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133. Chapter 133 Fox Spring Rise Three Feet High

133. Chapter 133 Fox Spring Rise Three Feet High


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 133 Fox Spring is pouring three feet high

  Ji Shang is a little collapsed now.

  She is a woman with great self-esteem. Even if she can only lie in bed like a disabled person these days, and even needs help to feed her mouthful by mouthful when eating, she can still maintain her original heart.

  It was only because Yang Shifei took good care of her that she felt a little good about him.

  But the current situation is completely different.

  ”I really”

  Ji Shang’s voice was a little trembling, “I want to go to the toilet.”


  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  He was stunned for a few breaths before he came back to his senses and slapped his forehead.

  I thought Jasmine had helped, but it turned out that she didn’t?

  ”I’m so sorry, I didn’t think about it for a while.”

  ”No, it’s not your fault.”

  Ji Shang blushed and whispered: “I just felt…uncomfortable myself.”

  After saying this, she felt even more embarrassed and helpless.

  If she had the original profound cultivation, she would be fine for ten days.

  What’s more, she has also practiced the taboo “Liuli Demon Body Jue” of Jintian Palace, which is almost perfect. Her body has long been free of dirt and dust, and has not been stained by worldly pollution.

  With the power of a celestial being, she would not be much different from the legendary body without leakage, and she would not have to be like an ordinary woman.

  But the problem was that she had not yet practiced to perfection, and now she had lost all her power.

  The body without leakage was really going to leak.

  Seeing her in such pain, Yang Shifei thought of a solution: “Shall I take you to the waterfall to use the restroom?”

  The distance between the two places was only a hundred feet, and they would be there soon.

  ”. Okay.”

  Ji Shang’s heartstrings were tense, and she was almost at the limit of her endurance.

  Yang Shifei quickly picked her up and turned to run towards the waterfall.

  As the sound of the waterfall became louder, the mountain valley came into view.

  Ji Shang curled up in his arms with a flushed face, her legs tightly together, and her whole body was shaking.

  ”How about solving it here?”


  Yang Shifei was about to let her squat by the pool, but as soon as Ji Shang’s feet touched the ground, she was so soft that she couldn’t stand at all.

  ”.” Both parties were stunned.

  Yang Shifei was so anxious that he was a little dizzy, and he even forgot that the other party’s legs were inconvenient and he couldn’t stand.

  Ji Shang also realized it later. If she loosened her hands on her waist, she would turn around and fall into the water.

  The two of them fell into silence as if they knew each other.

  Ji Shang had never felt so shy before. Her head seemed to be on fire and she couldn’t think. Her teeth were trembling.

  Yang Shifei was the first to calm down and whispered, “This is not a big deal. I’ll continue to hold you. You bear it for a while.”

  ”But, but we can’t do this…”

  Ji Shang was really confused this time. She clenched her hands into fists in front of her chest: “How can I let you see this ugly state.”

  Yang Shifei slowed down his tone and said, “Your health is the most important thing now. The matter is urgent. You can put aside these small gifts for the time being.”

  Ji Shang pursed her lips tightly.

  She didn’t even have the room to speak now, as if she would completely lose control in the next moment.

  Helplessly, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Yang Shifei, her eyes burning, as if she wanted to firmly imprint it in her heart.

  ”. Sir, help me.”

  ”If you are embarrassed, you can close your eyes.”

  Yang Shifei helped her lift her skirt and rubbed her clothes.


  Ji Shang leaned against his chest, raised her legs with a drunken face.

  The next moment, the expression on her face seemed to melt, and her mind was blank.

  But in the moment of relaxation, the filth in her body burst out at the same time, and the black fox tails suddenly grew out and danced all around.

  Ji Shang’s pupils shrank, and she subconsciously stretched out her hand to block it: “Young Master, don’t look. Woo——”

  Under the waterfall, the fox’s melodious voice floated up, and was covered and dissipated by the sound of the waterfall.

  Ji Shang shed tears for the first time in her life.

  But she didn’t know whether these tears were sorrow or joy. It

  was not until she was carried back to the bed in a trance that she woke up.

  ”Young Master.”

  ”I’m here.” Yang Shifei had just helped her to tidy up the bedding, and smiled awkwardly: “Are you okay?” He

  never expected that this woman would suddenly lose her balance and reveal her true fox demon nature.

  Under the continuous stimulation, her emotions seemed to be out of control. At that time, the spectacular scene of the waterfall rising three feet high really left a deep impression on him.


  But Ji Shang’s shyness gradually faded, and instead she became a little uneasy.

  ——She revealed her true colors.

  She knew very well that demons were not tolerated in the world.

  No matter how kind Yang Shifei was to others, he was famous for killing demons.

  Now that he saw it with his own eyes, would he kill her on the spot or abandon her in the valley?

  ”Are you worried that I will dislike you?”

  Yang Shifei saw that her expression was different and said gently, “In fact, I saw it when I rescued you.”

  Ji Shang was stunned: “Before…”

  ”Yes.” Yang Shifei chuckled: “To me, the girl just has a few more fox tails, which is quite beautiful.”

  As he said, he deliberately touched the fluffy fox tail that was still twisting outside the quilt.

  Ji Shang shrank up, with a faint light in her eyes: “You really don’t mind that I am a demon?”

  ”Why would I lie to you.”

  Yang Shifei deliberately teased: “I am so happy to meet a fox spirit in the mountains, which is a dream encounter that all men in the world dream of.

  Ji Shang closed her eyes and a few tears fell.

  But this time, she felt an indescribable warmth in her heart.

  ”Take a rest first.” Yang Shifei chuckled and said, “I’ll boil some medicine for you.”


  After half a minute, Ji Shang gradually calmed down.

  But after calming down, she couldn’t help but let her imagination run wild, and the things that happened under the waterfall came to her mind.

  She never thought that one day she would be held in someone’s arms like a baby.

  In the end, she was even carefully washed.

  The water was cold, but the hand was warm.

  ”Miss, the medicine is here.”

  Yang Shifei sat on the edge of the bed with the medicine and picked her up again.

  Ji Shang’s face suddenly flushed and she lowered her eyes shyly.

  No matter how much she wanted to pretend to be calm, she couldn’t help but

  drink it first when she thought about her ugly appearance just now.

  Looking at the spoon handed to her, Ji Shang’s eyes softened and she drank the medicine in small sips.

  After a bowl of soup, she suddenly pulled her sleeve and whispered, “Do you still remember what happened just now?”

  Yang Shifei was stunned. He didn’t expect her to bring it up on her own initiative.

  ”.To be honest, I’m afraid I can’t forget it even if I want to.”

  Even if it was an unintentional mistake, he knew the size and curvature of the peach when he was helping to wash it.

  Ji Shang felt embarrassed and annoyed, but her heart beat faster.

  She sighed softly, as if she had let go of the last bit of reserve in her heart, and whispered:

  ”Young Master, can you tell me more about your past?”

  ”Mine?” Yang Shifei was a little surprised.

  Ji Shang raised her delicate head, and hope flashed in her eyes.

  Yang Shifei’s heart trembled slightly, and he couldn’t help but relax his expression: “If the girl wants to listen, I can naturally talk about it. However, it may not be very meaningful-”

  ”As long as it’s yours, it’s fine.”

  Ji Shang’s tone became a little firmer, and she took the initiative to shake hands: “Young Master, you take such good care of me, I want to know you better”

  ”.Okay, I’ll tell you everything.”

  Yang Shifei put the empty bowl aside, and just embraced the soft Ji Shang, laughing and talking about the past.

  Of course, the modern background was not mentioned, but the people and things were replaced with Niujia Village, which didn’t feel too out of place.

  Ji Shang in her arms listened more and more attentively, smiling and sighing from time to time.

  After a while, she rested her head on his broad shoulders, with a smile on her lips.

  This man, it turns out, has been a restless little rascal since he was a child.

  If he can be brought back to Jintian Palace in the future, perhaps the family will be lively.

  ”Young Master.”

  ”What’s wrong?
” “You

  were very cute when you were a child.”

  ”Ahem!” Yang Shifei’s old face blushed: “That was all when I was a child, don’t take it too seriously.”

  Ji Shang unconsciously smiled softly: “But when you grow up, you are even more handsome and likable.”

  At the same time, she quietly touched Yang Shifei’s shoulder, wanting to secretly take away the restraint of the Heavenly Demon Seal.

  She is now in a mess, not knowing what to do.

  But she just doesn’t want to let this man who saved her, took care of her, and even took away her innocence suffer.

  Even if the Heavenly Demon Seal is not activated, it will not cause pain or distort the mind.

  But, after all…

  Ji Shang secretly exclaimed.

  The existence of the Heavenly Demon Seal cannot be felt in his body.

  She was stunned for a moment, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

  It turned out that Young Master Yang didn’t hurt her because of the Heavenly Demon Seal, but really wanted to

   do it again.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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