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137. Chapter 137 Black and White Foxes

137. Chapter 137 Black and White Foxes


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 137 Black and White Foxes

  Seeing Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, Ji Shang did not investigate further and changed the subject considerately.

  After a little thought, she took the opportunity to talk about the affairs of the Jintian Palace, wanting to slowly reveal her identity.

  She knew in her heart that the identity of the master of Jintian Palace could not be kept secret forever.

  Rather than being embarrassed by being exposed in the future, which would embarrass both parties, it would be better

  to be frank and make it clear yourself.


  The white fox lay aside, silently looking at the two people who were talking warmly, feeling a little curious.

  So my sister also had a relationship with this bad man?

  Now that Jasmine has entered the Embedded Dragon Tomb, Yang Shifei took over the hunting in the forest and prepared the ingredients for the next two meals.

  As soon as he got up, a white shadow jumped from the bed and landed steadily on his shoulder.

  The white fox curled up on his shoulder and hummed, as if it was determined to rely on him.

  Yang Shifei looked strange.

  ”Young Master, let her follow.” Ji Shang said softly: “She will get familiar with each other after a few more days.”

  ”Okay, we will be back soon.”

  Looking at the man and the fox leaving the house, Ji Shang couldn’t help but smile.

  Although he didn’t know what happened, it was a wonderful fate that the young master captured the white fox by accident.

  Not long after, in the lush forest.

  Yang Shifei mentioned the rabbit that was knocked unconscious by the stone, and looked at the white fox lying on his shoulder.

  He vaguely remembered that foxes should be carnivores.

  But facing the rabbit blood, his face showed obvious disgust, and his body shrank tighter.

  ”You don’t like meat?”

  The white fox glanced at him, looked at the rabbit handed to him, and shook his head quickly.

  ”Then what do you usually eat?” Yang Shifei was a little curious: “Or do you always sleep in the mausoleum?”

  The white fox looked around, quickly jumped onto a tree, and patted a small fruit.

  She landed back on the ground gracefully, patted the fruit: “嘤~”

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly. This fox is indeed very spiritual, and its mind is enough to communicate with people.

  But seeing the white fox raised its paw and pointed to the stream again, he couldn’t help but smile: “You are quite particular.”

  It even knows the difference between dirty and clean, and it has to wash before eating.

  ”Come on, I’ll catch you a fish to try.”

  Yang Shifei picked her up with the fruit.

  The white fox froze in his arms, glanced at her with an angry look, and jumped onto his shoulder and lay down.

  ”It’s the first time I see a fox being shy, it’s quite strange.”

  Yang Shifei was a little amused, but he gradually got used to it.

  After all, people in this world can become monsters, and it’s normal for monsters to become more like humans.


  Yang Shifei thrust a branch into the water and picked up a fresh fish.

  Today’s harvest is quite good, catching four fish, all of which are not small.

  Looking back, the white fox was sitting by the stream, holding the fruit in its two paws, rubbing it in the stream.

  Yang Shifei was amazed.

  This fox is really a spirit!

  ”Would you like to eat fish later?”

  Yang Shifei handed over a fish, and the white fox shook his head again.

  Seeing that he was not interested in meat and river food, he smiled and said, “Then I’ll go pick some more fruits.”


  The white fox blinked and saw him turn around and run into the woods, jumping back and forth to pick fruits.

  She tilted her head and thought that this man was not bad.


  in front of the wooden house, Yang Shifei was cooking lunch for everyone in a stone pot.

  There were also four skewers of grilled fish next to it, sprinkled with some spices, and soon exuded an attractive aroma.

  In the midst of the smoke, the white fox, who was lying on the side and quietly chewing fruits, slightly raised her nose and couldn’t help but sneak a peek.


  She secretly swallowed her saliva and continued to chew the fruits with her head down.

  I just told this bad man that I only eat these, how could he suddenly change his mind? But it smells so good.

  The white fox raised her head and peeked twice, and suddenly felt that the fruits in her hand were not sweet anymore.

  So these fish and meat can become so delicious?

  ”Want to eat?”

  A gentle voice suddenly sounded, scaring the white fox and quickly shrinking back.

  She continued to hold the fruit and nibble on it, pretending to be indifferent.

  It’s just a little food, there’s no need to make a fool of yourself in front of a bad man

  ”Here, let you try it.”

  Yang Shifei smiled and handed her a skewer of fish.

  The white fox was slightly stunned, and she even forgot to eat the fruit.

  Looking at the fragrant grilled fish in front of her, she glanced back at the smiling Yang Shifei.


  The white fox hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

  But after gesturing with her claws twice, she didn’t know how to pick up the grilled fish skewer.

  Seeing her embarrassed and whimpering, Yang Shifei smiled and said, “Just eat it directly, I’ll help you hold it.”


  The white fox stared at him for a moment, and then took a small sip.

  Feeling the taste in her mouth, a light flashed in her eyes. Delicious!

  But even so, the white fox still ate quite elegantly and reservedly, and didn’t bite randomly like a wild animal.

  And when Yang Shifei needed to free up his hands, she didn’t get annoyed or make a fuss at all, and sat obediently waiting for him to finish, and then continued to taste it slowly.

  When Jasmine and Yue Rui returned from the Embedded Dragon Tomb, they saw a rather strange scene –

  Yang Shifei was wiping the mouth of the white fox.

  ”Husband, when did your relationship with this little fox become so good?”

  Jasmine smiled with interest: “Did you use any magic tricks?”

  ”I just fed her a fish.” Yang Shifei said gently: “Lunch is ready, you go wash up first, I’ll serve it and bring it to the house.”


  Jasmine packed up her clothes.

  But Yue Rui puffed up her little face and came closer: “Brother, I will wipe my mouth later too.”


  Yang Shifei smiled and touched her little face: “Don’t mention wiping your mouth, you can just suck your lips.”

  Yue Rui smiled sweetly and followed Jasmine to the stream.

  Time flew by and the moonlight gradually rose.

  Yang Shifei sat alone outside the house, holding a scroll in his hand, thinking secretly.

  After copying this time, the only secret of the Embedded Dragon Tomb left was the last stone wall.

  With the information gathered now, the secrets of Qiu Country have been roughly explained.

  As Ji Shang said, the White Fox was indeed born from the Great Demon’s original fetus, but at that time, the Nine Rings Mountain was full of filth and almost no one could get close, so Qiu Country knew very little about this sacred beast.

  The only person who had approached the White Fox was the last princess of Qiu Country, who was also the first palace master of Jintian Palace.

  Perhaps the last princess succeeded in communicating, and after the death of the Lord of Qiu Country and the destruction of Qiu Country, the sacred beast drilled into the bottom of the Nine Rings Mountain on its own and allowed the True Demon Sword to seal it.

  ”It’s really amazing.”

  Yang Shifei closed the scroll and smacked his lips.

  Now there is only one stone wall left, and the content inside is the most critical.

  ”Forget it, I’ll think about it carefully tomorrow.”

  Now we don’t know the details of the mausoleum, so it’s difficult to act rashly.

  Yang Shifei can only hold his ground for the time being and silently get up and go back to the house.

  Perhaps the filth in the secret hall is much more concentrated, Jasmine and Yue Rui are tired and fell asleep early today.

  Beside Ji Shang’s bed, there was a snow-white fox.

  She was curled up with a deep look in her eyes.

  Yang Shifei went forward to touch her head, but the white fox quickly shrank away.

  ”.Go to bed early.”

  Seeing that she was still a little shy, Yang Shifei just chuckled and said good night, then turned over and lay back on the bed.

  The white fox quietly lay back in its original position, but kept looking at Yang Shifei’s position with a complicated look in its eyes.

  The room became increasingly quiet, and starlight sprinkled into the bed.

  When everyone had fallen asleep, the white fox jumped onto another bed and lay down next to Yang Shifei’s pillow.


  But she looked back again.

  Ji Shang’s body was suddenly filled with black light, and she sat up suddenly, with a charming look in her fox eyes.

   Today’s two updates

    are thanks to the support of the leader who I summoned with my fists in the shape of an attack~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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