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107. Chapter 107: The Killing Demon Yang

107. Chapter 107: The Killing Demon Yang


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 107: The Killing Demon Yang

  The stars and the moon have not yet dispersed, and the night fog is still hazy in the mountains.

  Yang Shifei just woke up, but found something pressed in his arms.

  He slightly lifted the corner of the quilt and looked into the quilt, and his expression was stunned.

  ——The Shuili Sword was placed diagonally on his body.

  Perhaps it was because he noticed the gaze, the long sword trembled slightly, and deliberately moved closer.

  Yang Shifei had a strange expression on his face, and reached out to touch the hilt of the sword. The green light of the Shuili flowed, revealing a sense of joy.

  ”Could it be that you got in by yourself last night?”

  Faced with the tentative question, the Shuili Sword trembled again.

  Yang Shifei vaguely understood that this sword really got into the quilt secretly.

  ”Your spirituality is more exaggerated than we thought.”

  Yang Shifei turned over and sat on the edge of the bed, holding the long sword and carefully looking at it: “Can you do anything else?” The

  Shuili Sword floated up, slowly got back into the quilt, and touched the pillow with the hilt of the sword.

  Yang Shifei laughed in silence: “Do you want to continue sleeping with me?”

  Shuilijian landed on the bed with a thud, and even moved aside to make room.

  The more Yang Shifei looked, the more surprised he was. Although the Saint Sword Spirit is not intelligent, but just the induction of qi between man and sword, this sword is

  really a bit spiritual.

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved, and he found that Tanxiang in the bed had gone somewhere.

  ”You stay here, I’ll go out for a while. Don’t wake them up.”

  Seeing that Shuilijian was obedient, he got up, put on his clothes, and walked out of the bedroom quickly.

  In the dense forest, only the faint moonlight was sprinkled.

  Tanxiang stood here quietly, with her eyes closed and speechless, like a moon-blooming cereus under the moon.

  Blurred black shadows flashed one after another in the night, stepping on the trees without leaving any traces or sounds, and not a single leaf fell.

  After a few breaths, Tanxiang turned around and opened her eyes again. Fourteen women in black robes were waiting in a line, all wearing veils, and their faces were difficult to distinguish.

  ”Everyone has been very tired recently.”

  ”It’s my job.” One of the black-robed girls whispered, “And the master’s order has not been completed yet.”

  ”No need to rush.”

  ​​Tan Xiang pointed at the three people and said, “You can go back to your country to spread the news first. As for the outside, what obstacles are there?”

  ”In addition to some scattered soldiers, there are several major forces entrenched outside Bingtan, and they are reluctant to leave.”

  ”We wanted to drive them away, but there are shadows of various countries behind them, so we wanted to report to my sister first and then make a decision.”

  Hearing this, Tan Xiang frowned and pondered.

  ”——So you are here?”

  The bushes rustled, and a figure walked in the forest.

  The black-robed women were on guard, but Tan Xiang quickly raised her hand to stop them.

  She showed a trace of surprise: “Why are you here?”

  Yang Shifei casually swept away the fallen leaves and smiled: “You suddenly disappeared, so I wanted to come out to look for you. These girls are…” ”

  They are spies of the Luo family.” Tan Xiang said softly: “They are all under the command of the young lady, and they are at our disposal.”

  ”Young master.” The fourteen women in black robes immediately put away their weapons and bowed their heads respectfully.

  Yang Shifei quickly bowed and smiled: “The girls have been running back and forth day and night, and it’s really hard.”

  The spies of the Luo family were a little flattered and hurriedly returned the greeting.

  Tan Xiang came over to help him straighten his collar: “We have some trivial matters to discuss now. It’s still early now, you go back and accompany the young lady.”

  ”I heard that you are in some difficulties just now.”

  Yang Shifei smiled gently: “I’m not sleepy now, so it’s a good opportunity for me to think of a solution with you.”

  Tan Xiang was stunned for a moment, and a hint of tenderness flashed in her cold eyes. “It’s not a big deal, but some ill-intentioned forces are still watching in secret, and they are somewhat coveting Qianren Bingtan.”

  Yang Shifei smiled cheerfully: “If it’s this matter, I can certainly help.”

  ”What the young master means is…”

  ”Since we have already revealed our identities, it would be too restrictive for the girls to act in secret.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at the girls: “Why don’t I come forward, and the girls just follow me to support the scene and drive away all the idlers.”

  In the mountains and forests, a large number of figures were sitting around.

  Hundreds of Jianghu men rarely slept, and they were all observing every move at the foot of Tianlu Mountain.

  Most of them already knew about the great changes in Bingtan.

  Some panicked people left together, but some people also received secret orders to investigate the intelligence of Bingtan, hoping to grasp its movements.

  Some even wanted to fish in troubled waters and find opportunities to sneak into Bingtan to steal some valuable items.

  Even though there was a shocking change of demons appearing in the world, the demons have been eliminated now, and the defense of Bingtan has been greatly damaged, so many people have some small ideas.

  If you can steal one or two magic weapons from it, you will have enough food and drink for the rest of your life, so it is worth a try.

  But at this time, two people appeared from the forest road.

  The people around frowned, but they didn’t care too much.

  But the leading man soon stopped, looked around and laughed loudly: “Since everyone woke up so early, why don’t you leave as soon as possible?”


After a moment of silence, a strong man not far away sneered: “Who are you? Do you want all of us here to leave?”

  But as soon as the sneer fell, many people hurriedly stood up and bowed respectfully: “Hero Yang, we will only stay here for a while-”

  ”Go back early, there is no point for you to stay.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “If you don’t want to leave, we can only rudely expel you.”

  ”But there was no such rule before.”

  ”This time the demon is born, the rules will naturally change.” Yang Shifei smiled slightly: “Please go back.”

  ”This…” These people looked at each other and had to bow and retreat.

  Seeing that they slipped away so easily, many Jianghu people who had originally sneered at them were stunned.

  What is this person’s identity that can make them so afraid and reverent?

  - Wait, hero Yang?

  As their minds turned quickly, the hundreds of people in the forest trembled in their hearts.

  Although they had not seen it with their own eyes, they had just heard of the name not long ago!

  ”You, you are the first disciple of Luoyue Pavilion who won the Holy Weapon. Yang Shifei!?”

  The sturdy man who had just shouted at him stood up with sweat on his forehead: “What are you going to do?”

  ”I’m here to see you off.” Yang Shifei spread his hands and gestured to the distance: “If you are not ready to leave, I will have to use some rough means.”


  All parties were speechless and didn’t know whether to leave or stay.

  Seeing this, Yang Shifei clapped his hands, and more than a dozen figures appeared in an instant, with daggers quietly against the necks of many warriors.

  In an instant, there was an uproar in the mountains and forests.

  ”Warning once.” Yang Shifei’s face gradually turned cold: “If you don’t leave, what will be left is the heads of all of you.”

  With a snap of his fingers, more than a dozen spies immediately withdrew and fled back to the forest to hide and disappear.

  This scene made many people terrified.

  This Yang Shifei not only has the support of three celestial beings and black tortoises, but also has countless ghosts and ambushes behind him.

  I heard that this man was extremely ruthless and killed countless people in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond. He was even more terrifying than the demons. If a conflict broke out here, I’m afraid he would be killed.

  ”Goodbye, goodbye!”

  Someone was the first to panic and turned around and ran away.

  After this voice fell, the stalemate collapsed instantly like a landslide, and people packed their luggage and fled together.

  Not long after, the two sides of the forest road, which were originally crowded with people, became deserted.


  Yang Shifei nodded with satisfaction, turned around and teased Tan Xiang, “Sometimes having a bad reputation is quite useful.”

  The maid smiled faintly, “Very impressive.”

  ”It’s just borrowing the remaining power of the gods.” Yang Shifei laughed and said, “I have to trouble the girls to continue patrolling, so that there will be no one who is still determined to sneak in from the dark.”

  ”Please rest assured, young master.” Fourteen spy girls jumped from the trees one after another, and said respectfully, “We will search carefully.”

  There was a little curiosity in their eyes, and they had different thoughts.

  I heard that this young master was just practicing martial arts, but now it seems that he is also very quick-witted.

  Moreover, this face is indeed very handsome and he speaks nicely, no wonder Sister Tanxiang is also good at it.

  ”By the way, I need your help with something.”

  ”Sir, please speak.”

  Yang Shifei took out the list he had prepared last night and handed it to one of the spies: “Just help me prepare these.”

  Tanxiang was a little puzzled and whispered: “Sir, you want to…”

  ”Although Qianren Bingtan is willing to surrender, Sister Qiu is also working hard, but there must be a lot of resistance.”

  Yang Shifei smiled meaningfully: “I not only want to accept the people and resources of this sect, but also the hearts of the people in this sect.”

   The first update

  (end of this chapter)



Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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