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138. Chapter 138 Xia He: You should use your strength, you are a bunch of waste!

138. Chapter 138 Xia He: You should use your strength, you are a bunch of waste!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 138 Xia He: You should use your strength, you are a bunch of losers!

  at the same time.

  In the southeast of Jianghai City, in a remote old house near the suburban dividing line.

  The moonlight shines down from the large hole in the eaves, reflecting the messy environment inside the house. The corners are covered with cobwebs, the wall clock on the wall has stopped spinning, and cold wind is pouring in.


  Xia He leaned against the wall, panting heavily, huddled in the corner with his arms around his knees, looking exhausted.

  Several colleagues wearing superintendent’s special uniforms leaned beside him, covering the severe wounds on their abdomens, staring blankly at the ceiling, their eyes revealing deep despair.

  Boom boom!

  Several violent explosions came from outside the house, like a cannon blast, deafening.

  ”Damn, these bastards are starting to attack the formation again!”

  Xia He heard the sound and stuck his head out of the window, carefully looking at what was happening outside.

  Only under the moonlight.

  Groups of cult monsters gathered outside the old house, forming a long line and frantically releasing star power attacks.


  It’s like a gorgeous meteor passing by.

  But just when the attack was about to hit the old house, it suddenly stopped halfway, and then disappeared into the air as if it hit the south wall.


  Xia He held the two star stones and watched the formation patterns on them light up, then dim again, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.


  These monsters can’t break the formation!

  ”Thanks to Xia He’s formation, otherwise the whole team would have been killed.”

  A police officer with a broken left arm gasped, “I didn’t expect that there are so many demons hiding here, and they actually dare to ambush us…”

  ”How long can your formation last, Xia He?”

  Another colleague with a short hair asked, holding the intercom in his hand, “Can it last until reinforcements arrive?

  The demon cut off the communication, and we were discovered backstage. No, they should be searching for our location now.”


  Hearing this, Xia He looked down at the star stone in his hand, and a smile uglier than crying appeared on his face, “Me neither. Clear.”

  Just half an hour ago.

  He and his colleagues were out of the city and were on a mission to track down the demon.

  It went smoothly at first. I successfully tracked the other party and found the handover point in the city. Just when I was about to close the net.

  Something strange happened suddenly!

  These monsters suddenly noticed and directly launched a counter-encirclement and suppression campaign, resulting in heavy casualties to the special team.

  Relying on the brothers to protect each other, they were able to deliver the information and escape to this remote old house.

  If it weren’t for the Star Stone Formation, the monsters outside would have invaded long ago…

  ”I didn’t expect that your boy usually looks unmotivated, but in fact he is very well hidden!”

  The colleague looked at the Star Stone in Xia He’s hand and said, Encouragement: “If you persist just a little longer, reinforcements should be here soon!”


  Hearing this, Xia He was silent for a while and nodded with difficulty, “I’ll try my best.”

  He thought he was just a fisherman.

  The result was unexpected.

  In a blink of an eye, he became the main force of the team!

  Fortune plays tricks on people!

  ”Is it just a tracking mission as promised?”

  Xia He sighed, holding the star stone and staring at the lines on it in a daze.


  the house.

  The night wind was rustling, and several demons were suspended in the air. They had just poured out a wave of star power. Their bodies were tired and they were recovering their strength.

  ”When did Superintendent Xingwu have such a method?”

  ”It’s outrageous. It’s impossible to attack at all. Draw a line as a prison. As soon as the fifth brother crossed the line, he evaporated into a skeleton!”

  ”What exactly is this formation? What level is it? The commander is probably not worthy of such an advanced formation!”

  ”Okay, stop talking, everyone continues to attack. It is absolutely impossible to last long with such a powerful formation!”





  Outside the old house, fire was raging.

  It was as if a gust of wind and rain were falling, bursting out with thunderous movement.

  ”Wow, it’s so hot, so hot!”

  Xia He held the star stone and immediately felt the scorching temperature coming from it. The formation was operating crazily, and he was so frightened that he quickly put it down on the ground!

  ”Isn’t this formation going to be broken?”   

  Seeing this, his colleague worriedly asked: “Can you hold on until reinforcements arrive from outside?”

  ”I don’t know either.”

  Xia He repeated his answer, helplessly staring at the smoking star stone, and sighed: “I hope I can hold on. Right.”

  After all, this is what Qin Yang gave him.

  Being able to hold on until now has already exceeded expectations. Even if the monster outside breaks the formation next, he will recognize it.

  ”I have nothing to do.”

  Thinking of this, Xia He immediately took out his mobile phone with no signal, played stand-alone chess and card games, and began to wait for rescue.


  Time passes little by little.

  Half an hour later.

  The sound of artillery outside gradually faded. Xia He had already taken a nap. When he woke up from his sleep, he suddenly noticed that the movement outside had stopped.

  Take a peek outside.

  Good guy!

  The evil demons sat on the ground one after another, all panting from exhaustion, and their hands began to tremble, but the formation still didn’t move at all!


  The star stone is constantly rotating and floating in the sky.

  Gu’ao’s strict formations are as stable as a mountain, with no sign of interference at all!


  When Xia He saw this scene, his eyes widened instantly, he jumped up on the spot, grabbed the star stone and held it in his hand.

  ”Holy shit, this isn’t even broken? Awesome!”

  Seeing this, Xia He was instantly ecstatic. He quickly opened the window and shouted at the monsters outside, taunting him face to face: “You guys should use a little more force! You’re a bunch of trash!”

  Passionately The words fell into the ears of the demons, and they were filled with ridicule, and their faces darkened.

  ”If you have the guts, come out! You are so stupid!”

  ”If you have the guts, come here! Trash!”

  Xia He curled his fingers in front of the window:

  ”Your father will change his name or surname, he will be here waiting for you!”

  Seeing this, other fellow superintendents also joined in the taunting, suppressing the opponent’s momentum, and directly scolded the demon until his face turned red.

  ”Everyone, calm down! Don’t get angry!”

  The leading demon waved his hand, “It’s okay to let them scold them for a while. When the adults come, it’s just a small formation. He can break it with just a flip of his hand!”

  The voice fell.

  As expected, the other demons calmed down and stood in front of the formation with their arms folded. They stopped saying anything and just waited silently.

  After a while.


  Autumn leaf disturbance.

  The night suddenly dimmed, and the terrifying star power swept around the old house, almost condensing into a substantial star pressure envelope.


  An old man in black robe appeared in front of the old house, and the other demons immediately bowed and knelt on the ground.

  ”They’re all rubbish! You were blocked by a broken formation.”

  ”You actually asked me to take action.”

  The old man in black robe was high in the air, looking at the old man impatiently, “Forget it, since you let me take action, crush it with all my strength. That’s it!”

  Hear this.

  In the old house, Xia Heting and other colleagues were immediately dumbfounded, looking at each other with expressions of despair.

  A master of the Xiantian realm is here, how can he fight against him? !

  ”A bunch of rats!”

  The old man in black robe raised his palm to gather his true energy, and launched a star power attack in full view of everyone.

  Bang bang! The majestic star power condensed, causing terrifying fluctuations to spread, as if mountains were pressing down on the old house, slowly imprinting on the surface of the formation.

  But the next moment.


  The star stone formation moves and holds up the light curtain!

  The vast attack swallowed them all into the formation, like a mud cow entering the sea.


  All the demons:? ? ?

  The corners of their raised mouths dropped.

  The smile shifts.

  In the old house, Xia He and his colleagues’ mouths were raised crazily.

  ”That’s it?!”

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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