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126. Chapter 126: The tide turns

126. Chapter 126: The tide turns


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 126 Feng Shui changes

  ”Sir, what are your plans?”

  Jasmine looked at the entrance of Lingshan Mountain, frowning: “Continue to guard here, or…”

  ”Go into the mountain and wait and see.”

  The demons are rampant in the mountain, and the Youjing Flower may be destroyed, so it is not good to leave for too long.

  Yang Shifei also had some doubts in his heart-

  where did these filth come from.

  ”At the beginning, we searched for several days in Qianren Bingtan, but we could not find the source of the filth. The remaining breath was wiped out by the holy soldiers, so we could only let it go.”

  Yang Shifei said in a serious tone: “Now that I have this opportunity, I want to look for it again.”

  Jasmine was thoughtful.

  The source of the filth is a mystery, and it is indeed important to find the source.

  If the intelligence is comprehensive, even if there are no holy soldiers in the future, prevention and control can be done in advance.

  ”However, entering Lingshan may still be dangerous.” Yang Shifei whispered: “Do you want to…”

  ”Sir, you are joking, how can I leave you.” Jasmine smiled faintly: “Of course I will go into the mountain with you.”

  Yue Rui gently pulled her hand, with a serious face: “I am not afraid of danger.”

  Yang Shifei did not hesitate, and pulled the two women back to Lingshan.

  In the mountain temple, the ancient Buddha statue returned to its original position at some point, and the withered old monk still sat cross-legged on the spot, closing his eyes and

  silently chanting. When the three returned to the temple, he put down the Buddhist beads in his hand and said hoarsely:

  ”Such a method of concealing breath is really extraordinary. This time, I can detect a clue.”


  Jasmine was slightly surprised, Yue Rui narrowed her eyes, and the dagger in her sleeve flashed.

  Yang Shifei smiled faintly: “You are indeed a master who hides his power.”

  ”If I really have the means, why would I sit here.”

  The withered old monk turned his head to reveal his decayed face and glanced at the three people.

  In the field of vision, the evil spirit behind the two women was stirring, as if they had turned into a terrifying giant snake, and the vast ghost shadows filled the surroundings, and the tall black shadow almost covered the temple.

  He retracted his gaze, clasped his hands and murmured: “Donor, do you know that the two girls beside you are both terrifying demons.”

  ”I know.” Yang Shifei responded calmly: “One of them is a snake demon and the other is a cat demon.”

  The withered old monk was stunned when he heard this: “If the donor knew, why did he stand with them?”

  ”They are kind and beautiful, what’s wrong with that.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “At least, I like them very much.”

  The withered old monk: “.”

  He was silent for more than ten breaths, and then he sighed softly:

  ”I have lived for nearly a hundred years and have seen all kinds of people in the world, but this is the first time I have met such a strange person as the donor.”

  ”Why do you need to praise me, monk.” Yang Shifei glanced at the ancient Buddha statue: “Aren’t you the same?”

  ”This is just the evil spirit in this monk’s body.”

  The withered old monk clasped his hands and pondered: “A hundred days ago, Lingshan was filled with evil spirits, and this monk was accidentally infected. Even if the Dharma was used to block it, the whole body would inevitably be gradually eroded.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly: “What does this have to do with the statue?”

  ”I watered the ancient Buddha with my blood to share the evil spirit.” The withered old man whispered, “Although the Buddha statue is now full of evil spirit, it is still under my control.”

  Yang Shifei was surprised to hear this. He didn’t expect that a high-level warrior would have this method to resist evil spirits.

  It was equivalent to… connecting a body with flesh and blood?

  ”But, your blood is not endless.”

  ”I believe I am powerless to resist the evil spirit. I can only fight evil with evil, even if I can only hold on for another ten days.”

  The withered old monk murmured, “It is enough to protect Kaihong Temple for the last period of time.”

  Jasmine said softly, “Since you have been infected by evil, why not tell the monks in the temple about this and let them leave quickly.”

  ”You can’t escape.” The withered old monk shook his head, “The sky is changing.”

  ”What you said is…” ”

  The king’s prophecy is about to come true.”

  The withered old monk sighed, “This world will become a purgatory on earth, and no one can escape.”

  Yang Shifei’s brows twitched slightly, “Can you tell me in detail?”

  ”If you want to know the prophecy, you might as well go to the Embedded Dragon Tomb in person.”

  The withered old monk changed the subject, “Two groups of people have gone to the Embedded Dragon Tomb. Young Hero Yang might as well catch up quickly.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart moved. The monk knew his identity.

  ”Who are they?”

  ”The first group is from the Jintian Palace, and they are coming in full force. The second group only has one person, but this person is extremely powerful, and can be called the pinnacle of heaven and man.”

  The withered old monk said meaningfully: “And a strange person like you, Young Master Yang, may be able to save more innocent lives in Purgatory.”

  Yang Shifei looked calm: “Do your best.”

  ”Even if you save one more person, it will be a great merit.” The withered old man lowered his head: “Let’s go, I will guard this place, and will not let the demons cross this place again.”

  ”Master, I have a secret technique that can let you live a little longer.”

  Yang Shifei walked into the temple and put his hand on the back of his neck.

  As the filth left his body, the withered old man couldn’t help but exhale slowly: “Young Master Yang, thank you.”

  ”It’s just a piece of cake.” Yang Shifei bowed and said goodbye, pulling Jasmine and Yue Rui into the mountains.

  a moment of silence, the withered old monk raised his head and sighed:

  ”He is worthy of the reputation of slaying demons and eliminating monsters. Having such a person with supernatural powers may be the hope for the continuation of future generations.”

  In the silent forest, Jasmine gently pulled her sleeves and whispered:

  ”Sir, is it really okay for you to show your supernatural powers to this person?”

  ”His body has decayed and he is bound to die. He is only hanging on to his last breath with his powerful skills. Exposing him will not leave any hidden dangers.”

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “And I just want to do an experiment to try to absorb the filth of other masters and see if they can transform into acquired aliens.”

  Jasmine’s eyes moved slightly: “Is it because of Madam Qiu’s transformation?”

  ”It’s a pity that we haven’t figured out the reason yet.” Yang Shifei clenched his right hand: “This old monk didn’t succeed, he just absorbed the filth.”

  Jasmine thought: “It seems that there are still many secrets of this filth.”

  The three of them walked along the mountain road and stopped soon.

  ”Just now, the road here has changed.”

  ”Let me try.”

  Yang Shifei put his palm on a tree and really absorbed a very faint trace of filth.

  And the tree suddenly fell down, dust was raised, and the roots turned outward.

  After a careful inspection, it was confirmed that this tree had the strange ability to move its roots under the erosion of filth.

  ”. It’s really evil.”

  Not long after, they came to the deep mountain cave again and carefully checked all the plants next to the elf flowers and plants. Fortunately, nothing happened.

  Jasmine identified the direction and pointed to the distance: “The embedded dragon tomb is there.”

  The three of them drove a few hundred feet of mountain road and finally saw the outline of the mausoleum in the mountains.

  ”There is someone.” Yang Shifei looked closely and found that there was a corpse lying outside the tomb.

  Jasmine came to the corpse and couldn’t help frowning: “This person has been dead for less than a day. It seems that his heart meridian was shattered by the palm force.”

  ”It may be that the two groups of people who arrived first had a conflict with each other.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the stone door of the mausoleum. Could it be that a group of people had already entered it?

  ”Filth, very strong.”

  Yue Rui suddenly murmured: “It keeps pouring out through the crack of the door.”

  ”Is the filth of this mountain related to the Embedded Dragon Tomb?”

  Yang Shifei stepped forward and tried to open the door, but the two stone doors were extremely heavy and difficult to move.

  After carefully checking the surroundings, he groped for the stone pillar mechanism, and the mausoleum in front of him opened quickly.

  ”Be careful, there may be traps.”

  The mausoleum was silent, like a ghost world, and it was even more difficult to tell the direction of the passage.

  Yang Shifei walked in front and explored the way forward carefully.


  During the period, when they encountered a fork in the road, Jasmine could only remember the route they came from and choose another way to continue.

  After walking for an unknown distance, there was a glimmer of light in front of them.

  ”This is…”

  As they gradually approached, the dense forest came into the sight of the three people again.


  Jasmine looked back in surprise. It was indeed the stone door of the Embedded Dragon Tomb.

  But the door was open, not closed.

  ”We’ve been walking around for a long time, and we just happened to find a secret escape route?”

  Yang Shifei was a little amused.

  ”Looking at the mountain, we may have gone around to the other side of Lingshan.”

  Jasmine walked to the edge of the cliff not far away and looked: “It seems that there is no other mountain road here.”

  Yang Shifei looked around, and the beautiful spring scenery was in full view, as if it was a fairyland in the mountains.


  But at this time, Yue Rui pulled his sleeve: “There is someone there.”

  Yang Shifei’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked in the direction of his finger. There was indeed a person lying among the lush flowers and plants.

  He approached with bated breath and saw that it was a woman lying on her side.

  Her body was covered with dust, her white dress had many scratches, and her beautiful face was extremely pale.

  He put his finger to the woman’s nose, and there was still a faint breath.

  ”Still alive?”

  Yang Shifei was slightly surprised and gently straightened her body.

  The woman in the white dress had a string of black blood scabs at the corner of her mouth, and she seemed to be seriously injured.

  Jasmine came over in a hurry: “Could this woman also be… Be careful!”

  The woman in the white dress suddenly opened her eyes and sat up, raising her palm to slap Yang Shifei!

  Yue Rui’s eyes suddenly turned cold, and she drew her dagger and was about to cut –

  but the woman in the white dress suddenly stopped moving, staring at Yang Shifei for a while:

  ”You, are not…”

  She suddenly choked out two mouthfuls of blood, and then groaned twice and fell back, and fainted again.

  Yang Shifei and Jasmine looked solemn.

  This woman is very alert.

  But it may also be that she was chased here, so she was so alert.

  Yue Rui showed her dagger and tilted her head and said: “Are you going to kill my brother?”

  ”Don’t be anxious yet.” Jasmine smiled helplessly: “I haven’t figured out whether this woman is an enemy or a friend yet.”

  She lifted the woman’s wrist and took her wrist pulse to detect the injury.

  Yang Shifei was about to check the surroundings, but saw a jade pendant slipping from her sleeve.

  ”This is…”

  He picked it up and looked at it, and soon showed a look of surprise.

  The engraved pattern on this jade pendant is the token thrown to him by the woman in the red robe!

  This woman is the Celestial Palace Master of Jintian Palace?!

   Second update


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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