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1486. ​​Chapter 1443 Entering the Other World, a Dozen Blue Men

1486. ​​Chapter 1443 Entering the Other World, a Dozen Blue Men


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1443 Entering the inner world, a dozen blue men

  ”Chaos Palace has always felt that the Ten Thousand Waters will cause indelible damage to our Fire Clan.

  It even allows the genes of water beasts to merge with our Fire Clan.

  But you know, the feeling of power.

  Fusing the Ten Thousand Waters is really addictive,” said Old Wang with a miserable smile.

  ”We lose ourselves in power.

  I have thought of many results, maybe dying in the hands of water beasts, or maybe being wiped out by Chaos Palace.

  But I never thought that you, a Cheng Yaojin who showed up halfway.”

  ”Ba Dao, this is fate,” Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

  He asked, “Where is Ba Dao?

  Is he in the inner world?”

  ”He is in there, and many things you want are also in there,” said Old Wang.

  ”But you have to be careful of Chaos Palace. After that place is exposed, they will not allow it.

  Have you ever heard a saying, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind.”

  ”So what? What

  if it is not the mantis that stalks the cicada, but the tiger?

  What about you, the oriole?” Xu Zimo sneered.

  Old Wang and the other two sighed slightly.

  Before he died, he said in a slightly pleading tone: “Please let those children go. We adults are wrong and should not involve the young.”

  ”Okay, go with peace of mind,” Xu Zimo waved his hand.

  Seeing the momentum of the three elders of Shengyan dimmed slightly.

  Until the end, there was no more life.

  All three heads were lowered, like a walking corpse.

  Xu Zimo ignored them.

  Instead, he looked at the bottom of the tomb.

  That mysterious inner world.

  The three elders of Shengyan must have a way to enter the inner world, but they are already dead, and Xu Zimo is too lazy to ask.

  He decided to force open this world by force.

  Putting his hands on the ground, he first sensed it slightly.

  Determined the location of the spatial fluctuation.

  Xu Zimo waved his hands, and heard a “boom”.

  The powerful force gathered like a storm.

  The world was constantly changing, the wind and clouds rose suddenly, and a huge palm fell from the sky.

  It fell heavily on the tomb.

  Explosions continued to sound on the ground.

  When the storm of the big palm passed, what remained was a bottomless five-finger print.

  Xu Zimo looked at the five-finger print and chuckled.

  ”It seems that the solidity of this world is stronger than I thought.”

  He slowly pulled out the Tyrant Shadow, and the tip of the knife burst out with endless sharpness.

  The Tyrant Shadow went down, and the thick earth seemed as fragile as a layer of paper.

  The Tyrant Shadow kept piercing the earth.

  Xu Zimo’s figure also kept falling.

  Finally, after falling for a long time, the tip of the knife seemed to touch something.

  Soft, but very elastic.

  ”The space wall of the inner world,” Xu Zimo was delighted.

  The Tyrant Shadow in his hand rioted again, and the knife intent became stronger and stronger.

  Finally, after a long stalemate, there was a “puff” sound, and the film was pierced.

  Xu Zimo’s figure fell directly into it.

  The space turbulence around him was surging.

  Xu Zimo quickly adjusted his body, and his eyes passed through the layers of void, trying to see the world in front of him clearly.

  He seemed to see a ray of light.

  Because it was too dark around, he was not very sure.

  He soared into the air, shuttled through the darkness, and headed for the bright light.

  Even Xu Zimo didn’t know how long he had been chasing.

  The light became brighter and brighter.

  In the end, it even occupied his entire eye socket. It

  directly swallowed Xu Zimo.

  When Xu Zimo opened his eyes again, he had arrived in a courtyard.

  A very artistic courtyard.

  In front of the courtyard was a rockery and flowing water, poetic and picturesque.

  The peach tree planted next to it had pink flowers covering the ground.

  The clear river water fell from the top of the mountain.

  This courtyard is located at the foot of the mountain.

  It is like a paradise, a good place for retirement.

  Xu Zimo couldn’t help but smile.

  The three elders of Shengyan really know how to enjoy choosing a place.

  He walked into the hall in the courtyard. There were three cushions on the ground, which should be the place where the three elders of Shengyan usually practice.

  And right in front of him was an iron cage like a prison.

  In that iron cage, there were actually more than a dozen blue men imprisoned.

  They were all tied up in it with iron chains through their limbs.

  However, their mental state was still good, just a little weak.

  ”Ba Dao, come out.

  There is no need to hide,” Xu Zimo shouted directly.

  He knew that the other party was hiding in it.

  ”How dare I hide in front of Master Xu,” a light laugh came.

  I saw the figure of Ba Dao slowly walked out from the back of the hall.

  He was wearing a tiger skin robe, tall, and gave people a sense of oppression when he walked over.

  He had a light beard and his eyes were a little dark.

  Sweat was pouring down his forehead.

  He smiled apologetically, looked at Xu Zimo and said, “Knowing that you were coming, I cleaned up this place.

  Welcome you.”

  ”I thought you would be tougher and would rather die standing.

  I didn’t expect that you would want to live on your knees in the end,” Xu Zimo shook his head and replied.

  ”Being alive is a gift from you,” Ba Dao said with a smile.

  ”Unfortunately, I don’t intend to spare you, what should I do.”

  Xu Zimo replied, “From the moment you assassinated me, you are actually a dead man.”

  ”Young master let me go, I am willing to be your slave,” Ba Dao said quickly to show his loyalty.

  ”Young master, you want these blue men, I can go to Lihuo Territory to help you catch them.

  I am familiar with that place.”

  ”I will go to Lihuo Territory myself,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  The big hand fell, “As for you, you’d better die.”

  Hearing this, Ba Dao’s figure quickly retreated.

  His face turned fierce, and he snorted coldly, “Since you don’t want to agree, let’s die together.”

  He made seals with his hands, and marks fell from his hands.

  Then he merged into the body of the blue man.

  The next moment, there were low roars like beasts.

  Xu Zimo looked up.

  The source of the roars was the blue men.

  The blue men who were originally quiet were rioting at this moment.

  The chains that imprisoned them were directly broken.

  ”What did you do?” Xu Zimo frowned and asked.

  ”You know the nature of these blue men.

  They are the source of disasters. With them as the main body, countless water beasts were created.

  Once they are angry, they are enough to destroy a city.”

  Ba Dao laughed and said, “With so many blue men, no matter how strong you are, you can’t protect yourself.”

  At this point, Ba Dao said coldly, “I originally wanted to coexist peacefully with you, but since you really want to kill me,

  don’t blame me.”

  ”Water beasts,” Xu Zimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

  He didn’t care about the blue men first, but the majestic holy power fell. He

  directly suppressed Ba Dao in place.

  He grabbed Ba Dao with his big hand, grabbed Ba Dao in his hand, and then threw him into the iron cage.

  Ba Dao was roaring, and kept insulting Xu Zimo.

  But it was all to no avail.

  As soon as he entered the iron cage, the blue men pounced on him.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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