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1866. Chapter 1808 The World of Yao Chi, Lord Wantian

1866. Chapter 1808 The World of Yao Chi, Lord Wantian


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1808 The world of Yao Chi, Lord Wan Tian

  said this, Wang Ya and her brother’s faces changed drastically.

  ”What do you mean?” Wang Ze scolded.

  ”My plant lineage is also one of the eighteen lines, why don’t you let us participate?”

  ”That’s right, and you have the final say on this matter?” Wang Ya replied.

  ”I really can’t make the decision on this matter, but this is the order of the great elder of my Zhuhe lineage.

  Dare you disobey?” Tian Xingzi sneered.

  He looked down on the plant lineage from the bottom of his heart. There were only a few people left, so it would be better to ban it.

  He believed that there were no fewer people in the sect who held this idea.

  To put it bluntly, it was like standing in the toilet without taking a shit.

  As long as the plant lineage still exists, Yao Chi will give them more or less resources.

  Just like this time when Yao Chi opened the Pan Tao Holy Meeting, the plant lineage can get a quota.

  Even get a Pan Tao.

  You must know that the number of Pan Tao is limited. One of the three great strange trees in the Nine Realms, its effect is amazing.

  Reviving the dead and turning bones into life, these are the simplest effects.

  This peach can make people realize the truth directly.

  You should know that in the later stage of cultivation, it is particularly difficult to realize the truth.

  It will become more and more difficult to contact the avenue and reach the other side of the core.

  And the peach can have such an effect, I am afraid that many people are eager to get it.

  And because the plant lineage is in decline, their quota will naturally be targeted by others.

  The status of the Zhuhe lineage in Yaochi is transcendent.

  Because they are the law enforcement lineage.

  Yaochi’s big and small things are basically supervised and guarded by them.

  If a disciple commits a crime, they will also handle it.

  Therefore, the great elder of the Zhuhe lineage has amazing power.

  Tianxingzi said so, Wang Ya and her brother dared not speak.

  I only heard Wang Ya say with red eyes: “I will go to the Queen Mother of the West to sue you.”

  ”You go, so that you can see the Queen Mother of the West in advance,” Tianxingzi said with a smile.

  ”The Queen Mother of the West is currently busy with the Pantao Holy Meeting. Do you think she has time to see you?”

  Hearing this, Wang Ya and the others fell silent.

  Normally, it would be difficult for them to see the Queen Mother of the West, let alone at this special time.

  It is estimated that the Zhuhe lineage also saw this level, so they are fearless.

  ”You are too bullying,” Wang Ze said with red eyes. ”

  The Queen Mother of the West doesn’t care, that’s because the matter has not been made a big deal.

  If it had been a big deal, there would have been so many guests, and Yaochi would still have to save face,” At this time, a voice sounded from behind.

  Several people turned their heads and saw Xu Zimo walking over with a calm face.

  ”Who are you?

  Why don’t I remember that there are new disciples in the plant lineage?” Tianxingzi looked at Xu Zimo and asked with a frown.

  ”I am the one who wants to kill you,” Xu Zimo smiled.

  He stretched out his hand and grabbed Tianxingzi directly.

  The powerful force was surging in his palm, and Tianxingzi’s face changed drastically. He wanted to resist, but it was in vain.

  He was like a chicken, and Xu Zimo grabbed the back of his neck.

  ”Don’t move. If I accidentally break your neck, I’ll be embarrassed,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  Although he was laughing, Tian Xingzi felt a chill rising from his feet to his heart.

  He hurriedly said, “Don’t get excited.

  Let’s talk it over.”

  ”Xu Daoyou, spare his life,” Wang Ya also persuaded. “If

  you kill him, the Zhuhe clan will take revenge on you. It’s not worth it to exchange one life for another.”

  ”Is his life worth exchanging with me?” Xu Zimo smiled contemptuously.

  Then he looked at the brother and sister.

  He said, “Are you willing to be bullied all the time?”

  Wang Ya and her brother looked at each other and shook their heads together.

  ”When you have endured to the extreme, you don’t need to endure anymore,” Xu Zimo threw Tian Xingzi in front of Wang Ya and the others.

  ”If you two want to resist, I will support you. If you go to the Queen Mother of the West, you will be right.

  If you don’t want to, just let him go and pretend that I did nothing.”

  After hearing Xu Zimo’s words, Wang Ya and the others fell silent.

  They looked at Tian Xingzi.

  Although Tian Xingzi was panicked, he still said sternly: “You should think it through. No one can save you if you murder your fellow disciples in Yaochi.”

  ”You are so arrogant even as a prisoner, sister, I can’t stand it,” Wang Ze gritted his teeth.

  shouted: “If I don’t vent this anger, I will regret it in this life.”

  He said and waved his fist at Tian Xingzi.

  While beating, he shouted: “Even if I can’t kill you, I can beat you up to vent my anger.”

  After a round of punches and kicks, Wang Ze felt satisfied.

  He looked at Tian Xingzi’s vicious eyes, spat, and untied his belt directly.

  ”What are you going to do?” Tian Xingzi seemed to have thought of something and was terrified.

  ”Please have some water,” Wang Ze said with a grin.

  As the saying goes, a waterfall falls three thousand feet straight down.

  In the end, Tian Xingzi left in humiliation, and he didn’t even dare to say a few harsh words before leaving.

  Wang Ze was relieved.

  But Wang Ya was worried.

  She looked at Xu Zimo and said, “You should leave before the Zhuhe clan takes action, otherwise it will be too late.”

  ”What are you afraid of,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  He had thought it through before he took action.

  He just wanted to make things bigger.

  Otherwise, staying in Broken Wolf Valley all the time would be a waste of time.

  The Yao Chi Saint Meeting outside was very lively, but it was very quiet inside.

  In addition to attracting the attention of Yao Chi, it can also gain the kindness of Wang Ya and her brother.

  ”Are you really not afraid?” Wang Ze asked.

  ”Do you really know the Saint of our Yao Chi?”

  ”But the Zhuhe clan is so powerful that even the Saint may not offend them.”

  Seeing the two people guessing, Xu Zimo shook his head and laughed.

  He asked, “Where is your Grandpa Wang, why hasn’t he come out of seclusion yet?”

  ”Grandpa Wang usually stays for three days, and he may break through this time,” Wang Ya thought for a while and said.

  ”It’s so lively outside Yao Chi, don’t you want to go out and play,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  ”Yes,” Wang Ze nodded.

  ”But we have to guard the formation.”

  ”No one has been seen in this place for years,” Xu Zimo said.

  ”Just go out for half a day, it will be fine.”

  Hearing this, both of them were a little tempted.

  ”Just half a day?”

  ”Yes, half a day,” Xu Zimo nodded.

  ”Okay, but you are not allowed to run around, the rules of Yao Chi are very strict,” Wang Ya still reminded him with concern.

  Xu Zimo waited for a while at the entrance of Broken Wolf Valley, and Wang Ya and her brother packed up simply.

  The three of them left Broken Wolf Valley.


  Walking out of the valley, you can come to Yao Chi’s command platform.

  This command platform is not ordinary.

  It was here that Lord Wantian ordered his generals to attack Kunlun Mountain and let Yao Chi be located here, making great contributions.

  And the Great Sage Wantian was the original founder of the plant lineage.

  Unfortunately, with the death of Lord Wantian, the plant lineage has become more and more declining.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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