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116. Chapter 116: Sisters Are Different

116. Chapter 116: Sisters Are Different


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 116: All Sisters Are Different

  ”What’s going on?!”

  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  This strange reaction also made Liang Xin, who was originally very shy, startled.

  She endured the shame and changed into this indecent clothes. Could it make her brother-in-law so excited?

  She subconsciously looked down and felt something was wrong.

  At first, her brother-in-law’s eyes were burning, which made her shy, but his eyes soon moved to the top of her head.

  She didn’t wear a headdress either?

  Liang Xin was puzzled and reached out to touch her head, and immediately touched a hard object.


  Her slender hand groped all the way, and a wonderful feeling of numbness was transmitted back, as if a pair of ears had appeared out of thin air.

  Liang Xin gradually opened her eyes and looked at Yang Shifei blankly.

  After a moment of silence, she said blankly: “Brother-in-law, what is this on my head?”

  Yang Shifei suddenly came back to his senses, and immediately approached and put his hand on her slender shoulders.

  As the thought moved, she felt a chill in her palm!

  It was really filthy!

  Yang Shifei’s face changed slightly. He could feel that this extraordinary cold air was constantly crushing his tendons, veins, blood and flesh, and pouring into his chest.

  When the four cold airs in his body were entangled and surged, he suppressed them and merged them into his chest and abdomen.


  Liang Xin’s whole body was red and hot at this time, her eyes were dyed with waves, her white silk legs were shaking, and she was almost unable to stand steadily.

  ”Sister, brother-in-law, I suddenly… feel hot.”

  Her voice was no longer the same as before, becoming extremely delicate, and with a hint of panic and charm.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly supported her body: “You take it easy first, take a few deep breaths.”

  Liang Xin looked confused, and she hummed obediently, breathing slightly hurriedly, with her chest heaving.


  Looking at the curved black dragon horn on her head, Yang Shifei’s face gradually darkened.

  In the past month, Liang Xin has never had any abnormal reaction, so he didn’t even consider that this girl would be in trouble.

  But now the facts are in front of him, proving that this girl has also been infected with filth for a long time, and she has only slowed down until now


  Yang Shifei’s mind moved, and he thought it was not right.

  If it was like Sister Qiu, who was infected with filth in her mortal body and grew horns after mutation. Then he had touched her body repeatedly before, and logically, there should be some reaction.

  But in his impression, Liang Xin’s reaction was just shyness.

  ”Is it because of the difference in their physiques and skills, or other reasons?”

  Yang Shifei frowned again.

  If it was because of infection with filth and entering the transformation period, could this pair of dragon horns last so long?

  Unless there is another possibility——

  ”This girl, is she also born an alien?”

  Yang Shifei was even more surprised and puzzled.

  If she was really a born alien, how could Xian’er and the others not notice it, and even Yue Rui, who had the most sensitive nose, didn’t notice it?

  Was there any omission that he hadn’t noticed yet ?

  Yang Shifei thought about it for a moment, and soon realized something different.

  Where did this girl’s fake Adam’s apple go?

  ”Brother-in-law, what happened to me?”

  Liang Xin barely managed to catch her breath, her face still flushed, and she said with a little uneasiness: “Have I also turned into one of those strange monsters?”

  Her mind was simple, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t smart.

  While taking a breath, she thought of the incident that happened in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond. After being infected by those strange evil spirits, it is possible to turn into a half-human, half-ghost appearance.

  ”Don’t worry, I’m here, it’s okay.”

  ”. Okay.”

  Hearing his gentle comfort, Liang Xin slowly calmed down.

  Yang Shifei pointed to her throat: “What did you use to fake the outline of your Adam’s apple?”

  Liang Xin blinked and whispered: “That was a relic my mother left me before she died. I have been holding it in my mouth since I was a child. It was said that I was very ugly since I was born, and a fortune teller said that I had a heavy evil spirit and needed a treasure to suppress the evil.

  My mother begged my father to search all over the country and finally found this jade for me.”

  She walked back to the screen with weak steps under the support, trembling and half squatting, and picked up a silver thread on the folded clothes.

  Yang Shifei was slightly stunned when he saw this.

  Under the thin silver thread chain, there was a small black pearl.

  ”How do you usually use this?”

  ”There is a slipknot here that can be put on the root of the tongue.” Liang Xin tapped his throat: “And the pearls and jade will stay here, forming a bulge similar to the Adam’s apple.

  This jade is quite mysterious. Not only is it not stained, but it can also protect me from colds and evil spirits. I have never been sick since I was a child.”

  Yang Shifei’s face showed a strange expression: “Can you put it on again now?”

  Liang Xin was puzzled, but she quickly did as she was told.

  She skillfully put the pearls and jade into her throat, and then tied the silver thread behind her tongue. After swallowing, her throat bulged slightly.


  She opened her mouth slightly and her originally tender voice became a little dull and neutral.

  Yang Shifei looked at the girl for a while, and then looked at the top of her head.


  After a moment, the dragon horn on her head began to slowly retract!

  Yang Shifei was shocked. This small jade really has the effect of suppressing filth. The reason

  why Liang Xin’s identity as a natural alien was not discovered was because of this jade covering, which concealed it from everyone!

  ”Brother-in-law, I am now…”

  ”Your dragon horn has been retracted.”

  Yang Shifei’s tone was a little surprised: “You are really a natural alien.”

  Liang Xin was at a loss: “What alien.”

  ”Don’t worry, I will explain it to you clearly.”

  Yang Shifei suppressed his excitement and explained the existence of filth and aliens in detail.

  After a long while, Liang Xin became more and more surprised and quickly covered his lips: “There is such a thing in this world”

  ”Although it is incredible, even filth and demons have appeared in the world, so natural aliens like you naturally exist.”

  Yang Shifei whispered to comfort him: “So you don’t have to worry, you won’t become those irrational demons.”

  ”.Brother-in-law, I feel relieved when you say this.”

  Liang Xin patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”But brother-in-law, how do you know so much? Where did you get all these things–”

  ”Your sister and the others are all born as aliens, just like you.”

  ”Ah?” Liang Xin was stunned when he heard this: “Sister, sister is also!?”

  Yang Shifei nodded and said, “She knows more about aliens than me.”


  Liang Xin covered her head with a complicated expression: “I feel dizzy after hearing so many facts all of a sudden.”

  Yang Shifei smiled again: “Just digest and understand slowly. When we go back, we will talk to Xian’er about this.”

  ”Will sister, sister, be kind to me?”

  Seeing that she suddenly became afraid, Yang Shifei said gently: “You are the same kind as her, she will not harm you. I can also teach you more about how to control the filth in your body.”

  Liang Xin listened and calmed down a little.

  Both she and her sister were born as aliens, perhaps because of our father’s bloodline?


  ”Sister, brother-in-law, my legs are a little weak now.”

  Liang Xin was very embarrassed and shy: “I was scared and couldn’t stand up.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dumbly and gently picked her up by the waist. “With me here, nothing will happen.”


  Liang Xin straightened her beautiful white silk legs, slightly tiptoed, leaned against his chest, and her rapid heartbeat slowly eased.

  But she soon blushed, and whispered shyly: “Brother-in-law, the back of this skirt is all hollowed out. Your hands. It’s a little hot.”

  ”Well, do you want me to let go?”

  ”.Still, continue to hold me.” Liang Xin buried her face in her chest, her ears reddened: “I’m still a little confused now, brother-in-law, let me. Take it easy.”


  In the backyard, Shopkeeper Dong walked outside the door with a little doubt, his face strange.

  It’s just a change of clothes, and it’s almost half an hour. The two of them didn’t come out for so long?

  Could it be that –

  Shopkeeper Dong suddenly realized, shook his head and laughed.

  ”Young people, they just know how to have fun.”

  It seems that those strange clothes specially made are indeed very useful. And Young Master Yang are still not satisfied until now. Tsk tsk.

  However, if the eldest lady knew about this,

   the third update is over~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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