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134. Chapter 134 Li Daoming: Senior Sword God is indeed unfathomable!

134. Chapter 134 Li Daoming: Senior Sword God is indeed unfathomable!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 134 Li Daoming: Senior Sword God is indeed unfathomable!

  ”Master, Master, has he returned from the summons?”

  In the library, Li Qinghe was stunned for a while. After he came to his senses, he quickly asked, “Where is Master now? Master, tell your disciples quickly…”

  Regarding Jiang Hai Sword God’s words .

  She naturally believed everything and would not have any doubts.

  After all, my mission is to invite the Jianghai Sword God to come out. Now that I finally have the news, I definitely can’t let it go!

  ”Tsk, I didn’t reply.”

  Qin Yang saw her excited look and said perfunctorily, “The old man calculated that your family was in such a disaster, and then he saw that I had accepted you as my disciple, so he asked me to tell you. ”


  Hearing this, Li Qinghe was a little disappointed, lowered his head and rubbed the star stone in his hand.

  I thought Jianghai Sword God was here.

  Unexpectedly, this was just a paraphrase, and I was happy for nothing.

  But then she thought, now was not the time to hesitate.

  Since Jianghai Sword God personally warned him, it seems that the coming enemy is extraordinary…

  Upon thinking of this,

  Li Qinghe raised his eyes, regained his energy, nodded towards Qin Yang and said: “Yes, master, disciple understands, I will tell you later.” Go home and tell your father.”

  ”Okay, this is a big deal. You should also pay attention to safety on the road.”

  Qin Yang looked in the direction of the toilet and thought of the demon who tried to blow himself up just now.

  Those who can fight are most afraid of encountering those who are desperate for their lives.

  And these cult monsters are exactly the kind of lunatics who are willing to risk their lives.

  In the future, if you hold a star stone bomb and rush towards Li Qinghe on the street, killing eight hundred enemies and damaging yourself a thousand… what will you do?

  Monsters are dead when they die.

  They are social cancers that endanger the safety of citizens.

  But if Li Qinghe is gone…

  I will lose the tools to clean up the system in the future!

  Blood loss!

  After thinking about this, Qin Yang specifically warned: “There has been some unrest in the city in recent days, especially those evil cult monsters. Disciple, you must stay away and never fight with them.”

  ”Okay, disciple understands.”

  Li Qinghe nodded, “Thank you for your concern, master.”

  ”It’s good to understand. This is what I will tell you as a master. You should pay attention to it yourself.”

  After saying that, Qin Yang left her side and walked towards the fishing spot.

  Looking for Xiaobai, get ready to get off work.

  After all, I have exhausted my personnel and have given all the help I should give. With the help of the engraved star stone formation, it is enough to help the Li family tide over the difficulties.

  ”Monsters attack at night…”

  Li Qinghe murmured the message, remembering Qin Yang’s instructions just now, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and he left the museum.



  Jianghai City, Southeast District.

  Fuhai villa area.

  Rows of exquisite villas are located here, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, and cranes entrenched in the mountain streams. Man and nature have reached the ultimate balance.

  Mountains and rivers gather together, gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, forming a natural blessed place for gathering spirits.

  This is the place with the highest housing prices in the entire Jianghai City, and every inch of land is precious.

  And it has a price but no market.

  Those who can own a villa here are all high-ranking officials or business elites who hold a decisive position in related fields.

  Li Qinghe walked along the villa path and came to the core of the Li family’s residential complex, all the way to the study on the third floor.

  Da da!

  There were two knocks on the door in succession.

  ”Come in.”

  Li Daoming’s voice came from the study.

  Hear the sound.

  Li Qinghe pushed open the door, came to the study, and then closed the door.

  ”Qinghe? Why did you come back so early today?”   

  Li Daoming was hunched over his desk, busy signing documents on the table with his head down, and asked in a low voice: “Has the matter made any progress?”

  ”Father, I have something to report to you. The situation is urgent.”

  Li Qinghe arrived In front of the desk, he pondered for a moment, organized the words in his mind, and said in a deep voice, “I just got news, father, someone is going to attack our Li family at night!”

  The words fell.

  The sound of writing in the study stopped.

  Li Daoming suddenly raised his head and said in shock: “Where did you hear this news, Qinghe? Could it be that…you have successfully worshiped the Sword God?!”


  Li Qinghe hesitated after hearing this. Yes, I was thinking about how to respond.

  This young lady has indeed become a disciple of the Sword God…

  but she is still just a disciple of the Sword God… She

  is far from her original goal, and it is too embarrassing to say it!

  Thinking of this, she nodded and simply fooled Li Daoming: “Yes, father, I have already worshiped the Sword God. This is what my senior brother told me. I can’t say more about other things.”

  ”It’s okay, I can’t say more. It doesn’t matter!”

  Li Daoming laughed heartily when he heard this: “Senior Sword God has a unique personality and must have his own habits. Don’t worry, my father won’t tell anyone else!”

  He said excitedly: “From now on, you will study hard with Senior Sword God, and you will definitely achieve great achievements in the future!”


  Looking at the ecstatic Li Daoming, Li Qinghe responded weakly, feeling a little guilty.

  It’s over.

  My father really believed it.

  never mind.

  The ability to deceive people… I learned from Qin Yang!

  ”By the way, father, I also have some star stones given by senior brother. They are said to be used for us to overcome disasters and keep us safe.”

  As he said that, Li Qinghe took out the star stones from his bag and put them on the table. “Please take a look.”

  ”Huh? Let me take a look.”

  Li Daoming picked up a star stone and carefully studied the formation patterns on it, his eyes as solemn as water.

  Time passed little by little.

  Li Qinghe stood aside, looking at Li Daoming’s expression, which changed several times in succession, either with emotion or surprise, and he couldn’t put it down while holding the few star stones.

  From time to time, you can get some exclamations.

  The way of formation is mysterious and extraordinary.

  I only have two or three levels of strength, so I can’t understand it at all.

  So I could only watch from the sidelines.

  After a while.

  Li Daoming put down the star stone, sat back on the office chair, looked up at the snakeskin decoration on the ceiling, and sighed with emotion: “The next generation is scary, really the next generation is scary…”

  ”How are you, father?”

  Li Qinghe stepped forward and asked cautiously. “What can you see from it?”

  ”This star stone is not simple, Qinghe, are these really made by your senior brother?”

  Li Daoming picked up a star stone, looked at the formation patterns on it, and admired: “Engraved The formations are neatly arranged, the thickness is moderate, and the formation patterns are mysterious.


  Li Qinghe was stunned when he heard this, “It’s actually the fifth level!

  ” Qin Yang’s formation is very strong.

  But this level five peak…

  is too outrageous?

  How old is he now? He is about the same age as himself.

  But while I was still at level two or three, others had already reached the peak of level five!


  Li Qinghe was at a loss.

  ”Yes, I’m not wrong. These formations have already entered the ranks of the fifth-level peak.”

  Li Daoming marveled, “Although I can also make them, I have to prepare for at least half a month to take a bath. “Jingyi, and there can be no outside interference.”

  ”Senior Sword God is really unfathomable to be able to teach such a disciple!”

  (End of this chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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