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141. Chapter 141: The Dragon Embedded Demon

141. Chapter 141: The Dragon Embedded Demon


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 141 The Demon Embedded in the Dragon

  ”The Great Demon Embryo. Just break the seal at this time!?”

  Seeing the True Demon Knife trembling on the stone platform, Yang Shifei’s face suddenly froze.

  Everyone in the Jintian Palace also noticed it and was stunned.

  ”Master, this platform is going to break!”

  Miao Yiren and Jin Liang were even more horrified.

  But before they could react, the stone platform suddenly exploded!

  The True Demon Knife flew into the wall, and the whole knife was emitting green smoke and hot air. The knife sounded like a mournful sound, and cracks gradually appeared.

  After the stone platform was broken, the filthy black air rose from it and overflowed like a tide.

  Jin Liang immediately roared: “Everyone hold your breath and retreat quickly!”


  The black door suddenly closed, and the underground palace seemed to be shaken!

  Jin Liang and others’ pupils shrank, and their steps stagnated. They never expected that the door would be closed at this moment.

  Yang Shifei soon heard a few strange noises coming from all around, as if something was tearing and scratching the wall back and forth –


  Not far behind Jin Liang, the floor tiles suddenly broke and bulged.

  He jumped away when he heard the noise, looking at the place in doubt, only to see a rotten arm stretched out from the ground!

  Almost at the same time, several more rotten hands pierced through the ground, and the five fingers twisted strangely.

  This horrific scene shocked the people of Jintian Palace and made them retreat again and again.

  ”These arms.”

  ”It’s a grave!”

  Miao Yiren’s face was extremely ugly: “Maybe there is no treasure hidden here at all. The corpses of the Lord of Qiu Kingdom and others hundreds of years ago are buried here!”

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  There were muffled smashing sounds from the ground one after another, and pieces of floor tiles were shattered. Dense arms stretched out from the cracks in the ground and gradually pressed the ground.


  As the dust rolled and fell, rotten and terrifying corpses continued to crawl out from the ground, surrounded by thick filth.

  Even though their eyes were festering, their heads with flesh and blood were all facing the people present, making hoarse roars.

  Everyone in Jintian Palace was pale.

  They had practiced martial arts all their lives, and even though they had come into contact with many witchcrafts, they had never seen such a strange corpse!

  ”Altar, altar master, what should we do…”

  ”Everyone quickly gather together and fight together!”

  Jin Liang was the first to come to his senses, and shouted anxiously: “Protect these lights! If we fall into darkness, we will surely die!”

  Everyone hurriedly gathered together, looking at the terrifying corpse slowly approaching with trepidation.


  When the situation was tense, Yang Shifei and Yue Rui had quietly retreated to the corner of the underground palace.

  The corpses that drilled out of the ground around them did not find any traces or breath of the two people, and they were gathering in the middle continuously.

  Yang Shifei glimpsed a corpse passing by.

  The human figure was neat, and the flesh and blood were still there, as if he had just died for more than ten days.

  But the corpses buried here were all from the royal family of Qiu Kingdom hundreds of years ago. It is impossible for them to be preserved so well today. Could it

  be that the filth emerged and filled these corpses neatly again, turning them into “zombies” and rushing out of the coffin?

  ”These flesh and blood are not real.”

  Yue Rui whispered, “Just like what happened in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond, they are just puppets.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly, “Does it mean that there is a real master behind the scenes controlling these zombies?”

  ”Yes.” Yue Rui nodded, and her cold eyes kept sweeping around, “However, the atmosphere here is very chaotic, and I can’t find where the real master is hiding for a while.” ”

  Don’t worry, take your time.”

  Yang Shifei said calmly, “Let these puppets be dealt with by the people of the Jintian Palace.”

  The corpses gathered around and kept approaching.

  A Jintian Palace warrior couldn’t bear it and punched hard.


  The corpse was shaken back several steps, and his chest was sunken.

  But this person changed his face even more: “What a hard body!”

  ”Don’t let your guard down, go all out!”

  Jin Liang and Miao Yiren shouted and started immediately.

  More than a dozen people from the Jintian Palace took action one after another, fighting hard with the tide of corpses.

  For a time, the shadows in the dim palace were intertwined, fists and feet were flying, and the muffled sound like beating drums kept shaking.

  The corpses roared and moved faster and faster, and soon they were fighting with the people from Jintian Palace.


  Roars and curses echoed endlessly.

  Yang Shifei just stayed where he was, watching the battle from afar.

  ”These flesh and bones condensed by filth are really hard.”

  After watching for a while, he couldn’t help but smack his lips: “Even weapons can’t cut it.”

  The master could only barely repel the corpses, and it was necessary for Miao Yiren and Jin Liang to take action before they could completely smash them.

  ”But their cooperation is very good.”

  Yang Shifei thought to himself that if the number of corpses was limited, these people should be enough to fight their way out.

  ”Brother.” Yue Rui suddenly whispered: “The real owner may be behind the wall.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked: “Which wall?”

  ”Behind the stone platform.”

  ”That wall really has a mechanism?”

  Yang Shifei looked at the True Demon Sword in the distance again.

  Although it was blown away by the impact of the Great Demon’s original fetus breaking the seal, this sword should still have a trace of ability to suppress filth.

  ”Since the real owner’s location has been determined, let’s take the sword first.”

  Yang Shifei pulled Yue Rui and walked towards the True Demon Sword silently.

  At the same time, the situation in the underground palace had changed.


  Everyone in the Jintian Palace roared in courage, and their fighting spirit became even fiercer.

  Although the corpse looked terrifying and had an invulnerable body, it was gradually suppressed by the strong counterattack of more than a dozen masters.

  Jin Liang suddenly punched the corpse’s head and kicked its body away.

  When it fell to the ground, it had already turned into bone powder all over the ground.

  With the top three-grade in charge, everyone felt relieved.

  ”Make a concerted effort and counterattack!”


  After the initial fear, everyone’s momentum became stronger, as if they were going to eradicate all the demons.

  Yang Shifei only glanced at it and didn’t pay much attention to it, continuing to stare at the direction of the stone wall.

  The real danger was not these puppets at all, but behind the wall.

  Yue Rui was about to reach out and draw her sword –


  The sound of stone cracking rang again.

  Everyone subconsciously turned their heads and watched the cracks in the wall spread rapidly until the whole wall collapsed.


  The smoke and dust dispersed slightly, and with the faint light of the fire, a hole several feet wide came into everyone’s sight.

  Yang Shifei’s heart shuddered.

  The aura in it was frightening!

  Miao Yiren smashed the last corpse and showed ecstasy on his face: “The treasure may be under the cave!”

  ”Who will go and take a look first?”

  ”Let’s go together–”

  Before the voice fell, a strange sound came faintly from the cave, as if a huge object was stirring the aura.

  The next moment, a huge flesh and blood hand suddenly stretched out from the cave and slapped the ground, shaking off the terrifying wind and waves!

  In an instant, all the lights went out, and the entire underground palace fell into darkness.

  ”Not good!”

  ”What was that just now, I haven’t seen it clearly!”

  Everyone in the Jintian Palace was panicked for a while.

  But the two altar masters were now stunned-

  they saw it clearly, and they were even more shocked just now.

  ”What kind of monster is that?”

  With a loud roar, a huge head that seemed to be made of countless corpses poked out of the pit, with empty and dark eye sockets, as if staring at death-

  Yue Rui pulled out the True Demon Knife, her eyes were cold:

  ”Brother, I will help you kill it?”

   Today’s second update.


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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