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123. Chapter 123 Pretending to be a Couple

123. Chapter 123 Pretending to be a Couple


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 123 Pretending to be a Couple

  With the arrival of the Qili Town guards, the scene was quickly handled.

  Yang Shifei did not stay for long, and said goodbye to the young man in a hurry and returned to the inn.

  ”– Let me see the wound.”

  After learning what happened, Jasmine frowned and leaned over to take a look.

  The robe was cut open a little, but there was no scar.

  ”Although I don’t understand the principle, it seems that the mysterious seal of some kind has been refined by the cold air in my body.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It’s okay.”

  Jasmine confirmed again and again that everything was fine, then patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief: “It was really scary.”

  The coldness on Yue Rui’s face faded a little, and she whispered: “Who is that woman?”

  ”She claims to be from the Jintian Palace of Shu.”

  Yang Shifei touched his chin: “I remember that Jintian Palace is one of the nine sects in the world. With the cultivation level of Tianren Xuanwu, maybe she is the Palace Master of this palace?”

  ”He who can perform the Heavenly Demon Burning Sun Seal is undoubtedly the Master of Jintian Palace.”

  Jasmine still frowned: “Legend has it that this magic skill can control the mind, making the victim obedient and not allowed to have any other thoughts.”

  Yang Shifei grinned when he heard it: “It seems that the filthy cold air in my body has the upper hand.”

  ”Fortunately.” Jasmine pulled him back to the bed and sat down.

  Yue Rui clenched her fists and said angrily, “If I see that bad woman again, I will definitely teach her a lesson!”

  ”You are such a nice girl.” Yang Shifei rubbed her head.

  Looking at the two girls on the left and right, he couldn’t help but tease, “Should we, the three of us, continue to lie down and rest?”

  Jasmine said angrily, “After what happened, how can we have the leisure to sleep?”

  She glanced at the sky outside the window: “Wait another hour or two, and we can set off to the mountain.”

  The night was still there, and the sky was not yet bright.

  Yang Shifei and his party left the inn and stepped into Jiuhuan Mountain with their luggage.

  In the early morning, the mountains were filled with mist, and the mountains were hazy.

  But perhaps because it was built by Kaihong Temple, the mountain roads were all paved with stone steps, and it was quite easy to climb along the forest road.

  When the morning sun gradually rose in the east, the three of them could already see the gate of the temple halfway up the mountain.


  But Yue Rui became more and more listless as she walked, her shoulders drooped, and she yawned continuously.

  Yang Shifei pinched her soft face: “Others climb mountains and their waists and legs are sore, but you want to lie down and take a nap.”

  Yue Rui forced herself to cheer up: “It’s okay, I can still walk!”

  Yang Shifei smiled and picked her up, holding her hips with his arms: “Don’t hold on, sleep peacefully.”


  Yue Rui murmured twice, and still buried her head in her arms silently.

  Jasmine, who was walking beside her, covered her lips and smiled: “Husband really dotes on her.”

  ”After all, she is a ‘sister’, of course I have to dote on her more.”

  Yang Shifei teased: “But you are getting more and more comfortable calling me ‘husband’?”

  Jasmine was stunned, and chuckled calmly: “Say a few more words now, so as not to say the wrong thing in front of those monks.”

  She was sweating in her heart, muttering how she really said it so smoothly.

  The three of them climbed up the temple, and the spacious flat land came into view.

  Several red-walled temples stood one after another, and a large Buddha statue could be vaguely seen in the temple hall in front.

  There were already some civilians around, who seemed to have climbed the mountain from other roads.

  ”This Kaihong Temple is indeed quite popular.”

  Yang Shifei was amazed, “There are pilgrims so early.”

  Jasmine quickly found a monk sweeping the floor and approached him to say, “Young master, can I exchange for the Youjing flower here?”

  The monk clasped his hands and bowed his head, “If you are looking for flowers, you can go to the temple to find Master Mingzhi.”

  ”Thank you.”

  Yang Shifei nodded and walked into the temple with Jasmine. They realized that this temple was solemn, with several Buddha statues on both sides and many paintings on the walls.

  Some pilgrims in the temple were praying to the Buddha or following several monks to chant scriptures and pray.

  ”Three donors, why are you here?”

  A monk in a cassock walked slowly and said with his hands together: “I am Mingzhi. Do you want to ask for a fortune like them?”

  ”We want to get the Youjing flower.”

  ”Youjing?” Master Mingzhi nodded suddenly and smiled gently: “Do you have a wooden sign?”

  Jasmine handed over the sign solemnly: “Please take a look.”

  ”Yes, it is indeed something I gave out.”

  Master Mingzhi put away the wooden sign and chuckled: “However, this wooden sign should be purchased from the people of Qili Town?”

  Jasmine thought it was not good, but Yang Shifei responded frankly: “That family already has a son and is only short of money, so we took the initiative to buy it.”

  Master Mingzhi looked curious: “Donors, are you worried that I will refuse?”

  ”If he is a high-ranking monk, he must be kind and benevolent, and can distinguish right from wrong.”

  Yang Shifei explained calmly, “This is not a forced sale, but the result of proper communication. Besides, this is the only family in Qili Town that got married this year, so it is expected that it will not delay others from seeking offspring.

  And this Youjing flower blooms once a year, if no one comes to take it this year, it would be a waste of natural resources.”

  These words stunned Master Mingzhi.

  After a moment, he sighed and laughed, “The donor is really thoughtful, and I can’t refute it.”

  He nodded approvingly, “The donor can tell the truth frankly, and I also appreciate it. But, are the two donors really husband and wife?”

  Facing the question, Jasmine took Yang Shifei’s arm intimately, “My husband and I have been married for more than three months. I am thinking of getting a Youjing flower so that I can give birth to a few children for my husband.”

  As she said this, she leaned her face into his arms in embarrassment, too embarrassed to see anyone.

  Yang Shifei smiled and hugged her tightly: “Master, don’t doubt it. We are a loving couple. As for the one in my arms, she is my younger sister.”

  Master Mingzhi sighed: “I am sorry for being rude.”

  ”Master, this flower…”

  ”What the donor said makes so much sense, how can I refuse?”

  Master Mingzhi paused and said hesitantly: “It’s just that you came a little early. The spirits in the mountains have not bloomed yet. We have to wait about ten days.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “It doesn’t matter, just wait a few more days.”

  ”The donor is very patient.” Master Mingzhi smiled again: “If you feel free, you can come and chant Buddhist scriptures together, or go for a walk in the back mountain.”

  ”What beautiful scenery is there in the back mountain?”

  ”After passing the back mountain, you can enter a place called ‘Buddha’s Heart Lake’. Put the spirit stick into the lake and it will be very effective.”

  Master Mingzhi said with a smile: “After passing through Buddha’s Heart Lake, you can reach Lingshan. This mountain has magnificent scenery and is a rare scenic spot. Many pilgrims go there every year.

  Moreover, the Youjing flower grows in the cave of Lingshan. You can see it if you go straight along the road.”

  Yang Shifei nodded and glanced at the stick tube not far away: “How do I take this stick?”

  ”The three donors can just shake it out gently.”

  Yang Shifei walked to shake the stick with Yue Rui in his arms, while Moli quietly came to the incense table and put down a silver ingot.

  This scene made Master Mingzhi smile even more.

  After waiting for a while, he stepped forward quickly and said, “The lots for the three donors are all very good, which shows that your fortunes are very prosperous.

  And it seems that the three of you are quite intelligent. When you return from Lingshan, you can stay in the dormitories in the temple, and your food, clothing, housing and transportation will be covered.”

  ”Master, that’s okay.” Yang Shifei smiled and replied, “Let’s go and see the scenery of Lingshan first.”

  Master Mingzhi was about to say goodbye, but suddenly said, “After entering Lingshan, donors, don’t go east. There is a tomb hundreds of years old, and the yin energy is heavy.”

  ”Tomb?” Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Which prince or noble family is it?”

  ”Hundreds of years ago, there was a small country called ‘Qiu’. Now it has long been destroyed and no one exists in the world.”

  Master Mingzhi said softly: “And the tomb of the last ruler of Qiu was built deep in Lingshan, called ‘Qianlong Tomb’.”

   Second update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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