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16. Chapter 16: Massacre of the Village

16. Chapter 16: Massacre of the Village


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 16: Village Massacre

  ”How can I help?” Shili Changkong asked calmly without questioning.

  ”I have here a copy of Yintian Sword Art that Emperor Yintian practiced, and a copy of Sancai Sword Formation that Emperor Sancai left behind,” Xu Zimo said slowly.

  Shili Changkong’s current state is that he lacks experience and has no reference to the paths left by his predecessors.

  Don’t look at Xu Zimo’s ability to casually name several great emperor techniques, but in fact, the preciousness of these techniques is unimaginable.

  At least people like Shili Changkong have never come into contact with great emperor techniques.

  This is in line with the old saying that it is better to be born with a good life than to work hard for ten years.


  ”What are the conditions?” Shili Changkong naturally knew that there is no free lunch in this world.

  ”I am going to form a force and would like to ask you to manage it,” Xu Zimo said.

  ”Impossible, I will not be your subordinate,” Shili Changkong shook his head firmly, “My swordsmanship is unstoppable. If I really let myself live under someone else’s roof, my heart will not be smooth, and how can I talk about the swordsmanship path.”

  ”A swordsman should have the edge of being willing to bend but not break, but also be restrained when sheathing,” Xu Zimo said with a smile, “Just like being a human being, sometimes you have to hold your head high and sometimes you have to bow your waist and smile.”

  Looking at Shili Changkong’s thoughtful eyes, Xu Zimo continued, “Perhaps some people’s martial arts are really to move forward bravely and never retreat.

  Just like the Three Swords Emperor in the past, he went to an extreme. For him, there was no such thing as defense.

  Even if he was defeated by someone else’s sword, he would never retreat, and his sword was never timid.

  But you are definitely not an extreme person like the Three Swords Emperor, otherwise you would not hide in this small village and be willing to be a blacksmith.

  Your sword should be able to move forward and backward freely, and it should have the sharpness of breaking the sky when it is unsheathed, and it should also be low-key and ordinary when it is sheathed.”

  After hearing Xu Zimo’s words, Shili Changkong’s heart was shaken, and he pondered for a long time.

  It felt like he had grasped something, but it seemed more confused.


  ”I will leave tomorrow. You can seize the opportunity yourself. For me, a warrior of the Zunmai realm is not too rare. I just happened to pass by here and cherish his talent,” Xu Zimo stood up and slowly walked towards the house where he lived.

  ”But for you, this kind of opportunity is not often available.

  Even if someone can take out the Great Emperor’s skills, it is not necessarily more suitable for you than my two books.”


  Looking at Xu Zimo’s receding back, Shili Changkong frowned even deeper. He lowered his head and pondered for a long time.

  Late at night, Shili Changkong stood up firmly, picked up the iron sword he had just made, and walked towards the village step by step.

  The strong wind blew up the dust all over the sky, and his figure gradually disappeared in the wind. The famous sword master seemed to have returned again.


  There was no speech all night. Early the next morning, the sun shone quietly. Xu Zimo practiced all night and felt full of energy.

  ”It’s strange that nothing happened last night,” Feng Buyu said.

  ”You still hope that we will encounter danger,” Xu Zimo replied with a smile.

  He stretched himself, and then walked out of the house with everyone else.

  As soon as they walked out of the house, everyone felt something was wrong.

  It was quiet, too quiet, and the entire Baihuang Village fell into a deathly silence.

  There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

  Feng Buyu kicked open the doors of the houses on both sides of the street, and a particularly choking smell of blood came out from inside.

  All the villagers were killed while they were sleeping last night, including the village chief Wang Tao who received everyone last night, who was now lying in a pool of blood on the bed.

  ”Everyone is dead,” Feng Buyu said after a moment of silence.

  ”I finally know what’s wrong,” Xiao Yu shouted from the side: “Since we came here last night, we haven’t seen any old people, children, or women. The villagers in this village are all young and strong men.”

  After hearing Xiao Yu’s words, everyone reacted.

  ”These people are definitely not ordinary villagers,” Feng Buyu frowned and thought, “but who killed them?”

  ”Shili Changkong, it seems that you have made a choice,” Xu Zimo had a calm face throughout the whole process.

  Even when he saw the whole village being slaughtered, he was not surprised at all.

  He fetched a bucket of water from the village well, and then washed himself.

  ”Junior Brother Zimo, do you know something?” Feng Buyu asked in confusion.

  He felt that Xu Zimo was too calm. Even when he saw so many people die, he didn’t frown.

  ”Why bother about these things? It’s irrelevant and meaningless,” Xu Zimo smiled and shook his head, then walked out of the village.

  ”Let’s hurry up and try to reach Tianjian City at noon.”


  Several people, each with their own thoughts, rode Feimo horses slowly towards the outside of the village.

  When they were about to reach the entrance of the village, a man suddenly ran out of the house next to him.

  ”Help, save me,” the man was seriously injured, spitting blood from his mouth, and was dying.

  Xu Zimo got off his horse and slowly came to the man. He looked at the man’s pleading eyes, then picked up the scimitar behind him, Ba Ying.

  He cut the man’s body into two pieces with one knife.

  The man still had a pleading look in his eyes before he died.


  Feng Buyu wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and finally fell silent.

  He felt that Xu Zimo was too cold-blooded. If he saved the man at this time, he might know who slaughtered the village.

  Xu Zimo killed the only survivor, and the clue was broken.

  Or did Xu Zimo kill all these villagers?

  But Xu Zimo stayed in the room last night and didn’t go out.


  Xu Zimo looked at Ba Ying, who drank blood for the first time, and inserted it into the scabbard.

  Then he rode Feimo horse and ran quickly to the outside of the village.

  Now not only Feng Buyu couldn’t understand, but even Xiao Yu and Tang Huaiyuan were confused.

  Hei Shisan followed Xu Zimo quietly. He didn’t care about these things.

  His duty was only to protect Xu Zimo’s safety.

  And Lin Ruhu, as always, in front of the crowd, this guy is also a big heart. He

  has absolute trust in Xu Zimo. In his opinion, no matter what Xu Zimo does, it makes sense.

  If he wants to say something, he will naturally tell him, and if he doesn’t want to say it, he won’t ask.


  As soon as the few people left Baihuang Village, they saw a man waiting in front early.

  Shili Changkong was dressed in white, riding on a split brown horse, with a golden sword hanging on his waist.

  His black hair was draped behind him, and his eyes were like sharp swords, so sharp that people dared not look directly at him. From a distance, he looked quite elegant.

  ”The people in this village are all robbers,” Shili Changkong explained lightly.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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