries who were originally happy because of the victory now fell silent, staring at Yang Shifei in doubt.

  According to the previous few battles for the holy weapon, it took a fierce melee before the strongest party won it.

  But this time, something unexpected happened, and such a drastic change occurred in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond.

  Not only was the Weapon Pond almost destroyed, but the Holy Weapon also fell into the hands of this person in advance

  . “Wait, that woman seems to be the enemy of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond?!”

  Suddenly, someone pointed behind Yang Shifei and said in surprise: “Why is she still intact? Is she not possessed by a demon?!”

  ”Why is this? Could it be that this woman has colluded with him, just now…”


  Qiu Buhuan’s face darkened slightly, but Yang Shifei quickly looked back, which made him feel a little relieved.

  He then retracted his gaze and said loudly: “It is because the Saint Qiu escaped a disaster that we can forge the holy weapon and kill the demons. What’s wrong with this!” The warriors

  from various countries present were silent for a moment, but soon they secretly started to discuss.

  As more groups of warriors slid down from the cave and rushed over, the atmosphere became even more tense.

  But at the same time, there were also forces that stood up.

  ”No one in my Guling Sect has any objection to this!”

  Yue Yuxiang bowed his hands and looked around, and said loudly: “If Young Master Yang wins the Holy Weapon, we will be convinced!”

  ”That’s right!” Lin Dongtian wiped the blood off his face and cursed: “What a bullshit, others have the ability to fight for the Holy Weapon first, and then they can kill that monster. You are talking nonsense, just like a group of shameless women in the boudoir!”

  ”That’s right!”

  Yunshang Sect and other Liang State Sects stood up one after another: “Did anyone of you just fight against that monster? Not to mention fighting for the Holy Weapon, you couldn’t even get close to it! How dare you say something rude now!”

  Not only the Liang State Sect, but also many Jianghu Sects spoke up to support.

  Seeing this, the forces of several countries chose to remain silent and watch quietly-

  until a group of Qi and Wei people took the lead.

  ”This Yang Shifei was able to kill the demon, but he just took advantage of the Holy Weapon. It has nothing to do with the fight for the Holy Weapon!”

  ”That’s right. How can the rules that have been in place for hundreds of years be changed because of a temporary change? Young Master Yang’s killing of demons is a great achievement, and it can be announced to the world, but what does it have to do with the Holy Weapon! Why don’t you take the Holy Weapon first and let me learn Young Master Yang’s tricks first to see if we can convince all of us!”

  Seeing a middle-aged master walking out of the crowd, many people cursed: “Do you still have any face? You actually want to bully the weak!?”

  ”If you Qi Wei want to make a move, fight with me first!”

  An old man in a Taoist robe jumped out and blocked the way.

  Seeing that Yunshang Sect came forward to support them, many neutral forces retreated silently, unwilling to get involved in the fight.

  After experiencing this battle, they all felt uneasy, as if something big might happen in this world.

  Looking at this emotional dispute now, they were a little uninterested, and only felt noisy.

  Moreover, they more or less realized that

  this young man named Yang Shifei was not simple.

  ”I understand that you all have your own grievances.”

  Yang Shifei walked slowly with the Holy Weapon in his hand, and looked around at the hundreds of people present with a smile on his face: “I was able to obtain this Holy Weapon, and it was indeed not obtained by fighting, which is indeed not in line with the rules of the martial arts world. How about this–”

  He inserted the Holy Weapon into the ground beside him, smiled and hooked his finger at everyone: “I will not use the Holy Weapon to fight, and anyone who has objections to my obtaining the Holy Weapon can stand up.”


  Such an arrogant move immediately shocked many people.

  But soon, dozens of warriors took the lead and walked quickly with a calm face.

  ”Very good.”

  Yang Shifei nodded with a smile: “There are still many people who have objections, so let’s go together.”

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, but then became more angry, and they all drew their weapons, opened their positions and shouted and charged.


  In an instant, the starry sky sword shadows instantly covered the four directions, and hundreds of sword beams were like a downpour, sweeping over dozens of warriors in an instant.

  There was a moment of silence, and these people immediately burst into blood and trembled wildly, their weapons were broken, and they collapsed to the ground wailing.

  Many older warriors in the back were immediately shocked and angry: “Heavenly Man Xuanwu! He actually stole–”

  But before he finished speaking, the bloody palm wind swept in like a storm, and the two Wei Kingdom priests in the front were hit in the chest before they could react, and flew back with blood spurting out.

  Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan walked side by side with indifferent expressions, and stood to the left and right of Yang Shifei. Although they didn’t say a word, the terrifying aura of Heavenly Man Xuanwu had already spread invisibly.

  ”Both of them are. Heavenly Man”

  For a moment, all parties were shocked and moved, and stepped back a few steps in awe.

  ”This scene is so lively, I want to get involved.”

  Yan Lingshuang landed beside Luo Xian’er, pointed his sword at the people of all countries, curled his lips and sneered: “If you still want to have wild thoughts, why not take a few swords from me first?”

  The three celestial beings and black tortoises pressed each other with their power, and the sound of a pin drop could be heard in the strange mountain soldier pool.

  People from all countries were sweating profusely, and even held their breath subconsciously.

  Yang Shifei put his hands on the hilt of the sword and smiled slightly: “Why are you so nervous? I am a reasonable person. If anyone is dissatisfied, you can continue to stand up and speak.”


   Today’s three updates are completed~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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