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1965. Chapter 1907: When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey becomes king

1965. Chapter 1907: When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey becomes king


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 1907: When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey declares himself king

  . The young man walked forward slowly, and the sound of Taoism was echoing all around.

  It was as if the sound of the Tao came down from the sky, and people could not help but feel submissive.

  Everyone in the secular world knows that the Holy Ancestor is the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao and the representative of the Heavenly Dao walking in the world.

  And the power of the Holy Court has always been favored by the Tao.

  It can be said that if an enlightened person can join the Holy Court, it will be twice as effective with half the effort.

  Otherwise, it would be as difficult as ascending to heaven for ordinary Three Corpse Powerhouses to enlighten and get close to the Tao.

  Because the Tao is not obvious, all laws cannot invade.

  What’s the point of pursuing it yourself!

  When the people of the Holy Court travel, they are basically accompanied by the Tao, and Zhuxie retreats and dares not approach.

  ”What do the people of the Holy Court want to do in my Yaochi?”

  Queen Mother of the West frowned.

  He said lightly: “Do you want to violate the Nine Realms Law?

  Or do you want the demons of Cangxuan Realm to break this law first?”

  ”The law is the law of my Nine Realms. Your Yaochi is not under the jurisdiction of the Nine Realms. It is a unique place.

  What does it have to do with you?” On the demon side, Tianhu Divine Lord shouted coldly and said unkindly.

  ”Shut up,” someone from the demon clan looked at Tianhu Divine Lord and scolded him.

  Tianhu Divine Lord woke up instantly.

  He was angry just now, and he basically said something without thinking.

  But some words are taboos. They

  can’t be said casually.

  The Nine Realms Law was promoted by the Nine Realms Alliance.

  This Nine Realms Law was created to deal with the Holy Court.

  The Holy Court is powerful, and there are signs of unification in the entire Nine Realms. If they fight alone, I’m afraid no one can be the opponent of the Holy Court.

  So the powerful forces in the Nine Realms united.

  Formed the Nine Realms Alliance.

  Usually, there is nothing wrong with this alliance.

  But once the Holy Court is involved, it will be different.

  If the Holy Court wants to deal with another force, the other forces must unite.

  It is precisely because of this that the Nine Realms are not under the rule of the Holy Court.

  On the contrary, if someone or a force violates the rules of the Nine Realms Alliance, they will be the enemy of the entire Nine Realms.

  Everyone avoids the Holy Court.

  And the Heavenly Lord said such words in front of so many people. If he was misunderstood, it would be a big trouble.

  I heard someone from the demon clan explain: “We have nothing to do with the Holy Court.

  We come for Yaochi.

  The Holy Court has its own goals.”

  ”That’s right, we don’t come for Yaochi,” the young man laughed in the sky.

  ”Let me introduce myself first.

  I am Zhou Dangmo of the Holy Court.”

  ”My dream in this life is to eliminate all the demons in the world, and only my Holy Court is eternal.”

  ”No matter who the Holy Court is, coming to my Yaochi at this juncture is a blatant provocation to the Nine Realms Alliance,” said the Queen Mother of the West.

  ”Queen Mother, don’t scare me with the Nine Realms Alliance,” Zhou Dangmo laughed.

  ”If my Holy Court really wants to do something, you can’t stop it.”

  ”Then give it a try,” said Queen Mother of the West.

  She looked at the demons. She

  asked, “Demons, which side are you on?”

  This question made the demons speechless.

  Although they are now in a hostile relationship with Yao Chi.

  But according to the law of the Nine Domains Alliance, no matter what the relationship is, it must be put aside first. The matter of the Holy Court is the most important.

  It was difficult for the demons to answer, but Zhou Danglong from the Holy Court smiled.

  ”Queen Mother, you don’t have to be like this.

  We are here for Xu Zimo.”

  ”As far as I know, this Xu Zimo is not from your Yao Chi, nor is he from any force in the Nine Domains. It

  should have nothing to do with you if we capture him.”

  Queen Mother of the West was stunned.

  The Holy Court came for Xu Zimo?

  This was a little unexpected for her.

  She originally thought that the Holy Court and the demons had reached some kind of conditions, and he could still use the law alliance of the Nine Domains to oppress them.

  I just don’t know what Xu Zimo did to offend the Holy Court.

  It actually made the Holy Court dispatch such a large team to come and capture him alone.

  Queen Mother of the West was thinking.

  She couldn’t speak about this matter.

  If there was no oppression from the Nine Realms, the Holy Court would not have to be afraid.

  Zhou Dangmo saw that everyone around him was silent.

  Then he set his eyes on Xu Zimo.

  He smiled and said, “It’s a miracle that you can survive all the way to now.

  But now this miracle should be buried in my hands.”

  Xu Zimo knew that at this point it was no longer a question of whether he wanted to hide or not.

  It was that the Holy Court did not give him a chance to escape.

  Zhou Dangmo waved his hand and slapped several times in a row.

  Countless chains appeared in the originally gloomy void.

  These chains were entangled together, locking the entire sky.

  The only opening of these chains, that is, the location of the lock core, is located in the Holy Court.

  ”This is the Tongtian Xuanwu Formation.”

  Someone recognized this formation and exclaimed.

  It is rumored that this formation appeared in the famous Central Plains War of the Nine Realms.

  It was that battle that established the prestige of the Holy Court and made it the most powerful force in the Nine Regions.

  Now that this formation has reappeared, the meaning behind it is extraordinary.

  The Tongtian Xuanwu formation, the name is not domineering.

  But the word Tongtian means that this formation fits the Great Dao and connects the Dao.

  In other words, it cannot be broken by those who have not attained enlightenment

  How many people in the world have

  attained enlightenment? Even a powerful Three Corpses like Chu Hunji has difficulty in attaining enlightenment.

  Not to mention others.

  Moreover, the word Xuanwu in this Tongtian Xuanwu formation represents Xuanwu iron.

  Xuanwu iron is known as the hardest iron in the world.

  Its defensive power can be imagined.


  It is such a formation that blocked the entire Kunlun Mountain.

  This formation has no lethality, it is simply to prevent Xu Zimo from escaping.

  ”Have you heard of the idiom of catching a turtle in a jar?”

  Zhou Dangmo looked at Xu Zimo with interest and asked.

  ”You are really confident!”

  Xu Zimo walked out slowly.

  He looked at Zhou Dangmo and asked, “Are you so sure that you can catch me this time?”

  ”Why not?” Zhou Dangmo asked back.

  ”Here today, you have no way to go up to heaven, no way to go down to earth, and you can’t fly even if you have wings.

  I can’t think of how you can escape.”

  ”To be honest, I really don’t want to face the Holy Court head-on.

  After all, my strength has not grown to the limit.”

  Xu Zimo said lightly.

  ”But if it really comes to the extreme, do you really think I will be slaughtered?”

  ”The former Demon Lord, I never thought that I could kill you easily,” Zhou Dangmo said solemnly.

  ”But today, my Holy Court has exhausted all its strength.

  If it still can’t kill you, no one in the Nine Realms can kill you.

  Do you know that since the battle in the Central Plains, there is no one in this world who can make our Holy Court do its best.

  You are the first.”

  ”No, no, no,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  ”In the era when the demon came, the Holy Court was just an ant under my feet.

  Now the strong have gone to heaven.

  There is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is the king.”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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