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1597. Chapter 1547: Shangguan Wan’er dies, the formation is broken

1597. Chapter 1547: Shangguan Wan’er dies, the formation is broken


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1547: Shangguan Wan’er dies, the formation breaks

  the body of the Great Sage of the Five Elements.

  He carried his last infinite attachment to this world.

  It’s a pity that everyone in the world will eventually die, no matter gods, demons or ghosts, they can’t escape the fate of immortality.

  And Xu Zimo, he turned his eyes and looked at Shangguan Xiongba next to him.

  This Shangguan Xiongba is really shameful.

  He actually attacked him at his most critical moment.

  In Baimeng’s hands, Shangguan Xiongba was no match at all.

  He was forced into danger.

  Every time Baimeng hit his abdomen, he would spit blood and the devil’s energy was rippling.

  Seeing that Shangguan Xiongba was almost dead.

  Xu Zimo did not participate, he looked at Shangguan Wan’er.

  Under the protection just now, the other party has been practicing and healing.

  At this moment, seeing Xu Zimo walking step by step.

  Shangguan Wan’er’s eyes condensed, she knew that this could not be avoided.

  ”Hand over the source of fire,” Xu Zimo said.

  ”If I hand over the source of fire, will you let me go?” Shangguan Wan’er asked.

  ”No, killing you is the main thing, and the source of fire is only secondary,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  ”Then let’s fight to the death. I, Shangguan Wan’er, am not a person who fears death,” she shouted coldly. The

  Nine Nether Hell Fires around her burned again.

  The raging flames burned the void.

  The powerful force enveloped everything.

  Garona’s huge figure appeared again, roaring continuously.

  After the flames and giants appeared, they all rushed towards Xu Zimo.

  ”It’s the same again,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  He said, “Just right, let you try my Ten Magic Styles.”

  ”Ghost Demon Style, Wrongful Ghosts.”

  At this moment, Xu Zimo was surrounded by surging ghost energy, which reflected the sky.

  I saw a ghost face appear in the void.

  This ghost face seemed to be able to devour everything, with its fangs and claws bared, and it was hideous and terrifying.

  And from around this ghost face, there were countless wronged ghosts gathering here.

  Ghost Face roared and rushed towards Garona.

  He opened his mouth.

  It was like a bloody mouth, swallowing Garona’s head directly into his mouth.

  The head was full of death.

  Garona began to struggle desperately.

  But the style of the ghost demon, how could it be so easy to break free.

  ”Die,” Xu Zimo shouted coldly.

  With a “bang”, Ghost Face actually bit off Garona’s head directly.

  Garona was destroyed.

  And Shangguan Wan’er’s figure also fell down.

  Xu Zimo’s Tyrant Shadow Slash fell.

  With a “bang”.

  Shangguan Wan’er’s figure was enveloped by the sharp sword intent.

  Countless sword intents came down.

  Her body and soul were all strangled in it.

  When strangling her soul, Shangguan Wan’er still had a will to survive and struggled to break free.

  ”I hate it, I shouldn’t die here,” Shangguan Wan’er roared.

  ”You should hate it, you shouldn’t provoke me,” Xu Zimo said lightly.

  Finally, the sword in his hand became stronger.

  It completely ended Shangguan Wan’er’s soul here.

  Seeing this scene,

  Shangguan Xiongba’s eyes were bloodshot.

  ”Wan’er,” he shouted.

  ”Take care of yourself first.”

  Bai Meng shouted softly, stepped directly on his abdomen, and kicked Shangguan Xiongba out.

  With a “bang”,

  Shangguan Xiongba fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep pit, and dust flew up for a while.

  Shangguan Xiongba staggered to his feet.

  At this moment, he seemed to have aged by dozens of years, and even the hair on his head turned white.

  ”Brother Shangguan,” the voice of Tiger King suddenly sounded from the Hell Tiger Clan.

  ”How about we join forces?

  We will shake the Sun Palace with the Sun Moon Sect and help you kill this kid?”

  ”Are you serious?” Shangguan Xiongba panted and asked coldly.

  He looked at Xu Zimo.

  There was hatred and anger in his eyes.

  Shangguan Wan’er was not only his daughter, but also the most proud disciple of the Shangguan family.

  Some people said that her future would even surpass the Five Elements Great Sage.

  But now, everything is gone.

  Shangguan Xiongba would rather give everything to kill Xu Zimo.

  ”Of course, but we also have conditions.

  Your Shenwu Fire Region and our Hell Fire Region must stand on the same line,” Tiger King smiled.

  He is naturally not a kind person.

  What he values ​​is the power and foundation of the Shenwu Fire Region behind the Shangguan family.

  Otherwise, how could he offend Xu Zimo because of this.

  If you want to compete with the Sun Palace, you can gather the five major fire regions, and the chances of winning will be even greater.

  ”If you kill him, our Shenwu Fire Region will fully support you,” Shangguan Xiongba said affirmatively.

  ”Master Shangguan, don’t make a mistake,” the Holy King

  of Light in the sky snorted coldly. “If you are willing to help me kill him, I will also fully support you,” Shangguan Xiongba replied.

  The Holy King of Light snorted coldly.

  This is impossible.


  Looking at Shangguan Xiongba’s figure, Tiger King controlled the Ancestral Feather.

  Slightly opened a gap.

  Said: “Master Shangguan, come and take shelter.”

  After all, the Day and Night Sect is still outside, and the current strength of these people in the formation is not enough to compete with the Sun Palace.

  Shangguan Xiongba also ran directly into the Ancestral Feather without saying a word.

  Seeing this scene.

  The Holy King of Light looked at Xu Zimo and smiled: “Mr. Xu, how about we join forces?”

  ”I have no objection to joining forces,” Xu Zimo replied.

  ”But you, the Sun Palace, are too slow in doing things.

  can’t even handle a small Hellfire Domain.”

  ”Why are you in such a hurry? If you deal with them too quickly, how can you lead out the Sun and Moon Sect?” The Holy King of Light said with a smile.

  It can be seen that in addition to the Hellfire Domain, their target this time is also the Sun and Moon Sect.

  But Xu Zimo knew that

  the Sun and Moon Sect was not worthy of being the real boss.

  In these nine domains, only the Holy Court is qualified to be called the boss.

  It is also capable of being feared by so many people.


  It seems that they heard the words of the Holy King of Light.

  The Sun and Moon Sect outside the formation was also very angry.

  The Sun and Moon ** came out with a bang, and when it encountered the Yellow Spring Extinguishing Wind Formation, it broke through with a crushing attitude.

  Although the Yellow Spring’s wailing resounded in all directions in the formation, and the wind of destruction whistled past.

  But under the Sun and Moon **, everything was like a mirage.

  Completely shattered.

  However, the Sun and Moon Sect did not pay a price.

  Those believers who formed seals to drive the **, after opening the Sun and Moon **, all fell to the ground, and their life and death were unknown.

  ”Sun Palace, your doomsday has come,” Wang Yangming laughed.

  Watching the Sun and Moon Corpses rushing over,

  the Holy King of Light stared straight ahead, and with a wave of his hands,

  the world in this valley began to change.

  It was as if at this moment, the world was all under his control.

  The world moved, and the stars shifted.

  The world that was originally protected by the Wing of the Ancestor suddenly changed.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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