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167. Chapter 167 A vision from the sky!

167. Chapter 167 A vision from the sky!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 167 A vision from the sky!

  The Fuhai villa complex is high in the sky.

  Thunderstorm weather gathers, electric currents intertwine, bursting out book tea, like a thousand birds flying together.


  It rained heavily.

  Qin Yang stood in the courtyard, water mist swirled around him, and the thunder lines between his eyebrows appeared. Then he turned out his palm and summoned light green fluorescence.

  These are the previous fragments of the Law of Wood, which have been understood long ago, plus the current fragments of the Thunder Method.

  The fragments of the two laws are alive together.

  Now that the power of the law has been understood, this is the best moment for breakthrough.

  The threshold of realm can be crossed.

  Don’t miss this opportunity!

  ”Breakthrough to the Supreme, today!”

  Thinking of this, Qin Yang slowed down, slowly bent down, and sat cross-legged in the courtyard, with his five hearts facing the sky, sensing the power of the laws he had understood.


  The silver lines between the eyebrows buzzed, thunder exploded and crackled, the thunderstorm above the Fuhai Villas became more intense, and the rain became heavier.

  A round of heavy rain swept across the river and sea, as if awakening from the awakening of insects.

  Raindrops pattered on this coastal city, cars on the road honked, the sky and the earth were hazy, and water mist covered everyone’s heads.


  Thousands of thunder lights shuttled through the clouds, like horned dragons on pilgrimage, gathering over the villas, making the night as bright as day.

  ”Oh my god! A miracle!”

  ”The weather forecast clearly says there will be no rain today. Is some great immortal about to ascend?!”

  ”My dear, that’s too cruel!”

  The sound of thunder could be heard, and the citizens were shouting. Umbrellas walked out of their homes one after another, looking up at this magnificent scene, and they all froze in place.

  Hard to imagine.

  Such a magnificent scene,

  what kind of existence should we welcome?

  But it’s not over yet.

  They looked around and suddenly found that something was wrong with the maple trees on the street.

  The withered branches bloomed with new buds, and the green leaves grew in clusters, returning to lushness, decaying, withering, and budding…

  In less than a moment, spring grew and summer flourished, autumn declined and winter died… In a matter of seconds, everything passed Round after round of life!

  A large area of ​​​​the entire Jianghai City, centered on the villa group, is shrouded in the blessings of the law.


  In front of the window, Xiaobai picked up the phone and wiped the cracks on the screen distressedly. The phone he just bought had a big crack.

  It was all the fault of the thunder just now!

  ”It must be the master again, doing something in the yard!”

  Thinking of this, Xiaobai put down his mobile phone and walked to the window with resentment, looking at the strange scene in the world, and then looked down at Qin Yang below.


  The courtyard was filled with flowers and trees, and Qin Yang was sitting in the center of the courtyard, making his final breakthrough to the Supreme Realm.

  The thunder pattern condenses between the eyebrows, the wood grain appears on the palm, and the fluorescent spots seduce the laws of heaven and earth.

  ”Master, what are you doing!?”

  Xiaobai jumped downstairs, but did not dare to get too close to Qin Yang, lest he be affected by the power of laws around him. The visible void shattered, forming an isolation zone.

  If you have no intention of stepping into the acquired realm.

  I’m afraid that my soul will be shattered on the spot and I will fall into a situation that is beyond redemption!


  Jianghai Martial Arts Academy.

  Soar to the top floor.

  In the office, the elegant aroma of tea lingered. Suddenly, a violent cold wind burst open the window and poured into the room, brutally stirring up the aroma of tea.

  ”This is?!”

  Mr. Li’s expression suddenly changed. He turned his palms to suppress the strong wind in the room and looked out the window in surprise: “Such violent star power, where did this come from?!”

  At this moment, the wind contained a mysterious force. Law star power.

  It actually made him feel terrified!

  Being able to integrate star power into everything in the world implies the power of law…

  There is no doubt that this has reached the level of the Supreme Realm!

  Could it be that…

  the monsters from the Beast God Sect have begun a massive attack?   

  Between thoughts.

  ”Teacher! Come and take a look!”

  Lin Mofeng suddenly said, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the cloud scenery in the distance: “There seems to be someone making a breakthrough in the city!” ”


  Mr. Li’s expression changed when he heard this. Change, quickly came to Lin Mofeng’s side, and looked out the window with him.

  The sky outside the window was bright and bright, like a white night, with several lightning flashes rushing through the clouds, the vegetation in the city growing, and strange phenomena happening one after another.

  ”Teacher, this is someone who is breaking through to the Supreme Realm!”

  Lin Mofeng looked down at the scenery in the city and said excitedly: “I have read in books that it must be possible to cause such a vision, only a strong person in the Supreme Realm can do it. Come.

  At this moment, someone in the city is launching a final attack on the Supreme Realm!”

  Lin Mofeng said excitedly. He did not expect that he could actually see others break through to the Supreme Realm!

  The words fell.

  ”Breakthrough to the Supreme Realm?!”

  Li Laobai frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and guessed in a low voice: “Could it be that Senior Sword God is making a breakthrough?”

  But as soon as this idea came out, he soon became a little uncertain.

  after all.

  Judging from previous performance.

  The senior Sword God killed Grandmaster Hou Tian with just one clone, as easily as he slaughtered a dog…

  Since he can have such strength… then logically speaking, shouldn’t he have reached the Supreme Realm?

  ”Or maybe there is someone else who has broken through to the Supreme Realm?”

  I thought of this.

  Mr. Li stared slightly, looking at the concentration point of the plasma in the sky. It was a matter of great importance and he could not take a peek. Then he whispered to Lin Mofeng:

  ”Let’s go, Mofeng, follow me to the center to have a look!

  … …

  Sword God Valley.

  The cliffs are high, and thousands of sword energy gathers, turning into a biting wind blowing across the valley bottom.

  Li Zixuan stood in front of a stone wall, reaching out to touch the sword marks on it, and was studying the way of swordsmanship. After entering the Xiantian Realm, my understanding of training has always been somewhat stagnant.

  I took the time to come to Sword Valley these days just to find a breakthrough opportunity,

  but unfortunately, the progress is still not enough

  . ”

  She shook her head and sighed, and said with some annoyance: “Am I still not good at my talent… How can I go to see the teacher like this…”

  Just at this moment


  a purple thunder pierced the night sky, illuminating the vast acreage. In the sky, Li Zixuan was suddenly startled and subconsciously looked up to the sky.

  The first thunder light dissipated, and then more thunder flashed across, like a school of fish migrating in the sea, lighting up the entire sky

  ! ! ”

  Seeing this, Li Zixuan climbed up on her toes and reached the highest point of the canyon. She followed the guidance of the lightning. She looked

  up into the distance.

  In the dim lights of the city, thunder and lightning gathered together.

  Li Zixuan’s eyes narrowed and she watched the lightning rush away. I was in a daze, and I remember my cousin mentioned

  the direction of the Fuhai Villas…

  that seems to be the senior brother’s residence?

  ”Wait, since it is the senior brother there…”

  ”With his strength, it’s not like that. As for making such a noise. ”

  Li Zixuan’s eyes flashed, and she looked up at the thunder in the sky, her eyes reflecting the white night.

  ”Could it be that the teacher caused all this? ”

  (End of chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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