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111. Chapter 111 My Brother-in-law Smells So Good

111. Chapter 111 My Brother-in-law Smells So Good


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 111 My brother-in-law smells so good

  There was a commotion in front of the Luo Mansion, and it took a while to calm down.

  Yang Shifei temporarily placed the dozing Yue Rui in the Luo Mansion, and took the luggage back to his home.

  ”——Brother Liang is a little too enthusiastic.”

  He put the luggage in the bedroom, turned around and looked at Liang Xin who had followed him all the way, and teased: “I’ve only been away for a month, and you miss me so much?”

  ”It was just that I slipped and fell on you accidentally.”

  Liang Xin leaned against the door with his arms around him, his pretty face full of embarrassment.

  She didn’t know why, but she rushed over when her head was hot.

  When she reacted, her brother-in-law had buried his face in her chest. Opposite her happened to be the bewildered imperial sister.

  Thinking back, she couldn’t help but cover her face.

  I just hope that my sister won’t think too much. I’m not thinking about stealing my brother-in-law for now.

  ”The position of the fall is quite accurate.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “Brother Liang has been practicing martial arts very hard recently, and his chest has become a little bulging.”

  Liang Xin: “.”

  She felt her ears were a little hot, and she snorted with disgust: “You are still blaming me, but it is obviously Brother Yang who is more disgusting. He even hugged me and walked around in the street twice.”

  ”Seeing that you are so excited, I naturally have to celebrate with you.”

  Yang Shifei looked around with interest: “After being away for so many days, my house looks quite tidy.”

  ”I was free at home, so I helped you sweep the house.”

  Liang Xin touched his hot ears, his eyes wandering: “After all, I can’t eat and drink for free when I live in your house. I should do these little things.”

  Hearing this, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but sigh: “Thanks to you, this place finally has a bit of home flavor.”


  Liang Xin lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed in her heart.

  I just helped clean up, why is it said so strangely.

  ”Well, I’m very curious, what did you experience in Qianren Bingtan?”

  Liang Xin hurriedly changed the subject.

  She soon couldn’t hold back her curiosity and asked, “I heard all kinds of rumors, and they all mentioned the title of Yang Daxia. Did you shine there?”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “What do you think you gained from this trip?”

  ”Seeing you are so excited, you must have gained a lot!”

  Liang Xin thought for a moment, and clapped her hands with a smile, “I guess, it must be you who confronted masters from various countries head-on, showed your skills, and showed your majesty in the eyes of heroes from various countries, and finally successfully won the Taiwu Saint Soldier, making Luoyue Pavilion famous all over the world!”

  ”Probably. I guess so.”

  Yang Shifei walked out of the bedroom and stretched leisurely.

  Liang Xin seemed to have thought of something funny, and burst out laughing: “When the news of your seizure of the Holy Weapon spread back to East City, it was said that the wild laughter of Prince Dingjiang could be heard more than ten feet outside the palace gate. The voice was like that of a madman, and it scared many people.”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  Prince Dingjiang, the painting style is really about to collapse.

  But on second thought, this prince cares about the people of Liang State, and the Holy Weapon is indeed extremely important to the people of Liang State, so it is no wonder that he is so excited.


  Yue Rui came back with a sleepy face at this time: “The bed is so hard over there, bad woman, I want to go back to sleep.”

  ”Go to my room.”

  Yang Shifei rubbed her head: “Remember to change your clothes first, and wash this one on.”


  Yue Rui paused slightly, looking at Liang Xin who was smiling kindly beside her, and couldn’t help but tilt her head: “Sister?”

  Liang Xin almost choked and laughed dryly: “Just call me little brother.”

  ”Oh sister”

  ”.Little sister, I wonder what you experienced in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond?”

  Liang Xin smiled and said, “What wonderful harvest?”

  Yue Rui shook her head, “Brother moved the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond here, and there is nothing else.”

  Liang Xin: “.Huh?”

  She was stunned and stared at Yue Rui as she left.

  In the lobby of the front yard.

  Liang Xin slammed his hands on the table, with a look of shock on his face: “You, you actually brought the entire Thousand Blade Weapon Pond to our Liang Kingdom!?”

  ”Not all of it.”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly, “The Tianlu Mountain is the foundation for hundreds of years, and the mechanism is even more sophisticated. It’s a pity that we can’t move the whole mountain back, so we can only dig as many useful things as possible.”

  Liang Xin was speechless and sat back with a dull face.

  To her, the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond was a mysterious sect in the storybook, a sacred place for divine weapons that countless warriors yearned for.

  But now, the entire sect has been moved back by Brother Yang, this

  ”Brother Yang, how did you do it!”

  Liang Xin gradually showed ecstasy.

  ”Okay, I’ll explain it clearly, don’t be so excited.”

  Yang Shifei quickly held her body close, and told her the experience roughly. Of course, he didn’t go into detail about what happened in the triple secret cave.

  But Liang Xin was also shocked by this experience: “So many things happened that even the leader of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond…

  Wait, you said that the leader turned into an ugly and terrifying monster?”

  ”That’s right.” Yang Shifei nodded and explained his new understanding of filth again.

  Liang Xin frowned when he heard this: “This filth is really terrible. Even that old senior is not immune, no wonder the capital city.”

  ”That’s why we must seize the Holy Weapon in order to resolve the dilemma.”

  ”Oh yes, speaking of the Holy Weapon,”

  Liang Xin asked curiously: “Where are the Holy Weapons you seized now? Can you let me take a look?”

  ”Brother Liang, has he never seen a Holy Weapon?”

  ”Of course not. The Holy Weapons in the imperial palace of the capital city are said to be hidden in the deepest part of my father’s bedroom. I am not qualified to see one.”

  Liang Xin hesitated: “Is there any taboo about this Taiwu Holy Weapon that cannot be easily seen by outsiders?”

  Thinking of this possibility, she waved her hand hurriedly: “If so, I won’t look at it. Such precious things are really not easy to mess with.”

  ”Don’t worry, there are not so many rules.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and pointed behind him casually: “Didn’t you notice that there is something extra behind me?”

  Seeing the exquisite hilt exposed behind him, Liang Xin exclaimed: “This sword is not the weapon you carry with you. Wait, is this the Holy Weapon?!”

  She suddenly reacted, her eyes widened.

  The next moment, the Shuili Sword came out of its sheath as desired, and with a ray of green light it fell into Yang Shifei’s hands, and the sword rang softly.

  Liang Xin covered his mouth and exclaimed.

  When the holy weapon was unsheathed, the beauty and elegance of this sword were finally revealed. Rather than being a weapon, it was more like a flawless jade artifact made by a magic axe.

  Compared with this sword, I’m afraid all the swords in the world would be eclipsed.

  When the two were reminiscing about the past in the courtyard, the courtyard door was suddenly knocked on urgently.

  Yang Shifei thought that someone from the palace would come, so he quickly went to open the door, but was dumbfounded to find that it was Prince Dingjiang himself standing outside the door, followed by a group of people, all of whom looked solemn and solemn.

  ”Your Highness, what are you doing…”

  ”Brother Yang, you did a good job!”

  Prince Dingjiang stepped forward with a face full of ecstasy, tightly grasped his right hand, and shook it up and down with great excitement: “Because of you, Liang State has just had a glimmer of hope in the troubled times!”

   Today’s three updates are over~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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