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144. Chapter 144 The truth about the great demon, the cat is jealous

144. Chapter 144 The truth about the great demon, the cat is jealous


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 144 The truth about the Great Demon, the cat is jealous

  Ji Shang looked into the eyes of the black fox, and her heart jumped suddenly.

  The filth in her body was actually running on its own, and even the power of the Heavenly Demon Ashes was reviving!

  She suddenly realized that she and the black fox not only had the same fur color, but also had some kind of strange feeling –

  as if the power she had lost was about to return!


  The white fox made an urgent sound in her ear, and kept gesturing with its little claws.

  Ji Shang’s mind flashed with inspiration, and she hurriedly looked at the words on the wall.

  ”Heavenly Demon Becomes a Law, and Glazed Incarnation”

  She gradually widened her eyes.

  No wonder, the Heavenly Demon Ashes and Glazed Demon Body Art obviously came from the same source, but they could never be combined.

  And once she came to the Embedded Dragon Tomb, she would suddenly lose all her power.

  It was she herself who was not complete!

  ”Be careful!”

  Seeing the black fox on the stone platform suddenly attacking, Jasmine immediately transformed into her true form and swung her snake tail horizontally.


  The fox’s claws slapped the snake’s tail, shaking off a gust of wind and waves.

  Jasmine couldn’t help but frown, and the scales of the snake’s tail were cracked a lot. The black fox turned over and fell back to the original place, his eyes were still cold.

  Yang Shifei blocked the strong wind, his face suddenly darkened: “Are you injured?!”

  ”This scale armor is made of filth, it’s okay.”

  The scale armor quickly recovered, Jasmine coiled her snake body to protect everyone, her eyes solemn: “This fox looks slender, but its strength is really terrifying, stronger than the monster just now.” The

  black fox narrowed his eyes, but his eyes always stayed on Ji Shang.

  Jasmine and Yue Rui were on guard, always on guard against it attacking again.

  Seeing that it was temporarily dormant, Yang Shifei retreated to Ji Shang’s side: “What did you find?”

  ”This demon fox was born from the original womb of the great demon.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Why are the foxes born from the same place so different?”

  The white fox was stunned and glared angrily.

  Bad man!

  ”The Great Demon’s original embryo was split into two halves by the first generation of the Palace Master.”

  Ji Shang pointed at the words on the stone wall: “She used the Heavenly Demon Ashes Divine Art to separate it, giving birth to the intelligent Sky-Clairvoyant White Fox. The remaining residue became a pure container of filth.

  The White Fox is now weak because the seal is gradually loosening. In order to protect its own sanity, it transferred its power to the container to share the pressure of filth.”


  The White Fox nodded quickly.

  He was not weak, but he had been sealed for too many years, and his strength was absorbed too much by his sister’s old body, so he became so weak.

  Yang Shifei seemed to be thinking: “How should we deal with it?”

  ”It only has power, but no intelligence.”

  Ji Shang said firmly: “If I can practice the tenth level of Heavenly Demon Ashes, I can absorb it into my body and refine it into my own skills.”

  Yang Shifei was shocked: “Can this be absorbed?”

  ”The Glazed Demon Body Art is to transform the physique and bloodline, so that my body can withstand the filthy evil spirit.”

  Ji Shang touched her towering chest: “And if you practice the tenth level of Heavenly Demon Ashes, you can absorb the ‘power’ in the black fox container, so that the two magic skills can be combined into one, and the demon body can be controlled by human wisdom.

  In other words, the ultimate goal of the Ember Palace is to make itself a great demon fox.”

  Yang Shifei was slightly surprised.

  In this way, this can also be called an ‘acquired alien’?

  The long-cherished wish of Qiu Country and Ember Palace for hundreds of years turned out to be the same as the change in Sister Qiu’s body?

  Jasmine said without turning her head: “If I cultivate the tenth level now, how long will it take?”

  ”It can be as short as a few hours or as long as a few days.”

  ”Will this demon fox hurt you?”

  ”Yes.” Ji Shang looked embarrassed: “It has no intelligence and can’t distinguish between friend and foe.”

  Jasmine’s mouth trembled slightly when she heard it: “The King of Qiu put the tenth level of the mental method and the Great Demon Embryo together. Does he not want to give his descendants a chance to survive?”

  ”Well, the white fox said that it might have sneaked in.”

  ”Why not copy down the mental method, leave this place first, and come back after learning it?”


  Everyone looked back and saw that the entrance to the stone chamber had been blocked by a huge rock.


  Yue Rui whispered: “It was the fox who did it.”

  Yang Shifei looked back again, and there was a faint flash of black air under the black fox’s palm, which seemed to trigger a mechanism under the stone platform.

  He couldn’t help but twitch his eyes: “Is this black fox really not intelligent?”

  Ji Shang said hesitantly: “Maybe. It just instinctively sensed that we wanted to leave.”

  ”Forget it, you start practicing first.”

  Yang Shifei quickly calmed down: “Let’s find a way to keep an eye on this black fox, so that she won’t interfere.”

  ”Be careful.”

  Ji Shang sat cross-legged on the spot, his eyes swept over the key points of the mental method on the wall, and quickly memorized them in his mind.

  He looked at Yang Shifei deeply again, and then closed his eyes to practice the method.


  Ji Shang’s body was shimmering with black light, and the stone chamber fell into silence.

  Yang Shifei stared at the black fox opposite him, thinking about how to delay time, and saw it pounce again!

  Yue Rui suddenly jumped up and slapped out with a claw in the air.


  Both palms made a dull sound in the air, and both sides retreated together.

  Yue Rui’s cat pupils became sharper, and she whispered: “Brother, let me deal with this fox.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Are you sure?”

  ”Give it a try.”

  The cat’s tail appeared behind Yue Rui, and the gray mist around her swayed and rose.

  She leaned down slightly, her hips raised high, and her slender body stretched out a charming curve.

  The next moment, she suddenly stepped on the ground and jumped, taking the lead!

  The black fox immediately raised its claws to meet it, and fought head-on with it!

  Bang bang bang!

  Two figures, one black and one gray, collided and crossed back and forth in the stone chamber, shaking off the roar.


  Yue Rui galloped, her ten fingers dancing wildly, and the dense claws flickered.

  The black fox was also not to be outdone, blocking with its claws and occasionally sweeping with its nine tails.

  The two sides fought evenly, the battle was dazzling, and the speed was amazing!

  ”Why is the spirit of the little civet cat so high?”

  Jasmine was a little surprised: “Does she still want to defeat the black fox?”

  ”Stinky fox——!”

  A delicate shout suddenly sounded, making the two silent.

  Jasmine said in a subtle tone: “Husband, Yue Rui seems to be jealous?”

  Yang Shifei was a little embarrassed: “Have you neglected her a little these two days?”

  The white fox jumped onto his shoulder and poked his face with his soft claws to show his gloating.

  The fierce battle lasted for more than half an hour, and the two sides became more deadlocked.

  Yue Rui swung her palm to slap the black fox away, turned over and stepped onto the wall, and kicked her legs to distance herself.

  When she was in the air, she looked back and glanced, secretly saying that it was a rogue.

  Her skills were ineffective against this “demon fox shell” without intelligence and five senses, so she could only compete with each other with strength.

  Moreover, this demon fox is a mass of filth, and it can squander its power without any scruples. Even the filth is constantly increasing and getting stronger——

  ”Stinky fox!”

  Yue Rui gritted her teeth secretly, turned around and raised

  her claws to scratch, and then fought with the black fox for several moves. The man and the fox fell back to the ground together, and the murderous aura rose in her eyes. The gray mist around her body gradually turned into flames, and wisps of flames came out from her pink lips.

  ”I won’t lose in strength!”

  Yue Rui held the dagger in reverse, and when she was about to attack again, her face changed slightly.

  The excessive cold air filled her whole body, causing her body to begin to ache.

  ”Don’t force yourself!”

  A section of the snake’s tail suddenly wrapped around her thin waist and forcibly dragged her away. The

  black fox paused slightly, and glanced to the side, and saw Jasmine twisting her huge snake body and slowly approaching.

  ”Little fox, now it’s my turn to play with you~”

  As the snake’s tail loosened, Yue Rui fell into Yang Shifei’s arms.

  ”Girl, are you okay?”


  Looking at his concerned face, Yue Rui blinked twice, blushing a little, and her cat ears trembled.

  ”Brother, I’m embarrassed.”

  ”It’s not your fault.”

  Yang Shifei was relieved to see that she was not injured: “This fox demon is tireless. If you continue to fight with her, you will definitely not get any benefits.

  The three of us will take turns to attack now, and we just need to delay it.”


  Yue Rui’s eyes were filled with watery waves, and her cold body pressed a little closer.

  Yang Shifei whispered: “How do you feel?”

  ”Uncomfortable, I need a hug.”

  Hearing the girl’s coquettish moan, Yang Shifei’s heart softened a little, and he hugged her tighter.

  ”How do you want to absorb filth? It’s up to you-um!”

  Before the voice fell, her lips were already blocked tightly.

  Yue Rui’s eyes were blurred, and she took the initiative to hug the back of her neck, her pink lips moving constantly, and the kiss was particularly fierce.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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