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132. Chapter 132: The fake wife is sincere and gradually becomes doting

132. Chapter 132: The fake wife is sincere and gradually becomes doting


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 132: The fake wife’s true love gradually grew into doting

  . The bonfire went out, leaving only wisps of green smoke.

  Under the bright stars and the moon, the two figures were still hugging each other tightly.

  The snake body that was as huge as a mountain disappeared, and turned into a slender snake with a waist.


  As the charm faded, Jasmine curled up in his arms, her face burning with shame.

  She didn’t know she was so bold. She was dizzy from the warmth, and confusedly used her hair to help relieve her anger.

  At that time, her heart was even full of doting, just thinking about making her husband comfortable. She

  really became a little lady!

  While she was thinking about it, her back was touched by a palm, which made her tremble slightly. She quickly used her snake tail to wrap around the hand behind her back.

  ”Stop torturing me.”

  Hearing the charming and gentle scolding in his arms, Yang Shifei laughed: “You still wrapped my waist and legs so tightly?”

  Jasmine blushed and hit his chest: “This is called lingering tenderness, not understanding romance at all.”

  As she spoke, the white and tender snake body gently twisted around, and the dense touch seemed to be a massage, which was really pleasant.

  ”Did you get scared just now?”

  Jasmine leaned in his arms, her voice gradually softened: “Suddenly wrapping your snake tail around you, and…”

  Yang Shifei chuckled: “Look at my radiant appearance now, do you think you were scared?”

  Jasmine was silent for a moment, and said angrily: “How obscene!”

  Although she said so, she felt much more at ease in her heart.

  This intimacy may have come suddenly, but she is not stubborn, and is even quite open-minded.

  Since both parties are now sitting here in this manner and calling each other husband and wife, even if it is a disguise, why bother thinking about the cumbersome etiquette of the world?

  ”Husband, I will tell you a little secret.”


  ”Tan Xiang and I are sisters. Although our personalities are slightly different, we can more or less understand each other’s thoughts.”

  Jasmine’s lips slightly raised: “I probably understand what you and Tan Xiang did~”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  ”So, how can we sisters escape the clutches of the devil.”

  Jasmine smiled faintly: “If you get entangled with my sister, don’t think of leaving me aside.”

  ”.Why didn’t I hear you talk about this before?”

  ”This, this is the reserve of being a sister!”

  Jasmine couldn’t pretend anymore, and couldn’t help blushing: “Please be considerate of my wife’s feelings, bad husband.”

  Yang Shifei nodded suddenly. Is this to make up for the deep kiss that lasted for half an hour just now?

  ”Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

  Hearing his smiling response, Jasmine snorted shyly and leaned back on his chest.

  Yang Shifei lifted her long hair behind her: “Have you made any breakthroughs in your cultivation of aliens?”

  ”According to what you and the lady have concluded, it is considered to have officially entered the realm of true appearance.”

  Jasmine’s voice was slightly softer: “The true appearance will gradually improve, and the hair just changed because of this.”

  Yang Shifei looked at the black hair pouring in his palm and sighed secretly. The beauty of it was really refreshing.

  Jasmine hugged him tighter and smiled beautifully again: “You mentioned the story of a snake girl before, can you tell me about it?”

  ”Do you really want to hear it?”

  ”Anyway, I have nothing to do~” Jasmine smiled and said: “I also want to know more about my husband’s preferences~”

  Yang Shifei pinched his eyebrows, tried to recall the past memories, and told the story of White Snake.

  Half an hour later.

  Jasmine lay in his arms and cried non-stop.

  ”That scholar is so stupid and that monk is even less human!” ”

  It’s just a story, don’t take it so seriously.” Yang Shifei hurriedly comforted her, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

  I didn’t expect that this girl looked cheerful and playful, but she was actually so emotional.

  ”Okay, the fire has been out for a long time, let’s go back to sleep.”


  Yang Shifei hugged Moli back to the house, and they took off their clothes and lay on the bed.

  The girl raised her moist snake pupils and stared at him, her white legs turned into a soft snake body and wrapped around him.

  ”Husband, you really like snakes, don’t you?”

  ”Why do you say that?”

  ”You remember all the stories from the past so clearly”

  ”Well, I just heard a lot of them, and they are classics that everyone knows, so I really like them.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help but smile, leaning on his shoulder and saying softly: “Okay, if you like it, I will show you more in the future~”

  She gently stroked his chest and closed her beautiful eyes: “Go to sleep, go to sleep, I can also help you keep warm~”

  Feeling the snake body wrapping around him, Yang Shifei gradually became sleepy and yawned and slowly fell asleep.

  In the early morning, smoke from cooking gradually rose.

  Everyone woke up early, so they prepared three meals and washed clothes together.

  In front of the bonfire in the wooden house, Jasmine filled the two with vegetable soup, sprinkled with diced meat, and smiled with her hands on her hips: “Try today’s breakfast. How does it taste?”

  Yang Shifei drank two mouthfuls and gave a thumbs up: “Great!”

  Yue Rui said

  faintly: “A bad woman who cheated.” Jasmine pretended to be leisurely: “There is no such thing as ‘cheating’ between husband and wife.”

  Maomao stared at her resentfully, which made her a little embarrassed. She quickly changed the subject and said:

  ”After eating, Xiaomao and I will go into the mausoleum to copy the text.”


  ”It’s just copying, and you are worried that I can’t do it?” Jasmine smiled and said: “You can stay and take care of Miss Ji Shang. Maybe you can ask more from her.”

  Yang Shifei looked at Yue Rui again. Although Maomao puffed up her cheeks, she didn’t refuse.

  ”Okay, you guys be careful.”

  After helping Ji Shang finish breakfast and cleaning up the dishes, Yang Shifei picked up the book and sat at the table to reorganize his thoughts.

  Apart from the seven pieces of real dragon bones that can save the people, what the real magic knife is is still unknown.

  The origin of the great demon sealed by this knife

  is still unknown, but if the seal is unsealed, a terrifying demon will be born, sweeping endless filth and sweeping the world.

  According to the description, this demon is extremely powerful and far beyond the ability of warriors to contend with.

  Only by practicing the divine skills of the Jintian Palace to the tenth level can the demon be countered.

  ”How can this Qiu Kingdom know so much about the secrets?”

  These contents are missing, and Yang Shifei can only guess blindly.

  The ten countries of the world know very little about filth, and the small country that has long been destroyed can leave important information.

  Yang Shifei pondered secretly. Is Qiu Kingdom hiding its true nature, or are there other ten countries with backgrounds that he doesn’t know about?

  ”Sir, what’s bothering you?”

  A soft voice came from the side.

  Yang Shifei smiled: “I’m just curious, why does Qiu Kingdom know so many things.”

  Ji Shang pursed her full lips lightly: “Maybe. They were eyewitnesses hundreds of years ago?”

  ”That’s possible.”

  If it is said that filth will “rise” once every hundreds of years, the Qiu Kingdom may have experienced a filth disaster at that time, and then conducted in-depth research.


  Ji Shang’s delicate face gradually wrinkled, revealing a strange look.

  Yang Shifei hurriedly approached: “What’s wrong, is the injury flaring up?”

  ”No, no.” Ji Shang’s lips pursed, her cheeks became redder, as if she was holding her breath: “Young Master.”

  Yang Shifei’s face sank slightly: “If you are not feeling well, don’t force yourself.”

  Seeing his face full of concern and worry, Ji Shang’s heart trembled slightly, but her expression became more entangled. Even a little embarrassed.

  ”I, I.”

  As if she had made a great decision, Ji Shang just closed her eyes and murmured in shame: “I can’t hold it back anymore”


   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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