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104. Chapter 104 The Sad Young Lady

104. Chapter 104 The Sad Young Lady


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 104: The Sad Young Wife

  The dramatic changes in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond were soon quelled.

  As Yang Shifei waved his hand to let them go, people from various countries returned to their respective bases to rest and recuperate, not daring to say a word.

  Just thinking back on the horrific experiences of the past two days, many people were still in a dream, feeling a little dazed.

  Originally, many forces had hidden plans and were ready to implement them secretly to fight for power.

  But Yang Shifei’s side actually had the support of three celestial beings and black tortoises, and there were signs that Yan and Liang would join forces. Even if the forces of various countries had their own ideas, they had to swallow them all back.

  The most important thing is that the monsters in the legends really appeared in the world. Let everyone’s heart be covered with a layer of haze, and completely dispel the idea of ​​power struggles among mortals.

  The monsters ravaged the inner sect, and although many buildings were destroyed, fortunately, the foundation of the mountain was not damaged, and the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond was preserved.

  Qiu Buhuan quickly rescued the surviving fellow sect members and temporarily took over the position of the sect master.

  After the heat of the Holy Soldier was born gradually subsided, within a few hours, with the help of the people of Liang State, the fire lamps were lit everywhere, temporarily stabilizing the order of the countries. The

  corpses on the ground of the Inner Sect training ground had been cleaned up, and the surrounding ruins were also being dealt with.

  As soon as the disciples of Qianren Bingtan had treated their injuries, they supported each other and were taken to the VIP area to rest.

  They were either injured by their crazy fellow disciples or frightened and uneasy, and their spirits were extremely low.


  Qiu Buhuan passed by the corridor of the Inner Sect and saw the backs of everyone, and couldn’t help but sighed.

  This drastic change eventually took the lives of many people.

  For Qianren Bingtan, it was an unimaginable natural disaster.

  More than half of the three branches of the Inner Sect were killed or injured in this disaster, and almost all the elders were possessed by demons and died, leaving only many ignorant young disciples.

  She had thought about reviving the Yin Fire lineage, but now…

  ”Holy Envoy, we have explored the old master’s residence and retreat room, and did not find anything strange.”

  The accompanying sword servant hesitated, “But when the room was opened, a strange black fog dissipated. Is there any danger?”

  ”That is the ‘filth’. The disaster of our sect this time all originated from it.”

  Qiu Buhuan said softly, “Now those who survived don’t have to worry. As long as there are holy soldiers, they can suppress and eliminate the influence of filth by themselves.” The

  sword servant was relieved after hearing this: “Thanks to the Holy Envoy and Young Master Yang for turning the tide, my sect has left a fire seed.”

  At this point, she showed some difficulty again: “Holy Envoy, our sect has suffered such a heavy blow, and there is filth in this world. When Liang Guo and his party leave, we are afraid…”

  Qiu Buhuan paused slightly, closed his eyes and sighed.

  Now that Qianren Bingtan has not been conquered by various countries, it is all because of the support of Yanliang and other countries that the situation can be stabilized.

  But as the sword servant said, once the people of Liang Kingdom leave, the situation will be out of control.

  ”Let’s go to the remaining elders to discuss the future of the sect.”

  Although there are still ruins and messes in the front hall, a little cleaning will not hinder everyone’s rest.

  After helping Qianren Bingtan survive the danger, Yang Shifei and his party quickly returned to the VIP bedroom-


  After a while, Yang Shifei washed and changed his clothes and walked out of the bathroom, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  After a series of running around and tossing around in the three-layer secret cave for a long time, it is really much more comfortable to wash it well now.

  He turned his head casually and saw Tan Xiang and Yue Rui sitting around the table, looking at the holy weapon on the table with great interest.

  ”This sword is actually glowing!”

  Yue Rui lay on the table, with her freshly washed wet long hair scattered, and from time to time she carefully poked the sword with her fingertips, and quickly retracted her hand as if she was afraid of being scratched, with amazement on her face.

  Tan Xiang combed her long hair in front of her chest, and her eyes could not hide the admiration.

  Even though she had no interest in swords, this sword was indeed exquisite in appearance and very beautiful.

  ”This sword is not only beautiful, but also has extraordinary abilities.” Yang Shifei came over with a smile: “It can easily destroy those out-of-control demons, which is actually a great tonic for you.”

  ”The effect is really good.”

  Tan Xiang nodded slightly: “Yue Rui and I both feel comfortable all over, and the pressure brought by filth is much reduced.”

  She frowned slightly again: “However, this small sword can really affect hundreds of miles away?”

  ”There are many examples to prove it, it’s true.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “But this sword is slightly different, maybe it will be more extraordinary than other holy weapons.”


  The long sword trembled slightly, as if responding to the praise, but it scared Yue Rui so much that she jumped away with a meow and hid behind Yang Shifei.

  Tan Xiang was shocked when she saw this: “This sword. Can it move by itself?”

  ”Yes, the holy weapon is spiritual and can sense the master’s thoughts. It’s quite smart.”

  Yang Shifei smiled mysteriously and tried to reach out: “Come here.”

  The holy weapon suddenly rose up and fell into his hand with a whoosh.

  ”Oh!” Yue Rui’s eyes lit up again: “So powerful!”

  Tan Xiang couldn’t help but admire: “It is worthy of the name of the Taiwu Holy Weapon. It is indeed an incredible weapon.”

  No wonder so many warriors and forces in this world are fighting for this weapon. If they can have the help of this holy weapon, they will indeed have the foundation to stand at the top of the world.

  ”Sir, what is the name of this sword?”


  Yang Shifei was letting Yue Rui touch the sword back and forth, and was stunned when he heard it: “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

  The situation was urgent at the time, and he didn’t have the leisure to think about these things.

  ”Since the holy weapon has a spirit, it is better to give it a name.” Tan Xiang said softly: “Sir, you might as well think about it.”


  Yang Shifei thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea came to his mind: “Why not call her Shuili?”

  Tan Xiang’s eyes moved slightly, with a metaphor of water, fire, yin and yang, and also described this sword as exquisite as jade?


  The long sword trembled again, and the green light flowed.

  Yang Shifei could feel the joy of the sword spirit even more. The hilt of the sword was warm, as if holding a soft little hand.

  While the three were studying the holy weapon, two people soon walked back to the outside of the palace.

  ”——Your holy soldiers are quite lively.”

  Yan Lingshuang walked over with her arms folded, revealing her seductive red lips under her veil, and smiled faintly: “Compared to the holy soldiers in our country’s warehouse, they are indeed much more energetic.”

  Luo Xian’er looked calm: “The holy soldiers of Yan State were forged more than a hundred years ago, so it is naturally difficult to compare.”

  Yang Shifei put down the holy soldiers, stood up and smiled: “Have you two finished chatting?”

  ”Just a casual chat.” Luo Xian’er said lightly: “The people of Yan State are about to return to their country, and they are prepared to deal with filth.”

  ”That’s right.”

  Yan Lingshuang’s tone was a little more serious: “Witnessing this horrific situation with my own eyes, I have to be cautious.”

  Although she was knowledgeable and more or less aware of the existence of filth. But today’s scene, I am afraid I will never forget it for ten years.

  Realizing that filth has spread and grown in various countries, she, as the emperor of Yan State, naturally has to deal with it as soon as possible.

  ”It’s better to go back earlier.”

  Yang Shifei nodded in understanding: “I hope Emperor Yan can still remember our cooperation.”

  ”I will think about it carefully.” Yan Lingshuang smiled and said: “If there is a chance, I will come to see you again. After all, you…”

  She glanced at Luo Xian’er: “You are still Xian’er’s fiancé.”

  Yang Shifei nodded seriously: “I will welcome Emperor Yan to visit.”

  Yan Lingshuang turned her eyes back and couldn’t help but admire secretly.

  She learned a lot about Luo Xian’er’s deeds from her, and then she knew the magic of this man in front of her.

  Such a young genius can marry Xian’er, she really can’t find much fault, and she is quite satisfied.

  ”I won’t stay for long.”

  Yan Lingshuang chuckled: “Take care of yourselves.”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “I’ll see you off.”

  The two quickly walked out of the bedroom and stepped into the corridor of the front hall, which was still in a mess.

  Yang Shifei looked outside the hall and saw that many sects were already packing up and preparing to set off for the return trip.

  For many people who came for the Holy Soldiers, since the Taiwu Holy Soldiers had fallen into the hands of others, there was naturally no reason to stay.

  ”Those in Shu who have ulterior motives will all go back without exception.”

  Yan Lingshuang said calmly: “This incident came too suddenly. They may have been frightened and want to rush back to the capital as soon as possible to report the matter to their superiors.”

  Yang Shifei looked calm: “If the spread of filth is true, all countries in the world will have to face this disaster sooner or later.”


  Yan Lingshuang sighed with emotion: “I never thought that such a thing would happen in this world.”

  She glanced again: “Now that you have obtained the Holy Soldiers, you must protect Xian’er well and not let her get into trouble again.”

  ”Don’t worry.” Yang Shifei said meaningfully: “When Emperor Yan visits Liang next time, I would like to hear more about your past.”

  Yan Lingshuang was silent for a moment, nodded and said: “If you want to know, I will tell you next time we meet.”

  She smiled again: “As for you, the enemy saint was promoted to the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise after this incident, and he still has deep feelings for you. You must be careful and take it easy in the future.”

  ”Ahem!” Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly: “Emperor Yan, please

  don’t blame me.” Yan Lingshuang waved her hand: “It’s normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. I won’t blame you for your private affairs.”

  She came closer, and her smile under the veil was a little cold: “But don’t let me find out that you have neglected and abandoned Xian’er.”

  ”I won’t do that.”

  Seeing his serious expression, Yan Lingshuang smiled again: “I hope you can make some achievements in Liang State in the future. I am looking forward to your performance.”

  The two sides did not communicate more. Yang Shifei just sent her to the door of the front hall and watched her step into a carriage and slowly drive out of the forest road with the people of Yan State.


  He thought to himself for a moment and was about to leave when a voice sounded from behind.


  Qiu Buhuan walked alone from the dark corridor, wearing a plain white skirt swaying with her steps, and her waist and hips swaying gracefully. Her long hair was tied up, adding a different kind of young woman’s charm.

  Yang Shifei chuckled: “Have you finished your work?”

  But he soon discovered that there was a trace of sadness between the young woman’s eyebrows, and her beautiful eyes were full of anxiety and hesitation.

  ”I have discussed it in detail with several elders for a while, and there is one thing I want to ask you again.”

  ”It’s okay, go ahead.”

  Seeing that she was very hesitant, Yang Shifei smiled gently: “Why were you and I polite before? Even if it’s a troublesome matter, I will do my best to help you overcome the difficulties.”

  Qiu Buhuan murmured with red lips, lowered his eyes and sighed: “I wonder if you can take our entire Qianren Bingtan under your command?”

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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