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1765. Chapter 1709 Seizing the Desolate Tree, Situ Mo Dies

1765. Chapter 1709 Seizing the Desolate Tree, Situ Mo Dies


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1709 Seizing the Desolate Tree, Situ Mo died

  . The existence in the sky began to be silent.

  It seemed to be considering the pros and cons.

  ”Your foundation of the demons is not here. You should understand that if you tear your face, you will be the only ones who will suffer in the end.”

  Xu Zimo said again.

  ”He who knows the times is a hero. I believe that the demons are not a group of fools.”

  Xu Zimo’s words made the demons very angry.

  But after thinking about it carefully, I have to say that it makes sense.

  ”Then let the Flame Demon be the messenger. We need to discuss with other demons,” the existence in the sky replied.

  Then the sky, which was originally full of demonic energy, began to dissipate.

  With the dissipation of the demonic cloud.

  The sky became clear again.

  Xu Zimo was not afraid that they would not agree.

  After all, this is the Great Wilderness, not other places, and the Heavenly Dao does not allow the demons to exist.

  The ancestor of Zhenwu also said: “Come back as soon as possible after taking the Desolate Tree.

  We can’t delay.”

  ”I know,” Xu Zimo nodded.

  After all, this is the afterimage of the ancestor of Zhenwu, and it finally dissipated.

  At this moment, there was a “boom”.

  The sky was cracked.

  It seemed that a meteorite fell from the sky and landed fiercely on the ground.

  However, if you look closely, you will find that it is not a meteorite at all, but Situ Mo.

  The other party was seriously injured.

  Although both of them are in the Three Flower Realm, there are also differences in strength and weakness in the same realm.

  The man guarding the cemetery is obviously much stronger than Situ Mo.

  This is understandable, after all, Situ Mo has been suppressed in the Human Saint Palace for so many years.

  And the man has been practicing.

  It is normal for one to rise while the other falls.

  The broken sword fell from the sky.

  It stopped directly at the center of Situ Mo’s eyebrows.

  Situ Mo’s original idea of ​​breaking free was extinguished in an instant, and he stopped in place with some horror.

  ”Where is Lord Tianmo?”

  ”I have sent him away,” Xu Zimo waved his hand.

  He said, “Kill him, there is no use keeping these evil spirits.”

  The man nodded.

  The broken sword fell completely.

  This broken sword is very powerful. It not only shattered Situ Mo’s head, but also annihilated all the other party’s souls.

  How to kill a Dao Fruit strongman.

  I’m afraid no one knows better than he does.

  But Situ Mo is a three-flower existence after all, so it’s not that easy to kill him.

  Even if this sword breaks everything.

  A black light still appeared on his body, and he fled towards the sky.

  ”Where are you running,” the man shouted.

  He threw the broken sword in his hand directly.

  In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and endless power strangled the black air.

  ”Let’s spare someone when we can, you must kill them all,” Situ Modao’s voice sounded in shock and anger.

  ”If we don’t cut the grass and uproot it, it will only grow again in the spring breeze,” Xu Zimo said lightly.

  With a “boom”.

  On the broken sword, the pattern of the avenue suddenly appeared.

  This time, the black air was completely strangled in it.

  Accompanied by Situ Mo’s screams.

  Finally, everything disappeared.

  The man put away the sword and stood up, and finally looked at Xu Zimo.

  ”You promised me to lend me the desolate tree.”

  ”One month, you must return it,” the man was silent for a while, and finally said.

  Xu Zimo nodded.

  He himself was not interested in this desolate tree.

  The man tore through the void

  and left. Liu Xuer, who was standing next to him, seemed to have thought of something.

  had been thinking hard about the man’s identity.

  At this moment, her eyes lit up. She

  quickly said, “Senior, are you Patriarch Mu?”

  But the man did not answer her and had already left.

  Xu Zimo was also curious.

  He asked, “Who is Patriarch Mu?”

  ”It is said that he is the Taoist partner of our master,” Liu Xuer said.

  ”I have seen him in a book.

  It was said that Patriarch Mu abandoned our ancestor in pursuit of the Great Dao.

  From then on,

  our Jade Maiden Palace no longer allowed men to enter.

  ”I didn’t expect that after the death of the ancestor, Patriarch Mu had been guarding her mausoleum.”

  Liu Xuer was very emotional.

  After all, this was something no one had expected.

  Perhaps except for Patriarch Beiji, no one in the entire Jade Maiden Palace knew about it.

  ”I should leave too,” Xu Zimo said. ”

  Thank you, young master, for saving my Jade Maiden Palace. We will remember this kindness,” Liu Xuer said solemnly.

  ”I’m just doing this for myself,” Xu Zimo waved his hand.

  ”But now the four major forces are either destroyed or have suffered heavy losses.

  If you, the Jade Maiden Palace, can seize the opportunity, you may be able to unify the Great Wilderness.”

  Liu Xuer was slightly moved.

  But still sighed, “I’m afraid we don’t have that ability.

  Patriarch Beiji was seriously injured.

  Patriarch Mu doesn’t care about these things. ”

  Xu Zimo didn’t say much.

  After saying goodbye to Liu Xuer, he came to the ancestor’s cemetery.

  The man had been waiting there for a long time.

  He waved his right hand, and a space gate appeared in front of him instantly.

  Inside this space gate, there was an endless stream of desolate rules.

  It seemed that this was the origin of the desolate rules.

  The man stood in front of the space gate and was silent for a long time.

  Finally, he said: “When Ling’er and I first came to this wilderness.

  It was once a wasteland.

  There were no living creatures.”

  ”We found the origin desert island and saw through the secrets of this world.

  From then on, we settled down here.”

  The man seemed to be reminiscing about the past.

  They were the first group of creatures to come to the wilderness.

  It was not until later that the five major forces co-governed, and more and more creatures came here.

  He was ambitious at that time. He

  wanted to seek the truth and gave up everything for this.

  But later, the truth did not come, and the person he loved died.

  He stayed in the cemetery all his life.

  This is his destination.


  The man restrained his emotions.

  He waved his hand.

  With a “boom”, the space door opened.

  He and Xu Zimo stepped into it.

  The space inside was not very big.

  This was an independent world, with only one tree growing in it.

  A towering tree that was rooted in the ground and connected to the sky.

  The tree was very dense, and any of its branches was a thousand meters thick and tens of thousands of meters long.

  The leaves growing on it were dark yellow.

  These leaves contained the majestic rules of desolation.

  The tree was lush and leafy.

  Xu Zimo knew that the tree in front of him was the desolate tree.

  The center of the entire wilderness.

  It was also the root of the wilderness.

  If there was no desolate tree, I’m afraid the wilderness would no longer exist.

  Unlike the Nine Realms.

  The wilderness was more like a rootless duckweed, relying on the desolate tree to survive.

  So the man gave Xu Zimo a deadline of one month.

  If it exceeded one month, the wilderness would be in danger of destruction.

  Xu Zimo came to the desolate tree.

  The tree had already been spiritual.

  Xu Zimo did not force it, but said, “I need you to help us break a formation.

  I will return it to you when the time comes.” ”

  The desolate tree was shaking, and the desolate rules were constantly rioting.

  It seemed a little dissatisfied.

  The man next to him persuaded him: “Huang, just let him go.

  I promised.”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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