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113. Chapter 113 Cats Know Everything

113. Chapter 113 Cats Know Everything


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 113 Cats Know Everything

  In the early morning, the morning light was faint.

  Yang Shifei sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and breathed for a long time.

  On the way back to China, he spent a lot of time studying the inner strength of the mind, and had some wonderful ideas.

  The dual cultivation method given to him by the old lady of Cangyang Sect uses the yin and yang aura as fuel, and after blending, it feeds back to both sides, improving physical fitness and enhancing internal strength.

  This kind of practice can be called “magic skill” in the martial arts world.

  This kind of external force that is forcibly injected back into the body will be too weak for ordinary warriors to be replenished, and they cannot be practiced too many times in a short period of time.

  But he had an idea, and he thought of combining the two qi-nourishing methods of rejuvenation and consolidation and stepping on the mountain with it to create an internal skill of his own.

  By breathing and regulating the breath to nourish the vital energy, using the holy weapon to push the cold air in the body, and then using the dual cultivation magic skill to move it, it flows to all parts of the tendons and veins-


  Yang Shifei exhaled lightly, opened his eyes, shook his hands, and nodded secretly.

  Although this mental method still has many shortcomings, it does have some effect.

  After practicing for a night, the coldness in the body has increased, and one can feel the fullness of one’s own energy and feel refreshed.

  It is equivalent to taking all the benefits of dual cultivation magic skills, and also feeding back to oneself through two health-preserving internal skills, leaving no hidden dangers.

  The disadvantage is that the coldness flows too slowly. The improvement after practicing for a whole night is far less than a sip with the young lady and others. For the time being, it can only be used as a supplement

  Yang Shifei stretched his muscles and bones, thinking that he would improve more in the future.

  If there is a chance, maybe he can ask Qiu Buhuan and others for advice.


  There was a hint of coldness on his back, and he turned around to find that the water glass sword was attached to his back.

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved slightly, and he chuckled: “The coldness is difficult to flow, this is my own problem. Besides, it is because of you that my cultivation can be improved.” The

  water glass sword trembled slightly, and the hilt of the sword was rubbed against the neck, as if to comfort.

  Seeing that it was full of spirituality, Yang Shifei couldn’t help laughing.

  It’s quite well-behaved and cute.

  ”If the sword spirit is interested,”

  Yang Shifei placed the Shuili sword flat between his knees and said with interest, “If you are a girl, shake once. If not, shake twice. Do you want to try?”

  The Shuili sword trembled slightly, and warmth appeared on the hilt.

  Yang Shifei was surprised. Can you really

  tell the difference between a boy and a girl? “So, I was right to name you ‘Shuili’.”

  The Shuili sword floated up leisurely, stuck to his arms, and rubbed back and forth twice.

  Yang Shifei was a little happy. This sword is really a bit clingy and likes to act coquettish.

  ”Brother~ Hug~”

  A soft and low moan came from behind.

  Yue Rui came out of the quilt with sleepy eyes, rested her little head on her thighs, and gently hugged her waist with both hands.

  ”Little girl, you are not honest even when you sleep.” Yang Shifei put the Shuili sword aside and pinched her face: “I’m going to practice, do you want to accompany me?”

  Yue Rui pouted and slowly released her hands.

  But she rubbed her face against her legs with special attachment, and said: “Then brother will suck it again~”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Now that you have the help of the Holy Soldier, hasn’t the filth in your body been quelled?”

  ”No.” Yue Rui snorted: “The Holy Soldier is useless. Brother’s kiss is effective.”

  Shui Li: “?”

  The Holy Soldier jumped beside him, as if to refute.

  Yang Shifei laughed dumbly, and simply hugged the soft cat girl into his arms, hooking her little nose: “It seems that the more you learn, the worse it is. Now you are a bad cat who loves to seduce brother.”

  ”Obviously it was brother who was bad.”

  Yue Rui’s eyes were dim: “I saw it all. Brother was sucking a bad woman in the mountains at that time.”

  As she spoke, her little face gradually swelled: “And she touched that fat spider in the bathroom again, and made her lie on her stomach and lift her waist, and used the big fasting to bump brother so hard that it was swollen.”


  Yang Shifei was ashamed when he heard it. When did this girl sneak a peek?

  He said awkwardly, “How do you make it up?”

  Yue Rui suddenly came close and kissed him twice.

  The kiss of the soft lips like pudding made Yang Shifei stunned and his heart beat fast.

  He stared at the girl in his arms, and saw that her immature face was flushed with pink, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, which actually rippled with a hint of seductive tenderness.

  Yue Rui gently pulled his collar, raised her eyes, and murmured as if she was acting coquettishly, “Continue.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart was slightly warmed, and he touched her face with a little doting.

  Yue Rui rubbed his hand obediently, and then quietly hooked her neck, blushing and approaching again.

  The two hugged each other in silence, and their breath blended.

  Yue Rui’s eyes gradually became wet, and her little cat waist twisted unconsciously.

  The girl’s soft cat tail appeared behind her at some point, and it trembled from time to time, and then softly wrapped around Yang Shifei’s arm and rubbed back and forth.

  ”Brother, lie down”

  she murmured vaguely, intermittently between her lips.

  Yang Shifei held the girl’s slender waist lovingly and lay back on the bed.

  Shui Lijian beside him trembled and quietly got into the bed with her.

  After a long time, the noise in the bedroom gradually stopped.

  Yang Shifei just realized that the girl had fallen asleep while kissing her. Her face was flushed and she was slightly breathing hot air, which was quite strange and charming.

  ”This girl still loves to sleep in.”

  Yang Shifei didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  He was about to loosen his arms, but found that her legs were too tightly clamped.

  finally managed to get away, let the little girl lie down obediently, and covered her with a quilt.

  He turned over and got out of bed to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and confirmed that she was sleeping soundly, then he left the bedroom quietly.

  At this time, Yue Rui, who had fallen asleep, quietly opened her eyes.


  Mao Mao curled up with a red face, touched her soft lips, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

  In the lobby.

  Yang Shifei had just come here after washing up, and happened to see Tan Xiang putting breakfast on the table.

  ”You’re here really early.”

  ”Since we’re back in East City, everything will be as usual.” Tan Xiang looked calm, with a cold glance: “Are you used to the rest you had last night?”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Of course I slept well at home.”

  ”That’s good.”

  ”Would you like to sit down and eat together?”

  ”I’ve already eaten.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei sitting down to eat, Tan Xiang said calmly: “Many people from all over the countries have already known that the old leader of Bingtan has transformed into a terrifying demon and fought against hundreds of warriors from various countries.”

  ”It’s only a matter of time before the news spreads.”

  Yang Shifei drank a mouthful of porridge and asked curiously: “What are the movements of various countries?”

  ”The number of crazy people in various countries is gradually increasing, and panic is spreading rapidly. The courts of various countries can no longer suppress these things.”

  Tan Xiang’s expression gradually condensed: “Yan State has secretly moved the people’s residences to be closer to the range of the Holy Soldiers. Other countries have not taken any action yet, but it is expected that they will sooner or later discover the importance of the Holy Soldiers.”

  ”This matter cannot be concealed.”

  Yang Shifei took a bite of the bun: “If there is a chance, it is a good idea to form an alliance with Yan State as soon as possible.”

  Tan Xiang nodded and said: “Prince Dingjiang has sent an envoy to Yan State for negotiation. I believe there will be results soon.”

  Yang Shifei felt relieved.

  This prince is decisive, so there is no need to worry too much about these things.

  ”By the way, I heard that the Luo family is helping to relocate the people. Did they encounter any trouble?”

  Hearing his sudden question, Tan Xiang’s beautiful eyes moved slightly: “The Luo family is safe and sound, there is no need to worry. Instead, the old patriarch sent a message, asking us to find time to bring the son-in-law home and let her take a closer look. If he is good, you and the young lady will get married earlier.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  Is he going back to meet his parents?

  ”However, there is no need to be nervous for the time being.” Tan Xiang quickly added: “The Luo family is not pushing too hard, not to mention that the crisis in Liang State has not been resolved, so the overall situation is more important.”

  Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly: “It’s not that I’m nervous, but just a little embarrassed.”

  Tan Xiang glanced at him and said: “Is it because you are playing many games and are embarrassed to meet the old patriarch?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  This matter really cannot be refuted.

  Tan Xiang sighed helplessly, with a slightly contemptuous look in his eyes: “Young master, don’t you want to refute something?”

  ”Well, you have to be honest.”

  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed by being looked at, “How did you sleep last night?”

  ”Not bad.” Tan Xiang said coldly: “Now that the holy soldiers are by your side, the number of times you need to absorb filth in the future can be reduced.”

  Yang Shifei nodded in understanding.

  Tan Xiang glanced at him again: “Is it a pity?”

  Yang Shifei coughed twice with a serious face: “I hope you can be safe and sound, I won’t make trouble just to take advantage.”


  Tan Xiang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and glanced at him faintly.

  She said it so seriously, but it was the last night in Qianren Bingtan, and he clearly asked her to do such an indecent thing.

  Suddenly, Tan Xiang frowned, trembled, and staggered two steps.

  Yang Shifei was shocked and hurriedly supported her: “What’s wrong?!”

  ”The breath in my body suddenly became a little chaotic.”

  Tan Xiang hesitated and said: “It seems that my cultivation is about to break through.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned when he heard it: “Is it the alien aspect?” Tan

  Xiang’s pretty face flushed strangely, and she bit her lips in shame and pushed him back to sit in the chair.

  The maid’s cold eyes gradually softened, and she carefully sat in his arms, leaning on her shoulders and whispering: “I see that you have been enduring for a long time along the way.”

  ”I heard from the lady that your blood and qi are too strong now, and you are still trying to practice magic. You should think more about your body occasionally.”

  Although the tone was cold, the action of stroking his waist and back was extremely gentle.

  ”Don’t… let me worry about you.”

   There are only two updates today, sorry.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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