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156. Chapter 156 The master finally comes out!

156. Chapter 156 The master finally comes out!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 156 The master finally came out!

  ”Why are you panicking?”

  Qin Yang yawned and walked leisurely to the fishing spot in Area 1 with a calm expression, “It’s a big deal, so just make a fuss. The Sword God Valley is far away from here.”

  Just now, he took advantage of the opportunity.

Between bathroom breaks.

  I had already turned on the live broadcast and paid attention to the situation at the scene.

  The door is clear!


  Li Qinghe was stunned, stretched out his hand to grab Qin Yang’s arm, and said in disbelief: “Wait, master, is this how you react?”

  She had been squatting at the door for a long time, thinking that Qin Yang would take action.

  Is this the result?

  ”Otherwise, how can I react?”

  Qin Yang turned his head, knocked away Li Qinghe’s hand, and said slowly: “You want me to rush to the Sword God Valley to help in the battle?”

  ”Yes! You must go there!

  Li Qinghe gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Zixuan is your junior sister. What if something happens to her?

  Now she is in danger. That fake “master” is dominating the Sword God Valley, but you still plan to

Are you still planning to…”

  After saying that, Li Qinghe paused and said with a cry, “Master, you still want to keep lying down!”

  ”What’s the point? You need to do what you can to help.”

  Qin Yang looked at it. She looked like she was about to break through her defenses, and calmly comforted her: “That fake sword god is so powerful that I can’t defeat him at the moment. He’s thousands of miles away, so what’s the point of going there? Are

  you dying in vain?

  Calabash boys save grandpa, one by one?” ”

  While speaking, Qin Yang had returned to the small fishing bench, sat down leisurely, reached into his pocket, took out his mobile phone, clicked on the short video, and continued to enter the fishing mode.

  He remained motionless and showed no signs of getting up.

  ”Huh, cold-blooded!”

  Li Qinghe frowned, anxious and angry, glared at Qin Yang, stamped his feet, and finally could only leave angrily, leaving him alone in the corner.

  After a while.

  District 1 is quiet again.

  Qin Yang put on his headphones, switched back to the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and continued to follow the battle in Sword God Valley.

  ”Raise your legs, Master, I’m going to climb up.”

  Xiaobai nimbly climbed onto his lap, nestled in his arms, looked up at Qin Yang, then drooped his little head and played with his plush tail. , my heart is full of contempt.

  He deceived others, and then secretly watched the live broadcast on his own…

  ”I’m obviously very worried about that apprentice…”

  He has a sharp mouth but a stupid heart.

  ”You have a tough talk! I despise you!!!”


  At the same time.

  Sword God Valley.


  There was thunder in the sky, and thick lead-gray clouds spread out.

  The man in black robe stood in the strong wind, messing up the sky arbitrarily. The sword energy in the Sword God Valley was chaotic, turning into a sharp blade, destroying mountains and trees, and erupting into terrifying tornadoes.

  The people below were panicking, fighting against the pressure of the wind, grabbing everything around them, and trying to keep their standing posture to prevent others from trampling on them.

  The scene was chaotic!

  ”Jianghai Sword God! Why don’t you come out!?”

  The man in black robe glanced at everyone, the fierce light in his eyes was revealed, and he no longer tried to hide it.

  According to the original plan, he should have been able to gather more people.

  After waiting for a large number of people, there will be a bloody massacre, turning the ‘Valley of the Sword God’ into the ‘Valley of the Death God’, and letting all the citizens who believe in the Sword God be buried alive here!

  If not for Li Zixuan’s sudden arrival, this plan was disrupted.

  It should be possible to gather more idiots into the valley…library owners, superintendents, Jianghai high-level officials…and even bring out the real Jianghai Sword God.

  But now everything is ruined.

  ”It’s all caused by these ants!”

  The man in black robe checked the smell outside the valley.


  Jianghai Sword God didn’t come…

  The plan had changed, and he couldn’t delay it any longer.

  Thinking of this,

  the man in black robe stretched out his finger to guide the sword energy, pointing it directly at the citizens in the valley.

  ”Okay, since you like to be a coward so much, then don’t blame my subordinates for being ruthless and killing these disciples as a meeting gift for you!”   

  He put his hands down and pressed down.

  The star power stretches thousands of miles, creating a terrifying pressure belt.

  Under the attack of the two combined methods, all living beings were wiped out. It was like crushing ants, crushing all the citizens in the valley to death.

  In an instant!

  The sky in the Sword Valley is dim, covering the sky and the sun, as if the towering mountains are pressing down on each other!

  ”Everyone, take action to resist!”

  Upon seeing this, Mr. Li without any hesitation directly launched a star power blast, trying to offset the heavy pressure from above.

  But this

  is still far from enough.

  Crossing steps is like crossing mountains and seas.

  Now the grandmaster is facing the innate, as if the power of the brilliant sky is suppressing him,

  ”Teacher, let me help you!”

  Lin Mofeng and Li Zixuan also raised their hands to support the star power and resist the invasion of the pressure from above. The two terrifying forces were fighting against each other.


  Superintendent Xingwu, who had been stationed around the area for a long time, was dispatched, all fired, fierce firepower was poured out, and hundreds of heat-seeking mines struck.

  It hit the fake ‘Sword God’ directly, and the fire surged, bringing with it a powerful momentum.

  All parties tried their best to help, trying to break the pressure from above.

  ”The struggle of a group of ants!”

  The black-robed man sneered and looked around, enjoying the screams in the mountains.

  There were cries and shouts everywhere. The canyon was in chaos, the sound of cannons was booming, and everyone was crying, forming a A cruel scene like hell


  The star pressure above seems to have a tendency to stop.

  ”You ants don’t think…this is the end of this, right?”

  The man in black robe said with a loud smile, admiring the miserable situation in the Sword Valley below.

  The words fell.

  He pointed out and pressed down on the people below.


  The second round of star power pressure is added!


  The void cracked, the space was distorted, spiderweb-like cracks spread around, and screams continued from the Sword Valley below.

  The man in black robe looked down at the people struggling in the valley, murderous intent flying everywhere, as if he could already see the tragic scene of corpses strewn across the field.

  ”This is what you will get for questioning me!”

  At this moment.

  The man in black robe listened to the wailing in the valley, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly noticed the dawn on the horizon in the distance.

  Fierce and blooming.

  Like a ray of purple light at dawn.

  Purple air is coming from the east!

  ”What is this?”

  The man in black robe was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted.

  But he saw the light flashing across a thousand miles in an instant, and running straight in front of him.

  It turned out to be a flying sword surrounded by dragons and phoenixes? !

  ”Not good!”

  The black-robed man’s lungs and lungs stopped suddenly. A terrifying shiver enveloped his whole body for an instant, and he turned around and wanted to run away.



  The Ziwei Divine Sword pierced his chest, causing blood to fly everywhere. Then, a few breaths later, Qin Yang appeared beside him and pulled out the long sword from his chest.

  Dressed in the same black robe.

  The same Ziwei Divine Sword.

  But it burst out with a more powerful aura!

  At this moment, the swords in the Sword God Valley sang in unison and sang happily, as if to welcome… the return of the true master.

  Everyone looked up and looked away.

  Li Zixuan felt the familiar aura and was even more excited.

  Teacher, you are finally here!

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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