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1549. Chapter 1503: Training under the volcano, attackers come

1549. Chapter 1503: Training under the volcano, attackers come


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1503 Training under the volcano, the attackers came

  with the green fragrance.

  I saw wisps of fragrance covering Xu Zimo and the other four.

  These fragrances seemed to be the fuse of the flames.

  The flames burned along the fragrance and rushed directly to Xu Zimo and the others.

  Master Bai was a little scared and seemed to want to dodge.

  The voice of Chief Lie also came.

  ”Don’t worry, these flames have no offensive power.

  I just put on flame clothes for you so that you can enter the guarding place without being rejected.”

  ”Why don’t you put on flame clothes?” Master Bai asked.

  ”We, the fire-guarding clan, are of the same origin as the source of fire. We were created and evolved from the source of fire.

  How can we reject it?” Chief Lie explained.

  Xu Zimo was not afraid, but just nodded.

  When the flames wrapped around him, there was indeed no offensiveness, only a faint warmth came.

  ”Let’s go, remember what you promised me.”

  Chief Lie reminded, and then took the lead to walk into the flame gate.

  Xu Zimo and the others followed closely.

  As soon as they entered the source of fire, a volcano was in everyone’s sight.

  The space here is not very big.

  There is only one volcano.

  The ground is the color of volcanic ash, and it is a bit soft when you step on it.

  It is a bit like a swamp, which is quite scary.

  Following the footsteps of the Lie clan leader, everyone came to the bottom of the volcano.
In fact, Xu Zimo and Bai Zongzhu, two human beings, did not react


  except feeling hot.
But Shangguan Xian and Xiao Anshan reacted unexpectedly.

  The “bang bang bang” sound of their hearts seemed to be particularly noticeable.

  And the two people also unconsciously burned their own flames around them.

  ”This…” Xiao Anshan and the other looked at each other.

  They had never experienced such a situation.

  ”You can practice under this volcano,” said the Lie clan leader.

  ”Wait half an hour, and you can leave.

  Remember, don’t enter the volcano.”

  ”Understood,” Xiao Anshan nodded.

  He and Shangguan Xian sat cross-legged under the volcano, and saw the flames around them burning.

  Instantly entered a state.

  The two looked solemn, and faintly, they seemed to sense the breath in the volcano.

  Wisps of flames spread out from the volcano.

  It merged into their bodies.

  The power of the two was also getting stronger little by little.

  Xu Zimo had nothing to do, so he chatted with Chief Lie.

  ”Do you Fire Guardians have any contact with each other?”

  ”Yes, but rarely.

  Everyone usually guards various fire sources and basically does not leave.

  Unless they encounter a catastrophe, they will ask for help,” Chief Lie did not deny it.

  ”If the fire source is taken away, will this Origin Land really be destroyed?” Xu Zimo asked again.

  ”I can tell you responsibly that it will,” Chief Lie nodded.

  ”By then, the entire Origin Land will be reduced to ruins and eventually swallowed by the black hole of the universe.”

  ”Don’t think I’m exaggerating. In fact, the Origin Land has already been shattered.

  Now we are just hanging on for dear life, and the fire source must not be lost.”

  Chief Lie said very seriously, mainly because he was afraid that Xu Zimo would not believe it.

  ”Since it is so important, why do you think the Sun Palace let us in?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”What’s the purpose?”

  ”I don’t understand this. The Sun Temple and we are just partners. We

  are not superiors or subordinates,” Chief Lie shook his head.

  As the two were chatting, there was a sudden explosion.


  In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth broke apart. The whole land broke apart, and the land of fire began to shake.

  ”What happened?” Chief Lie frowned slightly.

  Outside the Fire Origin Land, a fire keeper hurried in.

  ”Chief, something bad has happened.

  Someone is attacking our garrison.”

  ”Who? Is it a fire poison beast?” Chief Lie asked.

  ”No, it’s some people from the Fire Clan,” the fire keeper replied.

  Upon hearing this, Chief Lie’s eyes changed.

  The powerful aura around him crushed him.

  He looked at Xu Zimo and the others with a bad look.

  ”Everyone, do you want to give me an explanation?”

  ”Chief Lie misunderstood. This matter has absolutely nothing to do with us,” Xu Zimo waved his hand and replied.

  ”We don’t know the other people from the Fire Clan.

  You may not know that there are fifty people entering the Origin Land this time.

  We are all from different forces.”

  ”Fifty people?” Chief Lie frowned even deeper.

  ”The Sun Temple is crazy. They let so many people in at once without even saying hello to us.”

  ”Is it really nothing to do with you?” Chief Lie stared at Xu Zimo.

  He wanted to see if he was lying.

  But Xu Zimo acted very calmly and shook his head.

  ”This time it’s the six major fire regions and some other forces.

  We are not in the same camp as them.

  We will only be enemies, and there is no possibility of alliance.”

  ”No matter what, everyone, let’s leave this fire source first,” said the head of the Lie clan.

  Xu Zimo nodded.

  He woke Xiao Anshan and Shangguan Xian from their training.

  The two looked regretful and reluctant to leave.

  ”What a profound flame. Just touching the side branches has benefited me a lot,” Xiao Anshan said with emotion.

  ”If I can comprehend it more, it will definitely take me to a higher level.”

  ”There is no time, let’s go out first,” Xu Zimo smiled.

  ”So fast,” Xiao Anshan was surprised.

  Originally, he left the fire mark, thinking that he would not encounter people from the Fire Clan in a short time.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as everyone came in, someone attacked here.

  ”It seems that someone has landed in the same place as us,” Xu Zimo smiled.

  But this is exactly what he wanted.


  Everyone followed the head of the Lie clan and left the fire source.

  It can be seen that the head of the Lie clan is very wary of several people.

  No matter what he did, he had to let a few people follow him closely.

  He brought a few people to the meeting hall of the Fire Guarding Clan.

  The people in this hall are basically emperors.

  However, on the left and right sides, there are two old men leading each.

  Faintly, they exude a powerful aura like a great sage.

  ”Chief,” seeing Chief Lie coming, everyone greeted him.

  ”How can outsiders enter our meeting hall,” the old man on the left saw Xu Zimo and asked first.

  ”Ancestor Huotu, let’s talk about the important things first,” Chief Lie waved his hand with a headache and said.

  He didn’t want to bring Xu Zimo and others in.

  But the current situation is that he doesn’t trust Xu Zimo and others at all, fearing that these people will be detrimental to the source of fire.

  So he must be under his nose to really feel at ease.

  ”The strength of those people outside is very strong. I estimate that our formation will not last long.”

  Elder Huotu replied.

  ”I am mainly afraid of attracting the attention of the fire poison beast. By then, we will be unable to cope with it.

  I am afraid that something big will happen.”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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