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127. Chapter 127: Sickly Beauty and Vixen

127. Chapter 127: Sickly Beauty and Vixen


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 127: Sickly Beauty and Vixen

  Ji Shang woke up slowly, but her consciousness was still unclear.

  Could it be that she was still alive?

  She thought in a daze, and memories gradually emerged in her mind.

  A few days ago, she received a report from a spy that a leader of a sect wanted to betray.

  They knew the existence of the Embedded Dragon Tomb from somewhere, and came all the way here to take away the treasures of the tomb and learn the secrets of the magic skills in it.

  Ji Shang didn’t care about such a small matter. She was just a small leader of the sect, and she only needed to order someone to deal with it.

  But she was good at divination and foresight. After a little deduction, she knew that there was a great opportunity in Lingshan, and it was closely related to her, so she had to pay attention. But the result was that

  Ji Shang laughed at herself in her heart.

  She came here from Shu Kingdom, just for sightseeing.

  When she stepped into Lingshan, she just wanted to kill the minions and then wait for the opportunity to come.

  But she never expected that she had just killed someone casually, but because of the filth entering her body, her skills were disordered and rebounded.

  Those traitors took the opportunity to escape into the Embedded Dragon Tomb. She wanted to enter the main tomb from the secret passage above to kill them. Unexpectedly, she lost all her power halfway and fell all the way from the mountain.

  ”As the master of the Jintian Palace, I almost fell to my death one day. Ridiculous.”

  Ji Shang’s consciousness gradually became clear, and she quickly calmed down.

  Even though she had suffered a series of misfortunes, she was not dead yet, and she couldn’t just end her life here.

  She just wanted to try to sit up, but found that her body was cold, as if she was not wearing any clothes. Ji Shang

  was horrified. Just as she wanted to get up, she felt a sharp pain from all over her body, making her cry out in pain.


  She suddenly lost all her strength and collapsed straight back.

  The injury was so serious!

  Ji Shang gritted her teeth and endured the pain, her heart was cold.

  Now that she had lost all her power and was seriously injured and unable to move, who on earth had attacked her——


  Just at this moment, a low voice came from beside her.

  It was. A man!

  Ji Shang’s already pale face was even more miserable at this moment.

  She became the Saint of Jintian Palace since she was a child. She has never had any affair with the opposite sex. She has always been chaste and has eliminated lust for many years.

  After decades of hard work, she became a celestial being and took over the position of the Lord of Jintian Palace. With a wave of her hand, she can command more than 10,000 disciples in the 72 altars. Even the royal family of Shu Kingdom is a believer under her. She can be said to be at the top of Shu Kingdom, and everyone respects her as the “Great Saint of Jintian”.

  But today, she has fallen to this point, and was even captured by a strange man and stripped of her clothes.

  Ji Shang was breathing rapidly and almost died. She wanted to end her life to leave the last bit of innocence in the world.

  ”Girl, don’t be so excited.”

  The magnetic male voice got closer and closer: “I didn’t do anything bad to you. I saw you fell in the ravine with injuries all over your body, so I brought you back to heal your wounds.”

  Ji Shang wanted to bite her tongue, but her expression was slightly startled.

  This voice sounded familiar, as if I had heard it not long ago.

  By the way, it was that Yang Shifei!

  Ji Shang was shocked. How could he save her here?

  ”Your wounds have been bandaged. Here is some medicine soup that has just been boiled to relieve internal injuries.”

  Yang Shifei held the hot medicine in his hand and chuckled, “Don’t worry. My wife helped you change your clothes.”

  Ji Shang was silent for a moment, and her heart calmed down a little.

  Although she didn’t know much, she didn’t have a bad impression of Yang Shifei. She could barely accept that he saved her life.

  What’s more, this person still had the Heavenly Demon Seal he carved on him, which would not harm her.

  Ji Shang said with a dry voice: “Thank you.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and said, “My wife and I came to Lingshan to ask for divination and go outing. We accidentally got lost and happened to find the girl. You and I are so destined, so we can’t just leave it alone.”

  Hearing this, Ji Shang also sighed secretly.

  This boy is really kind-hearted.

  ”By the way, I don’t know what the girl’s name is?”

  ”My name is Ji Shang.”

  Ji Shang felt fortunate.

  Fortunately, the real name of the Lord of Jintian Palace is known by very few people in the world, so her identity will not be exposed by this name.

  If this person knew it, the bad woman who was still high and mighty last night would now be lying like a useless person, unable to move, and could only let him do whatever he wanted.

  Even with the protection of the Heavenly Demon Seal, Ji Shang felt embarrassed when she thought about it.

  ”This name is quite nice.”

  Yang Shifei whispered again: “Is there any inconvenience in the girl’s eyes?”


  Ji Shang replied hesitantly.

  With her original heavenly power, it was enough to temporarily restore her blindness and see things clearly.

  After so many years, she felt the inconvenience of being born blind for the first time in a long time, and could only vaguely see the outline of Yang Shifei’s face.

  But fortunately, she just met him last night. I remember that he was a very handsome and fair-skinned young man, and his appearance was not unpleasant.

  ”Then what about your legs, girl…”

  ”Born with a disease.”

  Ji Shang responded in a low voice, feeling even more helpless.

  The reason why she was brought back to the Jintian Palace when she was young was because the previous palace master saw that she was born with a disease, so that she could concentrate more on practicing the sect’s magic skills.

  With the cultivation of a celestial being, blindness and inconvenient legs are not a problem. She can fly in the air at will. In the past, she only needed to touch the ground with her feet.

  But now that her power has dissipated, she has completely returned to her original form.

  Thinking about how powerful and domineering she used to be, but now

  seeing Ji Shang’s helpless expression, Yang Shifei couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

  The origin of this master of Jintian Palace is really a bit miserable.

  It is a bit difficult to connect this weak and haggard woman in front of him with the domineering and powerful celestial being last night.

  ”Girl, why did you come to the depths of Lingshan alone when you are so inconvenient?”


  Ji Shang suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said vaguely: “I am the daughter of a merchant family in Shu State. I came to the mountain with several maids to pray for blessings, but unexpectedly they colluded with bandits, robbed money, and threw me down the mountain, so…”

  ”I see.”

  Yang Shifei nodded, almost unable to hold back his laughter.

  It seems that this female celestial being is also very embarrassed now. She is too embarrassed to reveal her true identity, so she can only make up a story on the spot.

  ”Girl, you can just rest here and recover from your injuries. Don’t worry about anything else.”

  He said in a gentle tone, “I’ll feed you medicine now, drink it carefully.”


  Ji Shang felt a little bitter, but she couldn’t move her body at the moment, so she could only open her mouth honestly –

  as Yang Shifei blew patiently, a spoonful of warm medicine was slowly handed to her.

  Ji Shang swallowed it in small sips, and her heart was even more complicated.

  She was a celestial being, but now she had to be taken care of by this junior.

  ”Cough, cough, cough.”

  After drinking a few sips, she accidentally choked a little.

  Ji Shang felt a big hand gently holding her shoulders again, her body was slightly tilted, and her back was gently patted.

  ”Girl, are you okay?”

  ”It’s okay”

  Ji Shang’s body was stiff, and she responded unnaturally.

  How could this kid be touched easily

  ? But her body was quickly gently put back and lay flat again.

  Seeing that he never touched her more, Ji Shang was slightly startled, and she couldn’t help but relax a little, thinking that the man in front of her

  might really be a good person.

  ”Your skirt has been washed, cover it with a blanket first. When the external injury gets better, let my wife help you change it.”

  ”Thank you.” ”

  Rest assured first.”

  ”Aren’t you going to leave this mountain?”

  ”Something happened outside

  , so it’s not easy to leave.” Yang Shifei smiled: “So my wife and I decided to stay here for a while, and we are going to build a small wooden house outside.”

  The two sides exchanged a few more words, and Ji Shang turned her head to see him out of the cave.


  After a long silence, she sighed.

  If there is a chance to recover from the injury and leave,

  find an opportunity in the future to bring Yang Shifei back to Shu and treat him well, as a reward for saving his life.

  After coming out of the cave, Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although pretending to be careless, the figure of the palace master is really proud. Especially when Jasmine was wrapped in gauze, her plump parts were stretched

  and she was sleeping. Her temperament was really delicate and beautiful, like a sick beauty, which was quite different from her arrogant character.


  Yue Rui ran quickly from a distance, and just threw down a few thick wood.

  Seeing her flying over, Yang Shifei smiled and picked her up: “It’s rare that you are not sleepy during the day.”

  Yue Rui smiled softly: “After all, you have to help your brother build a house.”

  Yang Shifei kissed her on the forehead as a reward.

  As for now, after discussing with Jasmine, he decided not to explore the Embedded Dragon Tomb in depth for the time being, but to stay here with the injured Ji Shang.

  After all, instead of blindly wandering around in the mausoleum full of dangers, maybe he can ask more from the mouth of the Lord of the Ember Sky Palace.

  As for this place, although there is no way down the mountain, there are abundant resources, so there is no worry about food and drink. Even in one place, a field of elf flowers was found, which was a pleasant surprise.

  When everything is fully prepared, go into the Embedded Dragon Tomb and explore it carefully.

  ”Has the Palace Master awakened?”

  With a rustling sound, a huge figure crawled through the woods quickly.

  Yang Shifei turned around and saw Jasmine’s true form of a snake, twisting her waist gracefully, and her huge snake tail wrapped around dozens of tree trunks.

  ”She just woke up not long ago, but we haven’t talked for a while.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Madam, you look really powerful and beautiful.”

  Jasmine rolled her eyes at him: “What’s so powerful? I just helped you move some wood.”

  As the true form disappeared, a large amount of wood fell to the ground.

  ”But do you really know how to build a house?”

  ”I learned it when I was bored in Qianren Bingtan.” Yue

  Rui got down from his arms, and Yang Shifei lifted his sleeves and smiled: “But I can only build a simple wooden house, I can’t expect more.”

  Jasmine raised her eyebrows slightly, the young master was learning fast.

  She came closer to help, and whispered:

  ”Did you absorb the filth of that woman?”

  After a careful inspection, it was discovered that the Palace Master of Jintian was not injured by anyone at all, and his body was covered with injuries from falling.

  Not only did her power disappear, but there was even a lot of filth everywhere, which was quite strange.

  ”I tried it.”

  Yang Shifei looked a little strange: “You guys just went out to cut wood, so I tried it. I didn’t expect her reaction to be so strong, and she even showed her true form.”

  Jasmine was surprised and said: “This woman also has her true form!?”

  ”Her condition seems a bit similar to Sister Qiu.”

  Yang Shifei scratched his head: “However, she suddenly grew fox ears and several fox tails.”


  Jasmine and Yue Rui both paused, with subtle eyes.

  Is this woman a vixen?

   The third update is over~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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