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129. Chapter 129: Snake Demon Teases Fox Girl

129. Chapter 129: Snake Demon Teases Fox Girl


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 129: Snake Demon Teases Fox Girl

  As Yang Shifei and Yue Rui entered the Embedded Dragon Tomb, the surroundings of the wooden house became quiet again.

  Ji Shang looked out the door silently, a little absent-minded, as if her mind was drifting away.

  When she came back to her senses, she couldn’t help but close her eyes and laugh at herself.

  ”I didn’t expect that I would care about people so much.”

  After being the palace master for decades, she only had the sect and the great cause in her eyes.

  But now, after just one day of getting along, she would take the initiative to reveal information, and she didn’t want this man to get into trouble from the bottom of her heart.

  ”Is it because he saved my life that I was in a mess?”

  Ji Shang asked herself, but she couldn’t get any answer.

  At this time, she heard footsteps and vaguely saw a beautiful figure entering the house –

  she narrowed her eyes slightly.

  This woman is Yang Shifei’s wife.

  Judging from her behavior, she seemed to be doing needlework and sewing the tear in her robe.

  She didn’t know much about this woman, probably only knowing that she had a gentle temperament.

  In the past, she would not have paid any attention to him, but now.

  Ji Shang did not know why, and she spoke subconsciously:


  Jasmine put down her needlework and looked back curiously: “What’s wrong?”

  Ji Shang was silent for a moment, and said: “The young master carefully healed my wounds, I hope Madam will not blame him.”

  Jasmine’s mouth corners slightly raised: “My husband is kind-hearted, how can I complain, young lady, there is no need to worry.”

  ”. The young master is indeed kind-hearted and very considerate.”

  Ji Shang murmured: “Madam, I hope you are not annoyed.”

  Jasmine pursed her lips and smiled secretly.

  Although the master of Jintian Palace has a high status, she is now just a simple-minded young lady, and she doesn’t know how to say something nice.

  ”It’s a good thing that my husband can be favored by the beauty.”

  Jasmine said meaningfully: “Although my husband and I get along well, every night is particularly difficult. Sometimes I wonder when my husband can bring back a good sister for me, so that our family can be more harmonious and happy.”


  Ji Shang was stunned for a long time after hearing this.

  Although she had not had a friendly conversation with anyone for decades, she still had some experience and could naturally hear the deep meaning in the words.

  This lady, is she trying to get the young master to take a concubine?

  Ji Shang couldn’t help but ask, “Wouldn’t the lady feel unhappy?”

  ”Why not?” Jasmine smiled with interest, “Since you have me in your heart, that’s enough. One more or one less person doesn’t affect the weight of your heart.”

  Ji Shang was speechless for a moment.

  Do all women in the world think this way?

  ”Of course, there are other reasons.” Jasmine covered her lips and pretended to be shy, “My husband is really brave at night. If I don’t have a good sister, I’m afraid my body will…”

  Ji Shang became more and more dazed as she listened. The young master looked gentle, but he turned out to be so wild.

  Wait, why did the two sides talk about such a strange topic?

  Inside the embedded dragon tomb, it was still dark all around.

  Yang Shifei took Yue Rui’s little hand and walked slowly along the right passage.


  Yue Rui lowered her voice and said, “Does that vixen feel comfortable to hold?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  Yue Rui scratched her palm and muttered, “The vixen is really bad.”

  ”Well, although she showed her true form, it seems that she can’t control the power of her true form from her current state.”

  Yang Shifei whispered, “Girl, did you see her true form?”

  Yue Rui thought for a moment and shook her head, “This girl is very strange, I can’t see through her.”


  ”She seems to be able to use filth, but her body has never been eroded by filth.”

  Yue Rui tapped her lower lip lightly, “Perhaps, she has practiced some strange skills, shouldering the power of heaven and man and the breath of filth.”

  Yang Shifei was a little surprised to hear this. There is such a miraculous skill in the world?

  But the other party is the palace master of one of the nine sects in the world, and can be regarded as one of the strongest people in this world. Maybe he has some unique background.

  ”The end is here.”

  Yang Shifei quickly found the dragon head mechanism and slowly pushed it up.

  Boom –

  as the stone door rose, another dark tunnel appeared in front of him.

  The two of them walked in hand in hand, and at the same time, the gray fog enveloped them, hiding all the breath and sound.

  After walking quietly for a while, Yang Shifei actually saw a trace of fire in front of him.

  ”Someone is outside the secret passage.”

  When he reached the end, Yang Shifei leaned against the wall and listened carefully for a while, but there was no conversation.

  ”Brother, do you want to open the door?”

  ”Open it.”

  With an order, Yue Rui pushed the dragon head mechanism, and the stone door suddenly opened, and the movement was covered by the gray fog.


  There was no response in the main hall of the mausoleum, but the fire was very bright, as if a large number of candles were lit.

  Yang Shifei leaned forward to observe, and there were more than a dozen people sitting cross-legged not far away, as if they were practicing.

  ”They are all masters.” Yue Rui poked her little head out of her arms: “Are they from the Jintian Palace?”

  ”It should be.” Yang Shifei frowned slightly: “Why are you practicing in the mausoleum?”

  Yue Rui walked over and asked curiously: “What kind of martial arts is this?”

  Yang Shifei looked closer and also showed a strange look.

  These people were actually emitting blue light all over their bodies, and it was obvious that they were not practicing simple martial arts.

  ”Could it be that there are some treasures for practicing martial arts in this mausoleum, or…”

  Yang Shifei looked around and soon found something strange.

  The main hall is surrounded by six stone walls, and the walls are engraved with dense handwriting and symbols.

  Seeing this scene, many pictures flashed through Yang Shifei’s mind.

  His face became a little subtle.

  Could it be some kind of Qiankun Shift? It just so happened that these people were still glowing, which was quite similar.

  Yang Shifei also wanted to take a look at the mysterious magic, but when he took a closer look, he was immediately confused.

  ”Girl, can you understand it?”

  These characters are not from the ten countries of the world. At first glance, they look like heavenly books.

  Yue Rui came closer and was also stunned: “I don’t understand.”

  Even cats are confused. These characters look more messy than her scribbles.

  Yang Shifei smacked his lips: “Maybe it’s the characters of the Qiu Kingdom hundreds of years ago?”

  He turned around and looked at the people in the main hall again, thinking that these people came prepared.

  ”Brother, what should we do?” Yue Rui clenched her fists: “Knock someone out and take him away, and ask for the secrets of the magic skills?”

  ”Not for now?”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved, and he saw another passage in the distance.

  He tried to explore forward, but his steps suddenly stopped –

  at the end of the passage, there were two old men standing awake.

  ”They have very strong cultivation.”

  Yue Rui stuck behind him and whispered: “They are top three.”

  ”These two people may be blocked by some mechanism?”

  Yang Shifei stroked his chin: “They don’t practice like these people outside. There may be something more precious than the main hall’s skills on the other side of the stone wall.”

  Yue Rui thought: “I’ll go over and take a look.”

  She shrank the gray mist around her body, flew away lightly, and in the blink of an eye she came to the old man and looked over.


  After a moment, Yue Rui slipped back with a dazed look on her face.

  Yang Shifei asked hurriedly, “What are they doing?”

  ”Playing chess.”

  Yue Rui tilted her head, “It seems like they are muttering that they can solve the chess game and open the door to the secret hall soon.”

  Yang Shifei was speechless. Someone really used the chess game as a mechanism?

  But then he thought, he knew nothing about chess games, so why not let these two help open the door?

  Yang Shifei and Yue Rui looked at each other and felt relieved.

  Just wait, it’s a good opportunity to let the people from Jintian Palace help to step on the mines first.

   There are only two updates today, sorry


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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