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115. Chapter 115 White Silk Little Dragon Girl

115. Chapter 115 White Silk Little Dragon Girl


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 115 Little Dragon Girl with White Silk

  After a long time, Yang Shifei walked out of the boudoir and closed the door gently.

  While practicing martial arts with Luo Xianer, he also talked about the trends of the ten countries.

  In their estimation, in less than two months, the impact of the filth will be completely out of control.

  Liang State was the first to obtain intelligence and prepare the earliest. After a month, if the filth in the capital is eradicated, there will be a chance to seize the initiative in the troubled times——

  ”Qi State.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes were slightly cold.

  Qi and Liang have been clashing and fighting for many years, and they are mortal enemies. Luo Xianer was seriously injured at the time, and Qi State was also secretly obstructing.

  It is impossible for both sides to end it peacefully.

  Once Qi State falls into chaos because of the filth, it may be a good time to beat the fallen dog.

  ”——Young Master.”

  Yang Shifei turned around and saw Jasmine walking towards him with a strange expression.

  ”You and the young lady were so noisy during the day, you must take good care of your health.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “We didn’t do anything.” Jasmine blinked

  blankly: “But I just saw that the young master was hugging the young lady at the table, and he was still shaking.”

  Yang Shifei: “?”

  He glanced at the window paper, and his mouth twitched slightly: “We were just practicing just now.”

  What angle should be used to see such a strange posture.

  Jasmine was silent for a moment, and inevitably blushed a little embarrassed: “Yes, I misunderstood the young master.”

  ”It’s okay.” Yang Shifei lowered his voice: “Xian’er is a little tired, I let her go back to sleep.”

  Jasmine secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly: “The young lady will be taken care of by me.”

  The two chatted for a few more words and soon said goodbye and left.

  Jasmine watched Yang Shifei leave, pursed her red lips, and had a different opinion of him.

  This young master Yang was not as impatient as she thought, and he knew how to cherish women .

  She glanced at the ancient book in her hand. It was worth it for the young lady to spend so much effort to help him find the method of cultivation.


  In the courtyard, Liang Xin was practicing boxing attentively.

  Perhaps because he had been practicing for a long time, his cheeks were still slightly flushed and his breathing was a little disordered.

  When he turned over and kicked sideways, he saw Yang Shifei leaning against the door.


  Liang Xin awkwardly retracted his legs: “Why are you always watching from the side without saying a word.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “I want to see the results of your practice.”

  ”You have only been out for a month, how can you make such fast progress.”

  Liang Xin saw that he was holding a few books in his arms: “What are these?”

  ”I just discussed something with Prince Dingjiang and brought them back. They are all important matters of the court.” Yang Shifei smiled and handed her a volume: “Take a look when you are free.”

  Liang Xin was stunned: “Brother-in-law, you…”

  Yang Shifei patted her shoulder: “Even if you really don’t want to be an emperor, this chaotic world is coming, it’s always right to read more of these books.”

  Liang Xin held the volume tightly, and her face became a little firmer.

  She took a deep breath, raised her head and said seriously, “I thought about it for a long time last night, and now I have made up my mind.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

  I thought it would take some time to communicate slowly, but I didn’t expect this girl to agree so quickly.

  ”Don’t you regret it?”

  ”No.” Liang Xin couldn’t help but chuckle: “Who in the world would regret being an emperor?”

  Yang Shifei teased: “I’m afraid you’ll be tired and want to go home after just a few court sessions.”

  Liang Xin rolled his eyes at him: “How could I be so irresponsible? Since I’ve agreed, I’ll stick to it no matter how hard or tired I am.”

  ”Well said!” Yang Shifei smiled and praised: “You are worthy of being my second disciple of Luoyue Pavilion!” Liang

  Xin lowered his shoulders and said unhappily: “You still say I’m a disciple, but I don’t even have a master to teach me how to practice.”

  ”Are you sure?”

  Yang Shifei raised his hand and clenched it twice: “Do you want me to teach you something now?”

  Liang Xin’s face suddenly turned red, and he subconsciously took two steps back: “Forget it.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Let’s go into the house first.”


  Liang Xin suddenly pulled his sleeve, his eyes slightly hopeful: “If I become the Emperor of Liang, will you accompany me?”

  Yang Shifei chuckled: “I have never been an official, and I have less experience than you. It’s okay as long as you don’t despise me.”

  ”How could I dislike it?”

  Liang Xin seemed to have made up her mind, and whispered: “I have a secret to tell you, and I don’t want you to misunderstand me anymore.”

  Knock knock!

  But at this moment, the courtyard door that had just been closed was knocked.

  Liang Xin was immediately deflated, and glanced at the door with some resentment: “Such a bad atmosphere.”

  Yang Shifei said with a smile: “I’ll go and take a look first.”

  Liang Xin held the file, rubbing her toes on the ground, and puffed up her face as if she was angry.

  After Yang Shifei opened the door and said a few words, she calmed down a little: “Who is it?” ”

  It’s Luofu Cloth Shop who came to deliver clothes.”

  Yang Shifei put the package on the table in the lobby and smiled: “But there are a few clothes that Xian’er has ordered, the styles are special, and we have to go and pick them up in person to avoid being seen by others.”

  Liang Xin thought about it and tried: “How about I accompany you?”

  Maybe she felt embarrassed, and added: “I live in Dongcheng, I can’t wear these clothes every day.”

  ”Okay, let’s go together.”

  Luofu Cloth Shop was still quite lively.

  Shopkeeper Dong had just finished entertaining the guests, and he looked out with a slightly bright look in his eyes.

  ”Young Master Yang, you are here?”

  She greeted him with a friendly smile, and asked curiously, “Who is this pretty girl?”

  Liang Xin’s lips slightly opened, but she did not refute.

  Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “She is Miss Luo’s relative. She came from another place to live here for a long time, so I want to prepare more clothes.”

  ”I see, please come in and take a look.”

  After being introduced by Shopkeeper Dong, Liang Xin chose back and forth, but she still didn’t decide on one.

  Her eyes quietly drifted to a few pink and white long skirts in the distance, and she was a little hesitant.

  ”Young Master Yang.”

  Shopkeeper Dong took the time to sneak closer and stuffed the package in his hand: “The clothes ordered by the eldest lady are all here, and I specially prepared two more sets. You can give them to anyone, but don’t let others see them.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Okay, I will pay attention.”

  He was a little curious in his heart, what kind of clothes Xian’er had ordered privately that made Shopkeeper Dong so cautious.

  ”Shopkeeper, here,”

  Liang Xin gritted her teeth and asked, “is there a place to change clothes?”

  Shopkeeper Dong was slightly stunned: “Miss, you can go to the backyard, there are several empty rooms available.”

  ”Okay.” Liang Xin suddenly grabbed Yang Shifei and hurried to the backyard.

  Shopkeeper Dong looked strange.

  What is the relationship between this pretty girl and Mr. Yang? Why is she so flustered just changing clothes


  After the door was closed, Liang Xin blushed and took a deep breath.

  Yang Shifei saw that there was only a screen in this room and couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “What do you want to do…”

  ”Brother-in-law, I want to tell you the secret I haven’t finished before.”

  Liang Xin turned around and whispered nervously: “I have always been a woman dressed as a man. I am a woman”

  ”Finally willing to say it?”

  Liang Xin looked up in surprise and met Yang Shifei’s smiling eyes: “Brother-in-law, you knew it a long time ago?!”

  ”When I was in the palace, Xian’er reminded me.”


  Liang Xin was stunned for a moment, and his face quickly turned red.

  She rushed forward in shame and anger, punching him with both fists: “Stinky brother-in-law! You’ve been lying to me! I’ll beat you to death!”

  Yang Shifei grinned loudly, and felt that this punch was no different from being a spoiled child, and the force was really gentle.

  After venting her anger for a while, Liang Xin stopped panting and said angrily: “Bad brother-in-law! You are really…”

  ”Okay, okay, it’s my fault.” Yang Shifei held her shoulders and gently comforted her: “Don’t be really angry.”

  ”Who would be angry with you.”

  Liang Xin blushed and pouted.

  The two looked at each other silently for a moment, but the atmosphere in the room became a little strange.

  Liang Xin avoided her gaze and her heartbeat accelerated a few times.

  If her brother-in-law had known that she was a woman, would they have been together day and night for so long?


  She secretly mustered up her courage, with a light in her eyes: “For so many years, I have never shown my female body to anyone. Now I want you to be the first to see it.”

  Yang Shifei was slightly stunned, but soon smiled: “I am looking forward to it.”

  ”I will use the clothes in your package.” Liang Xin blushed and whispered: “I heard what you said to the shopkeeper. There are two sets of unowned clothes in it. Just lend them to me.”

  ”Okay.” Seeing him nod in agreement, she quickly took the package, turned around and ran behind the screen, and soon heard a sound of fabric rubbing.

  Yang Shifei naturally did not peek, turned his back, closed his eyes and waited.


  The sudden inhalation made him frown: “What happened?”

  ”No, nothing, wait a little longer, I’ll be there soon.”

  Yang Shifei was a little confused and continued to wait patiently.

  After a while, a coquettish whisper came from behind the screen: “Okay, brother-in-law can turn around now.”

  Yang Shifei looked back and his eyes widened.

  Liang Xin was now wearing a silk gauze skirt, her chest was as open as a bloom, and the small pouch under the printed underwear was looming, already quite undulating.

  The hem of the skirt was split to the abdomen, only connected by a ribbon, and her delicate figure was quite graceful. A pair of slender legs wrapped in semi-transparent white silk were tightly together, and the hollow socks showed attractive and eye-catching concave flesh marks.


  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment.

  When did the cloth shop really make such clothes? !

  And this girl… Usually she always wears training clothes and it’s not seen. Although the small pouch is a little regrettable, this figure is really charming.

  ”Ying, Ying should not be ugly.”

  Liang Xin blushed with shame, one hand around her chest, and the other hand holding the hem of her skirt, as if she wanted to squat on the spot at any time.

  But the twisting movement made the curve of the hips more prominent, and the strands of silk were squeezed into the flesh.

  ”Of course it’s not ugly, but very beautiful.”

  Yang Shifei’s throat rolled, and his smile was a little stiff: “It’s better to say that it’s a little unexpectedly beautiful.”

  The fake makeup on Liang Xin’s face was completely wiped off, the bulge on her throat was taken away, and the braids that were usually tied up were all scattered, and there was no trace of disguise.

  She suddenly transformed into an exquisite and soft short-haired beauty. With this seductive outfit, it’s even more


  But Yang Shifei’s face soon changed, and he gradually showed shock.

  Under his gaze, Liang Xin’s head slowly grew a pair of… dragon horns? !

   Second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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