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117. Chapter 117: Tender Heart Blooms

117. Chapter 117: Tender Heart Blooms


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 117: Tender Heart Blooms

  The room was quiet for a long time.

  Yang Shifei’s expression was a little strange.

  Although the two of them did not move, Liang Xin, wearing a slim gauze skirt, lay in his arms, almost like skin-to-skin contact, which made it easy to have wild thoughts.


  Liang Xin patted her chest with a red face: “It’s okay now.”

  Yang Shifei loosened his arms: “I’m glad you can accept it.”

  ”Although I am a natural alien, I don’t feel any difference.”

  Liang Xin touched both sides of his head and hesitated: “Brother-

  in-law, will I become like that again?” Yang Shifei hesitated for a moment: “It would be safest to let Xian’er check the details. But–”

  He stretched out his hand in front of her: “I have a special physique and can absorb filth. If you are worried, let me try again.”


  The girl blushed again and whispered: “If the filth in my body is suppressed by the ‘Cold Jade Pearl’, will there be no reaction?”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly: “I can’t say for sure about this.”

  Liang Xin responded with a nod, and lifted her shawl a little: “Try it, I’ll bear it.”

  Then he pressed on her shoulders to absorb it again, and the cold air poured into his palm again.

  ”The suppressing effect of this bead is very strong, and only a little filth remains in the body.”

  Yang Shifei thought: “This level is indeed not easy to be discovered by Yue Rui and others.”

  ”Sister, brother-in-law.”

  But Liang Xin’s face was red again, her white silk legs were tightly clamped and trembling, her waist was shaking, and she could hardly stand up straight.

  Yang Shifei quickly withdrew his hand and hugged her in time before she fell to her knees.

  Liang Xin leaned softly on his arms, and tears seemed to be coming out of the corners of her eyes.

  After taking a breath, she couldn’t help but whispered shamefully: “Brother-in-law, don’t pinch my buttocks.”

  Yang Shifei said with a smile: “This dress on you is not easy to touch anywhere.”

  It is better to say that this girl is almost a thin layer of silk gauze behind her, and there are only a few strands of silk wrapped around her hips and waist, just to outline the curves of her figure.

  ”Who told you to ask the cloth shop to make such obscene clothes.” Liang Xin blushed and said, “I’ll change my clothes first!”

  ”Okay, I’ll help you–”

  ”Wait, wait a minute.” But Liang Xin hurriedly pulled her hand again, blushing and softly said, “I don’t want to wear a scholar’s robe anymore, I want to wear a skirt.”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly, and soon smiled gently: “I’ll pick out a nice skirt for you.”

  While choosing clothes alone, Shopkeeper Dong came quietly.

  ”Young Master Yang, are those custom-made clothes good?”

  ”Well, they are good.”

  Yang Shifei smiled a little awkwardly: “Your craftsmanship is really amazing.”

  Shopkeeper Dong smiled and covered his lips: “Young Master likes it. If you need it in the future, I will knit you a few more practical sets.”

  Yang Shifei coughed lightly: “I was just thinking about choosing a few skirts, does the shopkeeper have any recommendations?”

  Shopkeeper Dong was stunned.

  How fierce was the fight between Young Master Yang and that pretty girl that even their clothes were torn?

  In the backyard room.

  Liang Xin put on her skirt and clothes in an unskillful manner, and carefully put away the obscene gauze.

  She walked out of the screen with a ruddy face, holding the package: “Brother-in-law, let’s go back.”

  Yang Shifei looked back and smiled and praised: “You look good in normal clothes.”

  The pink and white skirt was tied up with silk, revealing the girl’s shoulders, and the sleeves were like clouds, adding a bit of purity and beauty.

  Liang Xin felt a little shy and covered her fair chest lightly: “I’m still… a little uncomfortable.”

  ”Wear it a few more times in the future, and you will naturally get familiar with it.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and put on a shawl for her to cover the exposed skin. “By the way, the one just now.”

  ”I won’t wear that kind of underwear and thin cloth curtains again.”

  Liang Xin lowered her head and pretended to be calm: “But you can try wearing that pair of strange socks at home.”

  Brother-in-law was so shocked at the time, it would be nice to wear it occasionally for him to see.

  Luo Mansion, in the boudoir.

  Luo Xian’er leaned against the soft couch and carefully looked at the cold jade beads in her hand.

  Different from the suppression of filth by the Mo Yin Jade, the aura of this jade is more mysterious, which can cover up and shrink the filth aura to avoid damage to the body.

  In other words, it is to let Liang Xin slowly adapt to the filth over the years, without exposing her identity, and help her “Yingling” to perfection and reveal her true form.

  ”It is indeed a rare treasure in the world.”

  Luo Xian’er secretly admired, and then looked at Liang Xin who was sitting next to her.

  After the cold jade bead was taken out for a while, the girl’s head grew a black dragon horn again.

  ”Sister, am I okay like this?”

  Liang Xin sat there trembling with anxiety, as if he was seeing a doctor.

  ”You already know all the ins and outs of aliens and filth.”

  Luo Xian’er whispered, “Thanks to the cold jade bead you have been holding since childhood, the filth in your body is quite condensed. Even if you don’t wear it anymore, you can live a normal life like us.”

  Liang Xin touched the horn on his head: “But this.”

  ”Your body has adapted to filth, and it can be called ‘Ying Ling’ is perfect. But more than ten years of ‘seal’ really make you don’t know how to control it.”

  Luo Xian’er said calmly: “You have to start from the beginning like practicing martial arts, so you can learn to control your true self, and you may even have the opportunity to transform into a ‘dragon’ in the future.

  As for the methods, you can come to my house from tomorrow to study hard.”

  ”Thank you, Imperial Sister.”


  Luo Xian’er looked at her female dress: “Why don’t you hide your identity today, and you even changed into a skirt?”

  Liang Xin’s body stiffened slightly, and his eyes were vague: “I just think it’s not good to keep it a secret from you all.”


  Yang Shifei happened to push the door into the room, holding a plate of hot pastries in his hand. “Freshly baked, do you want some?”

  Luo Xian’er smiled softly: “Please bring it to me, young master.”

  Yang Shifei put the porcelain plate on the small table, picked up two pieces and handed them to the two women, and sat down next to Liang Xin with a smile.

  ”Have you almost finished talking?”

  ”I have explained the matter of being born different.” Luo Xian’er took a bite of the cake: “But this girl’s throne…”

  ”If I were a woman, would it affect my ascension to the throne?”

  Liang Xin pinched the cake, his expression gradually becoming serious: “If it affects, I can continue to pretend to be a man in front of outsiders, and change into women’s clothes in private-”

  ”Don’t bother so much.” Yang Shifei smiled: “There are empresses in this world. You just need to show yourself as a woman.”

  Luo Xian’er also nodded in agreement.

  With this response, Liang Xin smiled again and nodded excitedly.

  ”I will definitely not disappoint you all!”

  ”You must first learn to control your true form.”

  Luo Xian’er pointed to the dragon horns on her head: “Although the filth has spread to all countries, as an emperor of a country, you cannot meet people in this appearance for the time being.”

  Liang Xin quickly responded: “I will study hard!”

  ”You should rest for a night and talk about it tomorrow.”

  Luo Xian’er handed the cold jade bead back to her: “As for this treasure, you can continue to wear it with you.”

  Liang Xin solemnly took the jade bead and bowed his head gratefully: “Thank you, my sister, for your care.”

  After saying goodbye to Luo Xian’er, Yang Shifei quickly returned home with Liang Xin.


  Liang Xin stood in the yard hugging the package tightly, sighing with emotion: “In just half a day, it feels like a lot of things have happened.”

  Looking at the familiar courtyard again, she actually had a trance feeling that her life had changed drastically.

  Yang Shifei patted her shoulder: “There will be more incredible things in the future, you have to get used to it.”

  ”My little darling can’t stand it.”

  Liang Xin glanced sideways.

  On impulse, she suddenly asked, “Brother-in-law, do you really think I look good now?”

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and praised, “A rare pretty beauty. Especially the pair of white silk legs before, which can be described as flawless jade that is ingenious and makes people love it——”

  ”Stinky brother-in-law, what are you talking about!”

  Liang Xin’s face gradually turned red, and she bumped into him lightly.

  Immediately, she ran to the corridor, blushed and looked back, and said angrily, “When I become the emperor in the future, I will definitely use you well and make you lose your mind!”

  Seeing the girl running away, Yang Shifei stood there, shaking his head and laughing secretly.

  This girl, after no longer pretending to be a man, has become much more playful.

  ”Sister, brother-in-law.”

  But Liang Xin soon poked his head around the corner again, smiling awkwardly, “Why don’t you give me some advice in advance, so that I won’t be laughed at by the emperor tomorrow.”

  Yang Shifei was a little amused and followed quickly.

  ”Do you still want to order me around?”

  ”Brother-in-law, calm down. I’m fine with you ordering me around.”

   First update


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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