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147. Chapter 147 For the sake of these “disciples”, ancestor, I will reluctantly take action once!

147. Chapter 147 For the sake of these “disciples”, ancestor, I will reluctantly take action once!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 147 For the sake of these “disciples and disciples”, ancestor, I will reluctantly take action once!

  ”You want to see the teacher now?”

  Qin Yang felt a little weird in his heart when he heard this. He felt a sense of absurdity for no reason, and asked Li Zixuan in a low voice: “Why?”


  Li Zixuan looked hesitant and said hesitantly: “Brother, you Do you know about the beast tide?”

  ”I know a little bit about it.” Qin Yang nodded: “There are a lot of rumors and speculations on the Internet these days, but I don’t know much. I only read some news on

  the Internet


News changes quickly on the Internet. Natural disasters like the beast tide span a long time and will soon be covered up by other rumors. The information explodes and there is too much news to handle.

  ”I understand.”

  Li Zixuan nodded, raised her black hair beside her ear, and said slowly: “Actually, junior sister was just like senior brother before. She knew almost the same information as you. She got the news from the Internet.”

  As she said that, she picked up the table .

He gestured with the book on the bed, his eyes flickering, “But just yesterday, Mr. Li talked to me… and talked about some things about the beast tide…”


  Hearing this, Qin Yang was shocked, “Mr. Li actually still Are you talking to me?”

  ”Yes, senior brother, this beast tide is not as simple as we ordinary people think.”

  Li Zixuan said softly: “Mr. Li told me a lot yesterday. There are three levels of beast tides, each one. The level span is very large, and according to observations, the level of this beast wave is very likely… to be at the difficult level!”


  this, Qin Yang frowned slightly.

  I heard that boy from Xia He reveal something before, but he just mentioned it at that time and didn’t say much.

  ”Senior brother, you may not understand.

  The beast tide in Jiang Hai twenty years ago was only of ordinary level, but it already required innate masters to suppress it, and it also caused a lot of trouble to the citizens of the city.”

  Li Zixuan continued to explain: “And this time I heard Mr. Li say that the coming beast tide is so powerful that it will be difficult to deal with the masters at the master level when it comes,”

  she sighed: “If the beast tide is allowed to break through the city, the entire river and sea will be plunged into chaos. The brutal massacre became the food in the mouths of those star beasts…”

  the words fell.

  ”So, is this the reason why you are looking for Master?”

  Qin Yang narrowed his eyes, pondering her words, and said slowly: “You want to invite him to come out?”

  ”Yes, senior brother! This time for the safety of hundreds of thousands of people in Jianghai City Life, please contact the teacher and inform the teacher about the situation of the beast tide.”

  Li Qinghe said sincerely: “This crisis is serious. The lives of the residents of the city are at stake. They are all in the hands of the master at this moment. They hope to obtain the sword god. Senior’s action…”


  After hearing this, Qin Yang pondered for a moment, “Let me think about it.”

  It’s not that he doesn’t want to help.

  But, this sounds like…

  why does it feel like a bit of moral kidnapping?

  Good guy.

  Are you starting to put pressure on your teacher?

  We are just a small citizen who fishes, okay?

  As if sensing Qin Yang’s silence, Li Zixuan spoke again: “Senior brother, don’t worry, Mr. Li told me yesterday.

  If Senior Sword God is willing to come out, he will never let him come in vain. Jianghai Municipal Government has promised various rewards. , official position, mansion, pills…”

  ”As long as the master comes, he can choose the reward.”

  ”Tsk, any reward…”

  Hearing this, Qin Yang sighed.

  A mansion…

  I have no shortage of it.

  Fuhai Villa has reached the top of the city, even in the whole country, few can beat it.

  As for official position?

  There are too many things to worry about, and they are all complicated and complex!   

  Compared with those, it is better to walk on the street every day, buy some snacks, and fish at work.


  Once the beast tide crosses the border and enters the city, I am afraid that all the citizens in the city will be affected.

  By then all these good things will dissipate.

  Moreover, during this year, I have gotten to know quite a few people, including the lady from the steamed bun shop, the sanitation workers, the people from the library… and the three thousand “disciples and disciples” who believe in me in the city.

  Life is not easy for adults. If there is another natural disaster or man-made disaster… who knows how many lives and deaths there will be and how many families will be torn apart?

  ”Well, since I am your ancestor, I will take a little action.”

  Qin Yang’s heart moved slightly with compassion.

  At worst, it depends on the situation, and you can do your best and contribute appropriately to Jiang Hai’s plan to resist the star beasts.

  after all.

  If there was no Jianghai, where could we go to lie down?

  You can’t go into the Dali Mountains and build a bed on the ground with those star beasts, right?

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang glanced at the frowning Li Zixuan, nodded slightly and said:

  ”Okay, senior brother, I promise you, I will try my best to contact you as a master.”


  As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zixuan’s eyes dimmed. As soon as it lit up, he was instantly ecstatic, trotting forward and hugging Qin Yang, facing him with a scent of fragrance.

  ”Thank you, senior brother! I knew you were the best to junior sister!”


  Xiaobai was caught in the middle, kicking his legs as hard as he could, pushing against Li Zixuan’s waist, trying to push her away from Qin Yang, “You are also one Bad woman!”

  After feeling the turbulence in her lower abdomen, Li Zixuan realized that she had lost her composure, and quickly took a step back. Her face turned red, and she licked her ears, and her ears suddenly turned red.

  ”Sorry, senior brother, I’m a little too excited…”

  ”Ahem, it’s okay.”

  Qin Yang held his hollow fist and coughed lightly, “But there is one thing, senior brother, I have to explain to you, I can go find the master… …But in the end, all the choices are in his hands.”

  ”Yeah, junior sister understands!”

  Li Zixuan nodded and said happily: “The rest is all up to the master. Mr. Li said that he will never let the master’s action go in vain. No matter what the outcome is, we in Jianghai City will follow his wishes!”

  Hearing this, Qin Yang nodded.

  That’s not bad.

  If you put it this way, it would be much more comfortable to listen to.

  ”Junior sister, I won’t bother you anymore.”

  Li Zixuan nodded, remembering the hug just now, lowered her head and flushed her ears, and shyly left the library.

  Qin Yang sat on the bench and continued to think about what he had just said.

  At this moment, as soon as

  Li Zixuan stepped forward, Li Qinghe followed him and walked out from behind the bookshelf.

  Since the beginning of the conversation, she had been eavesdropping in a corner and roughly understood the whole story.


  Li Qinghe came behind Qin Yang, squeezed his shoulders, and asked curiously: “Master, does he really want to come to Jianghai?”

  If the Sword God really comes to Jianghai again, will this young lady not There is a chance to become a disciple! ?


  Whoever you love as a disciple should be considered worthy!

  This lady must be promoted!

  ”Tsk, not necessarily!”

  Qin Yang glanced at Li Qinghe’s expression, saw the little Jiujiu in her heart, and directly poured cold water on him: “The teacher may not be in Jianghai, I have to see the situation.”

  ”Oh… ”

  Hearing this, Li Qinghe collapsed instantly, and the force of rubbing his shoulders softened.

  ”Then master, if you contact me, you must tell me…”

  (End of Chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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