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131. Chapter 131 White Snake Lady’s Persistence

131. Chapter 131 White Snake Lady’s Persistence


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 131: The White Snake Lady is Clinging to Me

  Yang Shifei’s mind moved. Could it be that Qiu State has some connection with Shu State hundreds of years ago?

  ”How would you know?”

  ”There are many ancient books left in my family. I learned a lot of ancient Shu characters when I was free a few years ago.”

  Ji Shang pursed her lips and whispered, “The founding emperor of Qiu State was once the prince of ancient Shu. He fled because of his failure in the fight for the throne. He rebuilt his power here and became Qiu State.”

  Yang Shifei nodded suddenly.

  So the characters of the two countries are so similar.

  So, the people of the Ember Palace should also know this, so they can prepare in advance?

  But from what they said, the cultivation method of Ji Shang, the master of the Ember Palace, seems to have a close relationship with the exercises recorded in the Embedded Dragon Tomb.

  Yang Shifei whispered, “Since the girl knows, can you help me translate these secrets one by one?”

  Seeing Ji Shang nodded gently, he quickly spread the book between his knees, and while looking down, he gently wrote and drew with his palm.

  ”Demon. Ember. Cang. Life.”

  Ji Shang translated the strokes into characters and read them out one by one.

  Yang Shifei listened for a while and paused.

  Does the name of this skill really sound like the internal skill of the Jintian Palace?

  Ji Shang translated it softly, and her mind moved slightly.

  The dragon tomb does record the secret skills of the Jintian Palace.

  However, it is not because the two countries of Qiu and Shu are of the same clan, but because the Jintian Palace itself is the legacy of the Qiu Kingdom.

  Hundreds of years ago, when the Qiu Kingdom was destroyed, the last princess “followed the heaven’s command” and left the country, returned to the land of Shu, avoided the disaster of national destruction, and secretly established a sect, which eventually became the Jintian Palace of later generations.

  This “Heavenly Demon Ashes” magic skill is the orthodox inheritance of the Jintian Palace for hundreds of years.

  As the palace master, she naturally knew the existence of the Qiu Kingdom Mausoleum, and even knew the internal structure of the mausoleum.

  But because the palace masters of each generation passed down the oral order that unless the world was about to be in chaos, they were not allowed to approach the mausoleum, so they never paid attention to it over the years.

  To Ji Chang, even if those traitors had cultivated the Heavenly Demon Ashes Divine Art to the seventh or eighth level, they were nothing but trash that could be killed with a wave of the hand, and they posed no threat at all.

  As for the consequences of approaching without permission,

  she had experienced it herself.

  ”I’ll take note of it first.”

  Yang Shifei stopped for the moment and wrote down the translated text on the blank page.

  Ji Chang’s right hand was still gently held, and her ears were slightly hot.

  If this man wants to practice the Heavenly Demon Ashes, it would be okay to make an exception and let him learn it

  . “-Husband~”

  Jasmine walked into the room with a hot stone pot and said with a coquettish smile, “Lunch is ready, let’s eat first~”

  Yang Shifei had just finished memorizing the words, and nodded with a smile, “Okay, it’s a good opportunity to try your cooking skills.”

  Ji Shang, leaning on his arms, said softly, “Young Master, you guys eat first, I’ll wait a moment.”

  ”Wait a moment, girl, I’ll feed you right away.”

  ”.No need to be so anxious.”

  Ji Shang was helped to lie down again, her face slightly flushed, and said, “The soup is hot, young master, eat slowly.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and covered her with the quilt, then pulled a small stool and sat down at the wooden table.

  Looking at the fragrant stew in the stone bowl, he raised his eyebrows slightly: “How is this made?”

  ”Just now, two pigeons happened to fly over, and I went to pick some vegetables and stewed them together.”

  Yang Shifei drank a sip of soup and ate a bite of meat, and couldn’t help but praise: “It tastes good.”

  Jasmine smiled even sweeter: “As long as you like it~”

  ”.You are now really a good wife and mother.”

  Yang Shifei did not forget to tease while eating meat. Jasmine blushed and said angrily: “What good mother, where did I get my child.”

  ”Brother, it smells so good!”

  Yue Rui ran back to the house with her hair loose, her eyes shining slightly.

  ”Hurry up and sit down and eat together.” “Yeah!”

  ”Good cat, call me sister-in-law, and I will let you drink two more bowls, how about it~”

  ”.Bad sister-in-law.”

  Seeing the three people sitting around eating and drinking and joking, Ji Shang on the bed had soft eyes and sighed faintly.

  This scene really looks like a harmonious family of three.

  But before she could think about it for long, Yang Shifei sat back on the edge of the bed with a soup spoon.

  ”Come, I’ll feed you.”


  Ji Shang leaned softly into his arms, her face becoming more rosy.

  I thought I would be able to get used to it after being fed a few times. But why is

  my heart beating faster now?

  The sun and the moon passed, and the night came again.

  Yue Rui might be very tired today, and she lay down on the bed and fell asleep early in the morning.

  After drinking the medicine, Ji Shang was also very sleepy and fell asleep soon.

  The house was dark and quiet. Yang Shifei sat by the campfire outside the house, looking at the contents of the scroll with a serious expression.

  Today, I troubled Ji Shang for a long time, and I think I have roughly translated all the copied contents.

  In addition to this internal power method called “Heavenly Demon Ashes”, the stone wall of the secret hall also records things about filth.

  ”The filth is actually called the spiritual energy of heaven and earth by the king of Qiu Kingdom?”

  Yang Shifei felt a little cold in his heart.

  In addition, it is recorded that filth comes from the depths of the earth, and it will emerge in large quantities every few hundred years, which cannot be stopped by human power.

  When the tide of filth emerges, it will sweep across the world, and no living creature will be spared.

  If you want to resist the tide of filth, you need to use the real dragon bones to reshape the “big dragon veins” and gather the will of the people to suppress the evil spirits. Wait for the next reincarnation hundreds of years later.

  ”The evil spirit rooted deep in the earth.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was complicated: “Calling it the “spiritual energy of heaven and earth” is really ironic.”

  If filth is part of heaven and earth, then what are the creatures who can’t bear filth and go crazy?


  hundreds of years ago, did the so-called “real dragon” really exist?


  A beautiful figure came over with an outer robe.

  Jasmine sat closely beside him, her pretty face showing a gentle expression: “These secrets are indeed incredible, but according to what Lord Qiu said, as long as seven pieces of real dragon bones are collected, the filth can be suppressed.”

  Yang Shifei laughed and said, “Now we don’t even know where a piece of the so-called real dragon bone is. This goal is too long-term.”

  ”There will always be a way.” Jasmine smiled and said, “Besides, there are still a few stone walls that I haven’t remembered. Maybe there is a way among them.”

  She glanced at the scroll: “Aren’t you going to learn the magical skills in it?”

  ”I copied the wrong one.” Yang Shifei was amused and helpless: “I copied the third level of the mental method first.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help but chuckle: “My husband is not

  always able to predict things.” “I just run around everywhere.”

  Yang Shifei said softly: “It’s getting late, why don’t you go to bed?”

  ”My husband is sitting alone outside, I can’t sleep.”

  Jasmine stroked her hair and smiled: “As a wife, of course I have to relieve my husband’s worries, don’t I?”

  Yang Shifei showed emotion on his face and gently put his arms around her shoulders.

  ”I feel much more at ease with you taking care of me on this trip.”

  Although the wooden house was built by him, many small furniture and pots and pans were carefully made by Jasmine.

  But in just one day, this wooden house really felt a little homely.

  ”I am Tanxiang’s sister, I can’t be much worse than her.”

  Jasmine’s cheeks flushed seductively, and she sat closer.

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows and smiled: “Madam, do you really want to be a wife?”

  ”We sisters can’t escape your clutches again.”

  Jasmine blushed and snorted softly: “Personal maid, don’t forget the word ‘personal’, the young lady is secretly instigating us.”

  ”Then you want to…”

  ”First, let’s hold hands first.”

  Jasmine stretched out her soft hand and shook her slender fingers playfully.

  Seeing her mischievous eyes, Yang Shifei laughed twice and shook her hands.

  The corners of Jasmine’s mouth curled up beautifully.

  But just as he was about to tease her again, she suddenly frowned, bent down, covered her chest and panted softly.

  Yang Shifei frowned and approached, “Where do you feel uncomfortable?”

  ”I’ve been here for too long, I almost forgot.”

  Jasmine’s face became more and more rosy: “My body may be too full of filth.”

  Yang Shifei thought about it and quickly smiled and said, “Madam, do you need my help?”

  ”Wait a minute!”

  Jasmine immediately shrank shyly: “You are not going to do that kind of dirty thing to me?”

  Yang Shifei joked: “Shouldn’t husbands do something?”

  ”Oh, you are such a bad husband.”

  Jasmine’s eyes kept wandering, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

  But the flames in her heart were getting hotter and hotter, and she couldn’t help but lean back to Yang Shifei and intimately pressed against his arm.

  The outer robe fell quietly, revealing the plum blossom underwear inside.

  At the same time, the filth around him emerged out of control, turning into snake bodies that coiled around, and his blurred eyes turned into snake pupils, staring at Yang Shifei’s eyes.

  ”Husband. I feel a little. Hot.”

  ”It’s no use for you to tell me now.”

  Yang Shifei laughed dryly. His whole body was now squeezed by the snake body and he couldn’t move at all.

  Jasmine hesitated for a moment, but she couldn’t resist the feeling of closeness in her heart. She blushed and moved closer, gently hugged his neck, lowered her head and kissed him lightly.


  As the breath of both sides exchanged, strands of dense cold air rushed into the body, causing Yang Shifei’s eyes to twitch slightly, and he quickly suppressed the pain.

  Jasmine’s reaction was even greater, with a little low moan leaking from her lips, her snake eyes wavering, and her enchanting snake body entwined back and forth, trembling from time to time.

  Yang Shifei’s heart was slightly moved, and he couldn’t help but immerse himself in it.

  Although the girl’s kiss was immature, it was gentle and long-lasting. Although the huge snake body that was wrapped around him was quite powerful, its body was very soft, as if he was trapped in a gentle land.

  But at this moment, he vaguely saw Jasmine’s long hair getting longer and longer, and it fell all over the ground like a waterfall, as if it turned into soft little snakes that drilled into the crevices of the snake body and slowly climbed up his body.

  Yang Shifei took a breath of cold air.

  Jasmine’s eyes were blurred, and she murmured shyly: “As a wife, I naturally have to help you vent.”

  She opened her arms and hugged Yang Shifei into her arms, burying his face in the plum blossom cake.

  The girl’s face was drunken, her snake eyes were full of affection, and her long hair like a waterfall seemed to be gently wrapped around her, rustling.

   Two updates today.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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