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1477. Chapter 1434: A Visitor from the Palace, the Skyfire Venerable

1477. Chapter 1434: A Visitor from the Palace, the Skyfire Venerable


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1434 A visitor from the palace, Venerable Tianhuo

  ”You said we were hiding a fugitive, do you have any evidence?”

  ”Evidence,” Bian Wenzhou knew he was in the wrong.

  There was really no way to say this directly.

  ”If you let me search the palace, there would be evidence.”

  ”Ridiculous, I will suppress you today,” the two elders of Kongtong snorted coldly.

  They represent the palace.

  No matter what they do, they must take into account the reputation of the palace.

  So no matter what, they put themselves on the moral high ground without saying anything.

  In this way, in front of the residents of the entire Chaos City, no matter what they do, no one will say anything.


  The two elders of Kongtong came directly in the air.

  The two held the Kongtong seal in one hand, suppressing the sky and the earth, and the void was shattered.

  The Kongtong seal was like a Kongtong mountain.

  Carrying the power of the mountain, it came with the pressure of the mountain, and the powerful “boom” sound kept rushing.

  Bian Wenzhou snorted coldly.

  Zhang Hengzhi also stepped forward and came to Bian Wenzhou, saying, “I’ll help you.”

  Bian Wenzhou nodded.

  Both of them went all out, with great strength around them, fighting with the so-called Kongtong Elders.

  Xu Zimo turned his head and looked at Shangguan Xian.

  Shangguan Xian seemed to understand what he meant.

  The fairy fire in his hand surged and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

  The boundless sea of ​​fire was raging and burning. It

  was constantly boiling and roaring.

  The sea of ​​fire enveloped and began to burn directly along the gate of the palace.

  She was going to… burn the palace.

  This kind of thing was bold and reckless in the Chaos Fire Region, because no one in the entire Chaos Fire Region dared to be so presumptuous in front of the palace.

  Even the Chaos Palace had to give the palace some face.

  Xu Zimo didn’t care.

  He wanted to force the people in the palace to come out.

  Or to be more precise, the real bosses of these palaces had not come out yet.

  Maybe his weight was not enough.

  It was possible that the other party didn’t take him seriously at all.

  Xu Zimo didn’t care about these, he just needed to be responsible for pushing forward.


  When the fairy fire burned up.

  Everyone around seemed to be crazy.

  They just felt that Xu Zimo and his people were too bold and reckless, and they were looking for death.

  ”Crackling” sounds came.

  Finally, a light shout came from the mansion.

  A ray of ice flame bone fire spread out from the palace, and instantly froze the originally blazing fairy fire.

  Flames are divided into yin and yang.

  If it is Shangguan Xian’s flame, it is hot and burning.

  Then this ice flame bone fire is cold and icy.

  Yang fire burns the body, and Yin fire mainly attacks the soul.

  At this moment, the yin and yang fires are tit-for-tat.

  Shangguan Xian’s eyes are bright, and she said softly: “Your Excellency wants to freeze my flame without even showing your face.

  I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

  Shangguan Xian’s voice fell, the fairy spirit was vast and pure.

  This is her fairy body.

  Although it is not as good as the chaotic fire body, it is still a good physique.

  The immortal body was opened, and a more powerful force came to suppress.

  The originally frozen flame became more vigorous. In a short time, the front yard of the palace was already a raging fire, as if burning the sky and boiling the earth.

  Many guards appeared to put out the fire, but unfortunately they were still powerless.

  At this time, a deep sigh sounded.

  ”Why do you want me to show up?” said the sigh.

  An old man in a southern gown walked over slowly.

  Behind the old man, there was a group of people.

  ”It’s the Skyfire Venerable,” someone exclaimed at the old man in the southern gown.

  ”Didn’t Venerable Skyfire die in the battle against the water beasts?

  How come he appears again?”

  ”And the group of people behind him, they are the lord of the palace, Wang Xian, and several elders.”

  Someone has recognized him.

  With so many people gathered here, it is not surprising to be recognized.

  ”Venerable, is it you?” Seeing the old man in the southern gown appear, Bian Wenzhou’s face changed slightly.

  Some were unbelievable.

  Their Yanhuo City has been attacked by water beasts.

  Before that, there was another city to the north of Yanhuo City, called Feiyan City.

  Later, Feiyan City was destroyed, and the water beasts came to their Yanhuo City.

  Fortunately, the water beasts have always been cautious and have not launched a full-scale attack on Yanhuo City. They have always been testing.

  This is why Xu Zimo was lucky enough to find the blue man, the origin of the water beasts.

  Invisibly resolved this crisis.

  The reason why Bian Wenzhou knew Venerable Skyfire

  was that he had joined forces with the other party in the battle to rescue Feiyan City.

  He saw the other party die in the group of water beasts with his own eyes. He

  was sad for a long time because of this.


  ”You are still alive,” Bian Wenzhou said in a somewhat unimaginable way when he saw the other party appearing safely.

  ”Yes, I am still alive,” Venerable Tianhuo nodded heavily.

  ”That is your conspiracy, right? You just want Feiyan City to be destroyed.”

  Venerable Tianhuo did not speak, but the Palace Master Wang Xian behind him scolded: “Lord Bian, you don’t want to be the City Master anymore. How

  dare you be so presumptuous in our Palace.”

  ”My position is determined by the Chaos Palace, and it is not something your Palace can control,” Bian Wenzhou replied coldly.

  ”Could it be that your Palace can command the Chaos Palace?”

  Anyway, the relationship has been torn apart, and Bian Wenzhou no longer cares about anything.

  His words are a bit heartbreaking.

  Not only the Palace, but also the Chaos Palace will be dragged into the water.

  The Chaos Palace is the master of the Chaos Fire Domain, not the private thugs of the Palace.

  So when Wang Xian heard this, he was quite furious.

  He shouted, “Right and wrong are in the heart of the people.

  Bian Wenzhou, my palace will not let you off with what happened today.”

  ”Has your palace done enough bad things over the years?

  If it weren’t for the influence of our ancestors, I don’t know how many times it would have been destroyed.”

  Bian Wenzhou was also desperate.

  He said tit for tat, “I came to the palace today without considering anything else.

  You don’t need to scare me, and you can’t scare me.”

  Wang Xian was furious and ordered, “Venerable, take him down for me.”

  Venerable Skyfire stared slightly.

  However, Shangguan Xian immediately stood in front of him.

  He smiled and said, “Your opponent is me.”

  ”Little girl, although you are strong and talented,

  you are not my opponent,” Venerable Skyfire said lightly.

  He waved his hand, and the sky fire flowed from his palm like water and fell to the ground.

  Finally, it poured on the ground under his feet.

  In an instant, a sea of ​​fire formed.

  ”Whether you are an opponent or not, you can only know after fighting,” Shangguan Xian sneered.

  Her fairy fire was also unwilling to be outdone.

  The two figures quickly turned into two streams of light and finally fought together.

  A battle of this level could not be decided in a short time.

  Xu Zimo looked at Wang Xian and

  asked, “Where is Ba Dao?”


  What do you want to see Brother Ba Dao?” Wang Xian asked.

  He knew that Xu Zimo was a great sage.

  After all, he had to respect the great sage in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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