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119. Chapter 119 The humble Li Qinghe: Master, can you do me a favor?

119. Chapter 119 The humble Li Qinghe: Master, can you do me a favor?


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 119 The humble Li Qinghe: Master, can you do me a favor?

  ”It seems that this girl is in a hurry to leave, and she dares to break into the third floor in broad daylight.”

  In Area 1 of the museum, Qin Yang sat on a small bench, monitoring Li Qinghe’s status and paying attention to her every move.

  After leaving the stewardship.

  He released his mental power and searched for her shadow.

  After a while, Li Qinghe’s figure was locked on the third floor. His mental power was constantly being consumed, and he seemed to be cracking the Soul Capture Array.

  ”Haha, haste makes waste, this little girl will suffer a lot later.”

  Qin Yang stroked Xiaobai’s fur and yawned.

  Last time on the third floor, she broke the formation herself, and Xiao Bai used illusions to make Li Qinghe mistakenly think that she had broken the formation.

  But now that I am not on the third floor, with this girl’s current strength, I am afraid she can’t even reach the edge of the Soul Capturing Array.


  second floor of the library.

  The acquired masters guarding the scene were still immersed in the illusion.

  Mountains of swords and seas of blood, thick bloody blood rained down, star beasts roared, banners folded horizontally, and the wheels of the chariot were soaked in the soft blood mud.

  They roared angrily, charged towards the star beast with their swords in hand, and started a brutal fight among the majestic mountains and rivers. Their comrades died one after another.

  Tragic and tragic.

  However in reality.

  In the real world, they don’t move at all.

  He just stood there, moving his hands and feet like a fool.

  He didn’t even get out of Li Qinghe’s phantom formation.


  on the third floor of the library.

  The corridor is dark.

  Li Qinghe stood in front of the Soul Captivating Formation, with stars and stones floating around him, and was deconstructing the formation’s eyes. His face had long been as white as gold paper, and there was no trace of blood.

  The star power condensed into substance, compiled into long threads, and penetrated into the interior of the array eye, dismantling the internal regular structure.

  next moment.


  Another star stone shattered and fell from mid-air to the ground.

  ”No, this route to dismantle the formation is not right either!”

  Li Qinghe’s lips turned white. He glanced at the broken star stone and moved the formation lines with his slender fingers. His mental power was on the verge of exhaustion.


  This Soul Capturing Array has reached level four, and is far more terrifying than I thought!

  In the time it took to break up the formation just now, she had broken a lot of star stones and tried many ways to break up the formation.


  Still haven’t found the rules of the Soul Captivating Formation!

  Crossing steps is like crossing mountains and seas.

  Even with the blessing of the “Ten Thousand Formation Diagram” at this moment, Li Qinghe could only unlock the formation at the third level, which was far from the Soul Captivating Formation!

  ”How could this happen…”

  ”It’s obviously an illusory formation. I was able to break through the formation last time, why can’t I do it this time.”

  In front of the soul-stirring formation, Li Qinghe controlled the star stone to break the formation and looked at the Ten Thousand Formation Diagram in his hand. , stamping his feet anxiously.

  If this diagram cannot be sent back and the family members know about it, various cruel clan punishment arrangements will inevitably be made!

  That’s when it really comes.

  Even if his father intervenes, he can’t protect himself!

  ”Hurry up… untie me quickly!”

  Thinking of this, Li Qinghe shed a cold sweat and tried his best to control the star stone to aim at the door for analysis.

  Now she was maintaining the psychedelic array on the second floor while facing the soul-stirring array. Her nerves were tense and her mental energy was being consumed rapidly.

  next moment.

  Three star stones flew to the threshold, dismantling the contents inside.

  Arrangement of star power, detection of gaps… The fourth-level formation tends to be complete, and almost no flaws can be found.

  It’s difficult!

  Time passed by minute by minute.

  The progress of the analysis was as slow as a snail, and the Soul-Captivating Formation was as stable as a rock, without even the slightest sign of shaking.


  boom! boom! boom!

  The output of the three guarding star stones was out of balance and exploded on the spot!

  The star power spread violently, and the gravel flew directly towards Li Qinghe who broke the formation.

  ”not good!”   

  Li Qinghe’s expression changed suddenly, and he was so frightened that he quickly raised his hand to block it. His powerful star power solidified, blocking most of the flying gravel.

  Bang bang!

  Several muffled sounds in succession.

  But a small part penetrated the Star Power Shield and penetrated directly into her psoas muscle!


  A bloody hole appeared on the thumb, and it was scorching hot. It immediately burned out into a black wound, and thick smoke billowed out.


  A violent tearing feeling came over instantly.

  Li Qinghe frowned, quickly stopped the formation, stretched out his hand to cover his abdomen, gritted his teeth and took a step back.

  A few drops of blood seeped into his fingers and fell to the ground with a splash.

  In the quiet corridor, the cold light of the Soul Captivating Formation emerged, as if it was an insurmountable thunder pool.

  ”No… it still doesn’t work…”

  Li Qinghe raised his hand and stared at the blood on his fingertips. His vision was blurry and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

  This is a side effect of overstepping the formation.

  In addition, I have to work hard to take care of the formation on the second floor, which increases my mental burden.

  As the star stones in his hand shattered one by one and most of them were consumed, if he continued to hold on, the probability of unlocking the Soul Captivating Array became smaller and smaller.

  The probability of dismantling the formation is almost zero!

  ”What to do… what to do…”

  Li Qinghe squatted on the ground, picking up the remains of the star stone on the ground, lightly pursed his lips, his eyes were red and filled with mist.

  She looked up at the Soul Capturing Formation in front of the door, thinking about the possibility of liberating the formation, her mind working rapidly.

  Since I can’t solve

  it, can I ask that person?

  at this time.

  A figure appeared in Li Qinghe’s mind.

  ”Perhaps, with his strength, he can break through this Soul Captivating Formation…”

  ”It’s just…”

  Thinking of this, Li Qinghe looked confused and looked sideways at the exit of the third floor.

  ”After what happened last night…”

  ”Will he still help me?”


  Library Area 1.

  Back row of bookshelves.

  Qin Yang was sitting on the bench, with his back against the wall, his consciousness sinking into the enlightenment space, and he was deepening his understanding of the “Array Heart”.

  The center of the formation is the eye of heaven and earth, and the Tao is created by nature.

  The snow-white little fox nestled in his arms, with its soft belly exposed and its limbs stretched out, enjoying the nourishment of the aura and falling asleep soundly.

  At this moment, Qin Yang’s whole body was filled with Taoist aura. For fox clansmen like Xiaobai, he was simply an innate spiritual body that was rare to find.

  Just nestled in Qin Yang’s arms.

  She felt a sense of relief.

  at this time.

  Tap tap tap.

  The sound of slow footsteps suddenly sounded in Qin Yang’s ears.

  After a moment, a slight touch came from the arm, accompanied by a subtle call.


  Li Qinghe stood next to Qin Yang, stretched out his finger, carefully poked his arm, covered the wound on his abdomen, and tried his best to smile.


  Qin Yang heard the sound, slowly opened his eyes, raised his eyes to look at Li Qinghe, his eyes narrowed slightly, focusing on her waist, and he immediately noticed the traces of blood floating around.

  ”This little girl broke through the formation, was she injured?”

  Seeing this, Qin Yang frowned and felt a little speechless.

  Our Liberation Front focuses on doing things within our capabilities.

  If you want to forcefully open the formation, you must have the strength like me!

  Under a bright incandescent lamp.

  When Li Qinghe saw Qin Yang looking over, he lowered his head and grasped the corners of his clothes, and asked in a low voice:

  ”Master… can you do me a favor?”

  (End of Chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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