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124. Chapter 124 Lingshan Evil Demon Appears

124. Chapter 124 Lingshan Evil Demon Appears


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 124 The Evil Demon Appears in Lingshan

  In the back mountain path of

  ”Inlaid Dragon Tomb”
, Yang Shifei and Jasmine were walking down the steps step by step.

  Yue Rui was still lying in his arms, and when Jasmine was not paying attention, she secretly kissed Yang Shifei’s neck twice.

  ”What do you think is wrong, husband?”

  Jasmine asked curiously: “Just now, the monk talked about the things of Qiu Kingdom, and it seems that there is nothing special?”

  ”The name of this tomb is quite strange.”

  Pinching Yue Rui’s little face, Yang Shifei laughed: “This is the first time I have heard of a tomb called ‘Inlaid Dragon’.”

  ”Maybe it is a custom of Qiu Kingdom?”

  Jasmine’s eyes drifted back and forth again: “I heard from the monk that many people will go to Lingshan for an outing, but this path is really quiet.”

  There were some voices in the temple, but it was really cold here.

  ”Maybe it’s because it’s still early.”

  Not long after, the three of them stepped into the Buddha’s Heart Lake.

  Although it is a ‘lake’, it is actually more like a clear pool of water about ten feet wide, and a slightly cool breath hits the face.

  ”This water is quite clean.”

  Jasmine looked over and smiled, “There are so many sticks under the lake, almost covering a layer.”

  Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “They all want good luck.”

  Jasmine looked at the stick in her hand again, and the corners of her lips slightly raised: “Husband, do you have any wishes in your heart that you want to realize?”


  ”The monk said that if you put the stick into the water, it will work.” Jasmine smiled and said, “If you make a wish, it can be considered a good idea~”

  Yang Shifei smiled, “It’s good to live in harmony at home.”

  Jasmine cast a mischievous look, “Husband’s wish is not simple.”

  Seeing Yang Shifei’s sullen smile, she couldn’t help laughing, “At least our family of three is relatively harmonious.”

  ”. What do you want to wish for?”

  ”My sister and the young lady can be happy.”

  Jasmine put the wooden stick into the water, and silently added in her heart. Husband also needs to be safe and worry-free.

  Uh, it should be said that the young master

  was embarrassed and hot to Jasmine.

  Yue Rui said lazily: “I want to be with my brother forever~”

  Yang Shifei helped her put the wooden stick into the water, smiling gently: “If you don’t run, I won’t leave you behind.”

  Moli couldn’t help but hold her forehead: “I can’t tell what your relationship is.”

  ”Wild cat and owner?”

  Yue Rui sucked on her neck: “It’s a domestic cat.”

  After the wooden sticks were put, the three found the exit of Linghu Lake and soon stepped into the territory of Lingshan.

  As soon as they came out of the cave, the lush forest came into view.

  Moli looked around and admired sincerely: “The mountain view is really good.”

  ”-There is a foul smell.”

  Yue Rui suddenly spoke, causing Yang Shifei and Moli’s faces to change.

  ”Here, is there filth spreading?”

  ”Yeah.” Yue Rui’s little nose moved: “Although it is relatively weak.”

  Yang Shifei frowned and said: “It seems that I have to talk to the monks later.”

  He and Moli looked at each other and continued to move forward.

  After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they saw a small temple in the mountain ahead. Under the ancient Buddha statue, an old monk was sitting cross-legged, his body was extremely haggard.

  Yang Shifei bowed and said, “Master, where is the ghost spirit?”

  ”Keep going straight and go deeper to find it.”

  The old monk’s voice was very hoarse: “But the ghost spirit is not yet mature, the donor will have to wait for a while.”

  Yang Shifei bowed and said, “No problem, we want to take a look at what it looks like first.”

  ”Then go.” The old monk said no more.

  Yue Rui glanced at her with deep eyes.

  Yang Shifei and Moli left the temple and stepped into the mountains.

  ”Did you find anything just now?”

  ”The man’s breath was very messy. It seemed like he had deliberately concealed it.”


  A strange sound echoed in the forest.

  Yang Shifei was alert and walked along the mountain road for a long time before he found a cave.

  Jasmine lit a fire in the cave and searched carefully for a while. She saw two strange weeds in the corner.

  ”Shall we continue to wait for the flowers to bloom?”

  Yang Shifei stood up on his knees: “Go out and find a place to live, and come back every day to check.”

  His face was a little solemn: “Besides, the situation in this mountain is strange, it’s not good to stay for a long time.”


  Once the ghost flower blooms, it can last for ten days without withering, so there is no need to worry about missing it.

  But at this moment, a chill suddenly appeared behind him, and he turned around quickly.

  There was a strange man and woman standing outside, each holding a weapon in their hands, with strange eyes.

  Yang Shifei narrowed his eyes: “You are-”

  Before he finished speaking, the two of them suddenly moved together and rushed over!


  Jasmine pulled out the soft whip wrapped around her waist and whipped the two of them so hard that they staggered and fell.


  The next moment, they all looked up, their eyes were bloodshot and they shouted: “Kill!”

  Jasmine frowned and said: “The scope of the filth is really terrible, even here.”

  As she said that, she immediately broke the necks of the two.

  Yang Shifei looked at the bodies lying on the ground. They were not dressed like ordinary people, but like people from the underworld.

  He thought for a while and said: “Let’s go back and take a look.”

  When the two returned along the original path, they gradually found something strange.

  ”Something is wrong.”

  Jasmine hesitated and said: “I remember that this path was originally straight, but why did it become a bush in front?”

  Yang Shifei’s face gradually darkened.

  Could it be that even the flowers, plants and trees are changing?

  After many twists and turns, they finally found the temple in the mountains, and they could see many people gathered outside the temple.

  Yang Shifei was about to take a step, but hurriedly pulled Jasmine to stop.

  Looking closely again, those people gathered in front of the temple were expressionless, as if they were fake dolls.

  ”What on earth is this…”

  Before the words fell, a huge hand stretched out from the temple, and placed a monk in the palm of the hand in front of everyone, as if playing with an anthropomorphic toy.

  Yang Shifei and Jasmine were both shocked.

  What is that giant hand! ?

  The monk took a step and headed towards the Buddha’s Heart Lake. Those expressionless people all followed and walked away together.


  It was eerie and weird everywhere.

  What I saw just now, if it was not an illusion,

  Yue Rui seemed to have sensed something, and the power of her true form was quietly exerted, and the gray fog enveloped the three people.

  In the cracks of the temple wall, a huge eyeball flickered faintly, and suddenly stared at this side!

  Yang Shifei felt a little cold on his back.

  I didn’t realize when I came here, when did a monster hide in this temple! ?

  The gray fog borrowed Yue Rui’s true form slowly approached, and when I looked at the temple again, my scalp suddenly numbed.

  There was no figure of the monster as imagined, but the ancient Buddha statue just now had turned to face the wall without knowing when.

  But the old monk seemed unaware and still sat cross-legged in the same place.

  Yue Rui murmured, “He has a strong smell of filth this time.”

  Yang Shifei’s face darkened, “It seems that it is not only the Thousand Blade Weapons Pond that has suffered, this place is no less bad.”

  Jasmine looked at him and continued to rush back.

  Yue Rui huddled in her arms to keep the gray fog from dispersing until she stepped back into the cave, her steps stopped, her face solemn.


  In the Buddha’s Heart Lake, several huge beasts were lurking on both sides.

  A terrifying python emerged from the pond and coiled in front of the cave entrance like a small mountain.

   The third update is over


  (this chapter is over)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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