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1163. Chapter 1129: Hundreds of Millions of Years of Thoughts, in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers

1163. Chapter 1129: Hundreds of Millions of Years of Thoughts, in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1129: Hundreds of Millions of Years of Thoughts, in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers

  ”Disciples, please withdraw,” many disciples bowed and then slowly walked out of the hall.

  After everyone left, the old Taoist stood up and walked down from the high platform step by step.

  When he walked over, his thin figure seemed to have a sense of momentum.

  The old body contained endless power, which was intimidating.

  ”Old Taoist, if you have anything to say, just say it directly, there is no need to beat around the bush,” Xu Zimo replied.

  ”I can’t say it,” the old Taoist shook his head.

  Pointing to the sky, he replied: “There are gods three feet above your head.”

  ”Do you believe in the way of heaven?” Xu Zimo sneered.

  ”No, but we are all practicing under the way of heaven, you have to believe it even if you don’t believe it,” the old Taoist said.

  ”Who are you?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”An old friend, an old friend you have forgotten,” the old Taoist said.

  He looked at Xu Zimo carefully.

  ”You look a lot like him, but I know you’re not him, and you never will be.

  He’s dead, and he’s dead forever.

  Even if he comes back, he can never be him again.”

  ”I don’t understand what you’re saying,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  ”What era is it now?” the old Taoist asked.

  ”I’m not sure either. I heard from others that the Middle Ages just passed, and now it’s the New Year,” Xu Zimo replied.

  Miss Jing had told him about the division of eras before.

  After the Middle Ages, the Nine Realms were divided into the Old Year and the New Year.

  ”What about before the Middle Ages?” the old Taoist continued to ask.

  ”It was the Ancient Times,” Xu Zimo replied.

  ”What about before the Ancient Times?”

  ”Ancient times, and before

  that is the Ancient Times.” “It’s been so long,” the old Taoist muttered to himself, speaking in a voice that Xu Zimo couldn’t hear clearly.

  ”What’s wrong?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”You’re wrong. Before the Ancient Times, it wasn’t the Ancient Times, but another era,” the old man’s eyes were cloudy. He

  stared blankly at the front, silent for a long time.

  He just said: “Although that era was short.

  But it was extremely brilliant and desirable.

  We call it… Demon’s arrival.”

  After the voice fell, Xu Zimo was stunned.

  He felt as if many mysteries lingered in his mind for a moment.

  ”Demon’s arrival, did the Nine Realms also experience the era of the demons?”

  As far as he knew, the previous generation of demon lords should have died in the previous era.

  Then the era was destroyed, and the universe was born in this era.

  But the demons did not all perish, and many people survived.

  Some were sealed in the ancient demon cave.

  Another part, like Bai Meng, fell into a deep sleep.

  ”Can you tell me more details?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”You have to find the answer yourself. This is a test and a training.” The old Taoist shook his head.

  ”Demon’s arrival, what kind of era was that?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”Only those who have truly experienced that era will understand. I can’t say it,” the old Taoist shook his head.

  ”I exist just to tell you one thing.”

  ”What?” Xu Zimo frowned and asked.

  ”Not everyone in this world is your enemy. You can draw on the strength of many like-minded people,” the old Taoist said.

  He slowly took out a list and handed it to Xu Zimo.

  Xu Zimo took the list and took a quick look.

  There were countless names written on it.

  ”The Lord of the Dead in the Netherworld,

  the Candle in the Blazing Fire, and

  the Thousand Disasters Doomsday in the Ghost God Domain.


  ”What are these?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”People who can be used,” the old Taoist replied.

  ”How to use them?”

  ”That’s up to you,” the old Taoist said with a smile.

  ”Use or reuse?

  Walk the road you didn’t finish hundreds of millions of years ago again, but don’t repeat the same mistakes and fail again.”

  ”Who are you?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”Everything you see now is an illusion. It doesn’t matter who I am,” the old Taoist shook his head and replied.

  ”Because these illusions were left by me hundreds of millions of years ago, when you see them, I don’t know if I still exist.”

  ”Illusion?” Xu Zimo looked around.

  This hall, the white jade stone under his feet, and the entire Luanyunjian were so real.

  If it was an illusion, even he would feel weird, but he didn’t find anything abnormal.

  This old Taoist who set up the illusion was a little too scary.

  ”Remember, to succeed is not only for yourself or the demon clan, but also for us,” the old Taoist waved his hand and said.

  After he finished speaking, Xu Zimo realized that the void he was in was disappearing bit by bit.

  Starting from Laojun Temple, the two disciples in front of the gate, and then the woodcutter carrying firewood at the foot of the mountain, they all disappeared little by little.

  Until the end, even the old Taoist began to disappear.

  A thought that has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

  It was as if a corpse was sealed in a crystal coffin, and one day it was opened and exposed to the air, and it was instantly oxidized and nothing was left.

  When Xu Zimo turned his sight again, he found that his figure was still standing in the Luanyunjian.

  Behind him was the Black Water Lake, and there was no Taoist temple, no woodcutter, and no so-called ladder to the clouds in front.

  Instead, it was a valley full of flowers.

  This valley is very large, and from the outside, it is oval.

  All kinds of flowers and plants are planted all around.

  The precious flowers and plants are Lingrouzhi, Zhurong branch, Niekong grass, Juechen flower…

  Some rare and even lost herbs are also available.

  Nine-tailed dragon sunflower, ancient deep sweet, dragon heart nine-leaf grass, magic blood spirit fruit juice, ascending grass, seven-color moon orchid…

  It is simply countless.

  Even from a very far distance, one can still smell the fragrance of flowers.

  The overwhelming fragrance of flowers is coming towards you.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a paradise on earth.

  Xu Zimo stared at everything in front of him in a daze. If it were not for the densely written names on the paper in his hand.

  Everything just now made him feel a little unreal.

  He put the paper away silently.


  The flowers in the flower valley are blooming, very beautiful.

  They are competing for beauty.

  Xu Zimo walked into the valley step by step. The area of ​​the valley is very large.

  It was not until he walked into the valley that Xu Zimo could see the scene inside clearly.

  It was like a city of flowers.

  Flowers can be seen everywhere.

  Houses are rising from the ground, and these houses are built with flower vines.
They are

  surrounded by thorns and flowers. There are

  many people living here. They are like primitive people, wearing simple clothes and wearing flower crowns on their heads.

  When Xu Zimo walked in, a large group of people surrounded him immediately, singing and dancing, singing incomprehensible ballads.

  From time to time, they sprinkled petals on Xu Zimo.

  Not long after, the crowd was separated, and an old woman came in from outside.

  She bowed to Xu Zimo and said in an old voice: “Dear guest, welcome to our Hundred Flower Valley.”

  ”Where is the Fairy of Flowers?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”The Queen said that she would take you around the city and then go see her,” said the old woman.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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