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139. Chapter 139: Treasures all over the body

139. Chapter 139: Treasures all over the body


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 139: Treasures all over the body

  The beauty’s waist is slightly raised, and her peaches are swaying in the water.

  Yang Shifei felt a little dry in the mouth, and said with a stern face: “Miss, what do you mean by this?”

  Ji Shang was slightly stunned, and soon covered her buttocks and said shyly: “I just asked you to help wash it, what are you thinking!”

  ”Well, it’s weird to wash here.”

  Yang Shifei smiled awkwardly: “Miss, do you really not mind?”

  Ji Shang blushed, closed her eyes and murmured: “It’s not the first time, didn’t you wipe it back and forth at that time?”


  Yang Shifei looked up at the sky in embarrassment.

  Indeed, the soft and tender feeling at that time, I still remember it clearly.

  Ji Shang loosened her hands, bit her lips and whispered: “Don’t look too much, hurry up”

  Yang Shifei calmed down and quietly started.


  Ji Shang’s face became more and more rosy, and even the fox tail behind her waist stood up.

  Feeling the familiar touch of the palm wrapping around her, her eyes flickered slightly, and her heart softened a little.

  ”There, there. No need to wipe.”

  ”Be gentle. Ouch.”

  Every time she stroked it, it was as if a warm feeling kept flowing through her body.

  Ji Shang looked back quietly, and in her eyes was reflected Yang Shifei’s face, which was then blurred by the water waves and penetrated into her heart.


  Yang Shifei withdrew his hand with sweat on his forehead: “Do you want to change to another place?”

  Ji Shang responded softly, letting her body be hugged and leaned back, and her right leg was lifted up.


  Now the atmosphere was ambiguous, and both of them fell into silence and said no more.

  Yang Shifei silently wiped her skin, and his eyes couldn’t help but move slightly.

  Although this woman claimed to be quite old, her long legs were really tight and plump. Not to mention wrinkles, not even a trace of roughness and flaws were seen.

  It seems that those two miraculous skills are really a good way for women.

  Ji Shang gradually calmed down.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes were soft, and she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

  Although the young master was a little agitated due to his youthful vigor, he never touched her randomly from beginning to end, and his hands were very well behaved.

  Even if he would look at her twice more, he would not cross the line, leaving her with the last bit of innocence and reserve.

  Ji Shang raised a relieved smile.

  The young master did not despise her age, and was quite polite. After

  spending several days together day and night, she did not misjudge his nature. He was indeed a good man worthy of trust.


  Seeing that the atmosphere eased a little, Yang Shifei tried to break the silence: “The girl’s figure is really tempting and hot.”

  Ji Shang blushed and covered her lips: “I would rather be thinner, which can save a lot of trouble!”

  Hearing her sudden moan, Yang Shifei stopped his hands: “Are you uncomfortable?”

  Obviously only the right foot was wiped, but this reaction. Why is it much bigger than before?

  ”No, nothing.”

  Ji Shang’s face flushed, very shy and embarrassed: “Young master, just continue.”

  Yang Shifei looked strange, picked up her right foot again, and wiped it carefully.

  But every time she stroked it, her body trembled slightly, and her fox eyes were so charming that they almost drew silk.

  Seeing his gentle movements, as if he was maintaining a rare treasure, Ji Shang felt a constant flow of warmth in her heart.

  The young master did not dislike her legs, but took good care of them, even washing each toe so carefully .

  If she could meet Young Master Yang before Madam Jasmine, would

  Ji Shang close her beautiful eyes and spit secretly?

  Such thoughts are really not good for Madam Jasmine, and she must not let her imagination run wild.

  Besides, the young master might not be able to bear her previous domineering temperament.

  Ji Shang blushed and adjusted her breathing, condensing the “Glass Seal” in her palm.

  Don’t let your imagination run wild now, and you should remove the filth for the young master.

  When Yang Shifei approached, she gently pressed her palm on her shoulder, and then pressed it into her body, as if to absorb the cold air.

  Ji Shang suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, and suddenly withdrew her hand as if she had been electrocuted, and felt an incredible warm current surging through her body.

  ”This is… Woo!”

  A faint low hum floated in the wind, and her thoughts were interrupted.

  Yang Shifei was stunned, and hurriedly hugged her limp body to prevent it from hitting the stone.

  ”What’s going on-”


  An interested call came from the edge of the pond.

  Yang Shifei and Ji Shang were shocked at the same time, and subconsciously looked over and saw Jasmine standing not far away with her hands behind her back, smiling.

  This “scene of catching an adulterer” made Ji Shang, who was already hot all over, tremble even more, her legs clamped together, her expression was absent-minded, and a trance-like gasp leaked from her lips.


  The three of them fell into a strange silence.

  Ji Shang came back to her senses, feeling ashamed to death, and buried her head, almost not knowing how to speak.

  She had lived for decades, but had never experienced such a strange experience before. She was already very upset.

  Yang Shifei pretended to be calm and said, “I said, I just want to give Miss Ji a bath. Will Madam understand?”

  Jasmine covered her lips and teased, “This bath is indeed very fragrant.”

  She went forward and picked up Ji Shang, who was stiff all over, and said, “Husband, go back first. I will take good care of Miss Ji.”

  Yang Shifei looked surprised, but after noticing the other party’s “reassuring” eyes, she quickly nodded in response.


  After Yang Shifei left, there were only two women left by the pool.

  Jasmine helped Ji Shang dry her body and put on her clothes one by one.

  During this period, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

  Until Ji Shang couldn’t help whispering: “Madam Jasmine, I just did it for…”

  ”Miss, you deliberately let yourself be naked so that your husband can forgive your previous rude treatment, right?”

  Jasmine interrupted her and said with a smile: “In this way, you won’t feel too guilty.”

  Ji Shang was shocked when her thoughts were exposed: “Madam, you…are you not angry?”

  ”Of course I feel a little sad.”

  Jasmine chuckled: “But if Miss Ji really wants to contact your husband, how can I stop you two.”

  Ji Shang pursed her lips and lowered her head, sighing faintly: “Madam, you are broad-minded, and I am ashamed of myself.”

  ”Well, you don’t have to praise me.”

  Jasmine was a little embarrassed.

  She couldn’t say it now, her identity as a lady was also fake.

  ”Let’s go back first. As for this emotional matter, we will slowly get along with each other in the future. There is no need to rush.”


  Although there was an accident in the afternoon, with Jasmine’s clever words to comfort, the atmosphere in the room returned to normal.

  Yang Shifei and Ji Shang tacitly agreed not to bring it up again. They had dinner peacefully until they finished washing and cleaning up. The three of them went to bed with their own thoughts.

  The next morning, they were ready to enter the dragon tomb again to look for the real dragon bones——


  Yue Rui came over with a resentful look on her face: “The smell on your body is all fox.”

  Yang Shifei just pushed the boulder away and laughed awkwardly: “There was indeed a little accident yesterday.”

  Jasmine, who was seeing him off, couldn’t help laughing: “It’s more than an accident. Miss Ji was groped all over by you.”

  ”Brother, touch mine”

  ”Hey! Let’s talk about it when we come back!”

  Ji Shang in the room vaguely heard the conversation and buried his head in the quilt, his ears red with shame.

  The white fox next to him tilted his head.

  The relationship between these four people is so complicated.

   Second update today


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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