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112. Chapter 112 The Queen’s Freeloader

112. Chapter 112 The Queen’s Freeloader


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 112 The Queen’s Freeloader

  In the lobby——

  ”Your Highness came suddenly and was not prepared.”

  Yang Shifei led everyone in the palace to take a seat, served tea and said with a smile: “We can only use tea instead of wine.”

  ”It was because I came too hastily today!”

  King Dingjiang smiled brightly: “I should have prepared a banquet to invite Brother Yang to come, and let everyone in our palace toast you!”

  He smiled and picked up the teacup, and several people in the back also raised their glasses solemnly, and drank it all in one gulp.

  This scene made Liang Xin

  , who was standing aside, couldn’t help laughing. The usually serious King Dingjiang turned out to be so excited and out of control.

  But thinking that all this was because of his brother-in-law, Liang Xin couldn’t help but feel a little proud.

  ”Your Highness is too polite.” Yang Shifei smiled and spread his hands: “Please sit down first, it’s a good opportunity to chat about your recent situation.”

  ”Yes, yes, yes!”

  King Dingjiang quickly gestured to the back and told everyone to sit down as soon as possible.

  He leaned on the armrest of the chair, his face full of excitement: “Brother Yang, I learned from the letter everything you did in Qianren Bingtan. Not only did you strengthen the prestige of our Liang Kingdom, but you even won over the entire Bingtan. It is really a great contribution!”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “Now that Qianren Bingtan has lost the Tianlu Mountain Fire, it is very likely that it will no longer be able to forge holy weapons. Don’t force this matter–” ”

  This king knows.” King Dingjiang smiled and waved his hand: “But Brother Yang still underestimated the value of this sect. Even without holy weapons, their forging skills are still the best in the world among the ten countries on the continent!” The

  old housekeeper beside him echoed and praised: “Warriors all over the world are proud to hold weapons from Bingtan. Even many weapons of the Nine Sects are made by Bingtan, which shows how superb their skills are.”


  Liang Xin also looked very excited: “Those magical weapons were rare treasures in the past. I don’t know how much money it would cost to buy one.

  Every sword is famous. Half of the weapons on the list of martial arts are from Qianren Bingtan!”

  ”This king also knows that Bingtan has suffered a great loss of personnel, and the smelting speed will be much slower than before.”

  King Dingjiang said with emotion: “But in the past, hundreds of forces from ten countries competed for weapons, and now only Liang State is working for us, which can be said to be a blessing from heaven.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that the importance of Qianren Bingtan is indeed not low.

  ”However, I have explained to the prince in the letter…”

  ”Please rest assured, this king will naturally not force them.” King Dingjiang laughed dumbly: “Besides, this sect has a close relationship with you, how can we overstep our authority.”

  Yang Shifei coughed lightly: “The current leader of Bingtan is Qiu Buhuan.”

  ”This king understands.” King Dingjiang cast a meaningful look.

  Liang Xin looked back and forth at the two of them, his face subtle.

  Could it be that Miss Jasmine was right, and that my brother-in-law really hooked up with the leader of Bingtan after accepting Qianren Bingtan?

  ”The matters related to Qianren Bingtan will be discussed by Brother Yang and Sect Master Qiu in person. During this period, I will meet all your needs.”

  King Dingjiang said with a smile: “If Sect Master Qiu agrees, Bingtan will be incorporated into Luoyue Pavilion, which will be even better.”

  Yang Shifei laughed: “Thank you for your good words, Your Majesty.”

  He untied his sword belt and took off the long sword with a sheath behind him: “And the matter of the holy weapon, how do you plan to arrange it?”

  King Dingjiang’s smile faded a little, and his eyes looked at the Shuili Sword solemnly:

  ”Can I see what this sword looks like?”

  Yang Shifei drew his sword out of the sheath, and the sword’s green light flashed across the lobby courtyard.

  For a moment, everyone in the palace couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed, and their hearts were shocked.

  Such a peerless divine weapon, they also saw it for the first time in their lives.

  No wonder

  people say that whoever can hold the Taiwu Holy Weapon will be able to stand at the top of the world. Now seeing the mystery of this holy weapon, it is simply the same as the means of immortals!

  ”Really. Incredible!”

  King Dingjiang couldn’t help but exclaimed.

  With this holy weapon, you can dispel filth and suppress the dragon vein.

  Whether you want to stand on the top of the world or sit firmly on the Jiangshan Dynasty, King

  Dingjiang clenched his hands, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Yang Shifei said with interest: “What do you think, Your Majesty?”

  ”This sword is a great weapon to save the country, but it is also a demon that bewitches people’s hearts.”

  King Dingjiang exhaled and sighed: “Only after seeing the power of this sword, I am completely sure that it is best for the holy weapon to be handed over to Master Yang in person.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “This sword has recognized me as its master, and it is indeed not good for others to hold it.”

  King Dingjiang laughed dumbly, it turned out that Master Yang was also testing him.

  But he was more down-to-earth and quickly stretched out his hand to the side.

  ”Brother Yang, now the people around the capital are migrating in an orderly manner.”

  The old housekeeper quickly took out the map and spread it out in front of everyone.

  Yang Shifei looked carefully and found that all the towns within a hundred miles around the capital had been successfully relocated.

  ”Your Highness, I have told you in the letter the approximate range of the Holy Soldiers’ protection. Some areas of Liang State may still be outside the range.”

  ”It’s being expedited.” Prince Dingjiang nodded and said, “Moreover, the Yunshang Sect has been persuaded and is relocating the Holy Soldiers to guard the sect. By then, more towns will be covered.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Has the Yunshang Sect agreed?”

  Prince Dingjiang turned his eyes to the side and chuckled: “Apart from the lobbyists under my command, it was thanks to the help of the Ninth Prince that the Yunshang Sect was convinced.”

  Yang Shifei was quite surprised. Liang Xin pretended to be calm and coughed lightly: “Now that we are in danger, I, as a prince, should do something. So I went to the Yunshang Sect with your people and talked for a day or two.”

  ”Brother Liang, you did a good job.”

  Yang Shifei gave him a thumbs up: “You saved many people!”

  Liang Xin held her knees together, a trace of embarrassment on her face: “It’s just my job.”

  Yang Shifei thought and asked again: “However, what is the situation in the capital now?”


  Liang Xin’s eyelids drooped slightly, and she held the teacup a little tighter.

  Prince Dingjiang glanced at her and said in a deep voice: “In this period of time, there has been no movement in the capital, and no madmen have flocked out. But other than that, all news from inside the capital has been cut off, and no one has come out.”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “Did Emperor Liang and others react to the people’s migration?”

  ”Yes.” Prince Dingjiang said solemnly: “The capital has become extremely quiet. According to the spy, he looked at the capital from a high mountain thirty miles away, and the capital is now like a lifeless dead city.”

  Yang Shifei’s expression gradually darkened, and he felt strange.

  This situation was completely different from what he saw in East City and Qianren Bingtan.

  ”Your Highness, what are you going to do?”

  ”Now we have two holy weapons, which can ensure the stability of the rear.”

  King Dingjiang looked solemn: “After all parties have made a smooth transition, this king intends to station troops on both wings of the capital.”

  He drew a range on the map: “The holy soldiers of Yunshang Sect will move towards this place, and the capital will be included in the influence of the holy soldiers. After the holy soldiers disperse for 30 days, we will launch a test on the capital. If there are no other variables, we can attack it.”

  Yang Shifei thought for a moment and quickly nodded in agreement.

  Although it was a bit procrastinated, this was the most reliable solution.

  The two sides did not talk much. After a brief greeting, King Dingjiang stood up and bowed:

  ”This king has to meet with General Zhennan tonight, so it’s not good to stay.”

  He showed a refreshing smile on his face: “You have been traveling for a long time, so you should have a good rest these days. If there are other arrangements, this king will send someone to notify you immediately.

  When the domestic demons are cleared in the future, we will set up a banquet and invite Brother Yang.”

  ”Your Highness, you have worked hard.” Yang Shifei bowed in return.

  When Prince Dingjiang led his men away, he looked at Liang Xin meaningfully.

  Yang Shifei saw him off to the door and watched the carriage go farther and farther away.

  Liang Xin stood beside him and murmured with emotion:

  ”Brother Yang is now a hero of Liang State.”

  ”No need to praise me like that.”

  Yang Shifei glanced at him with a smile: “Has Prince Dingjiang talked to you about ascending the throne?”

  Liang Xin pursed her lips and was silent for a moment: “Yes, but now I think I am not capable enough and I am not ashamed to take the throne.”

  ”I believe you.” Yang Shifei patted her shoulder and smiled gently: “No one is born to be an emperor. Everything must be studied carefully before it can be accomplished. If there are any difficulties and obstacles, I will be by your side.”

  Liang Xin blushed slightly when she heard this, and her heartbeat accelerated.

  ”What are you talking about? You are not the prime minister.”

  Perhaps feeling that her reaction was too awkward, Liang Xin blushed and hurriedly pushed him to the bathroom:

  ”You have been traveling all the way home, and you smell. Go take a shower. I’ll go to the kitchen to make you some snacks to fill your stomach.”

  Yang Shifei had not taken two steps when he was stunned when he heard this: “When did you learn to cook?”

  Liang Xin pretended to be calm and said: “I know a little.”


  ”Oh! Don’t ask so many questions, just take a shower first, I’ll boil hot water for you right away.”

  After a while, Yang Shifei finished taking a shower and changing clothes and walked into the backyard, just in time to see Liang Xin walking by with a bowl of hot rice.

  ”Come and sit down quickly.”

  ”Have you really learned some skills?”

  Looking at the two plates of exquisite side dishes on the table, Yang Shifei was slightly surprised: “They are cooked quite well.”

  Liang Xin untied her tied hair and curled her lips slightly: “Of course, I learn things quickly.”

  After the two of them sat down, Yang Shifei tasted two bites and quickly exclaimed: “It tastes good.”

  Although it was only home-cooked, it was amazing that a prince had such skills.


  Liang Xin smiled with some joy, her eyes moving, and with her shoulder-length hair, she even looked more pure and pretty.

  Yang Shifei teased, “If you want to open a restaurant in the future, I will definitely support you.”

  ”I won’t compete with my sister for business.”

  Liang Xin put some dishes in his bowl and said with a smile, “If it suits your taste, then eat more.”

  Seeing that he was eating with relish, she couldn’t help but hold her chin and look at him tenderly, and said mischievously, “If I can ascend the throne and become the emperor in the future, does this count as… having tasted the emperor’s cooking skills?”

  Yang Shifei teased, “It’s a pity that it’s not the queen’s soft rice, that might be more delicious.”

  Liang Xin trembled slightly, and couldn’t help but kick it lightly with her embroidered shoes under the table, blushing and annoyed, “How can such a good thing happen in the world!”

  Seeing that Yang Shifei continued to eat with a smile, she snorted twice in annoyance.

  But after a few sneak glances, her expression softened unconsciously.

  Brother-in-law… seems to really want to eat some of the queen’s soft rice.

  If I can really become the emperor in the future, it’s not impossible. Take care of my brother-in-law more.

  Liang Xin casually touched her hair on her shoulders, her face became redder, and her mind flew away.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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