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199. Chapter 197 I’m here to kill someone

199. Chapter 197 I’m here to kill someone


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 197 I’m here to kill someone

  This big man is burly, more than three meters tall, with dark skin all over his body, permeated with a strong demonic aura.

  His eyes are scarlet, bloody and weird, and he has a pair of very hard bull horns on his head.

  Even the breath he exhales is inky black.

  As he slowly knelt down, the whole space was buzzing, and with his every move, it seemed to carry the power of destroying the world.

  ”Demon Lord, are you talking about me?” Xu Zimo whispered to himself.

  ”My Lord, you should not have been to the ancient demon cave yet,” Bai Meng said respectfully.

  ”What is that place?” Xu Zimo frowned slightly.

  He tried to think about it, and always felt that the name was very familiar, but he just couldn’t remember it.

  ”That’s right, when you accept your inheritance and pick up the Chongtian Spear, you will understand everything,” Bai Meng explained.

  ”Do you know me well?” Xu Zimo asked with a frown.

  ”My Lord, I was your former demon general,” Bai Meng replied quickly, “I have been sleeping here for a million years, just to wait for your return.”

  ”How do you know that I am the one you are waiting for?” Xu Zimo asked doubtfully.

  ”The aura and bloodline on your body are correct, and the Prison Demon Body is also correct,” Bai Meng replied respectfully.

  ”Demon Body? Isn’t this a divine body?” Xu Zimo was startled and asked.

  ”My Lord, this physique was originally yours, but after you were defeated, the demon body was forcibly separated and refined by the Heavenly Dao.

  If the person with the destiny gets it, it will naturally be a divine body.

  But if it is returned to the original owner, it is your demon body itself.”

  After hearing Bai Meng’s explanation, Xu Zimo finally understood.

  No wonder the state presented after he opened the Prison Demon Body was different from Chu Yang’s previous life.


  ”Demon Lord,” Xu Zimo muttered to himself. He asked again, “How much do you know about my past?”

  ”No one knows your origins. Although we are demon generals, we don’t know much.

  And we don’t need to know that,” Bai Meng shook his head and said enthusiastically, “I only understand that I can only follow your steps and uphold your ideas.

  You are like the bright sun in the void,

  like a lighthouse on the other side of the turbulent sea.

  You will guide us, lead us, seek the true meaning of life, explore the door to the new world.

  Build an eternal kingdom.

  And you will be the eternal demon lord.”


  Looking at the other party’s appearance, Xu Zimo thought of some fanatical believers.

  ”What is your cultivation?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”I have opened nine meridian gates, and now I am at the peak of the Xuan Dao realm,” Bai Meng replied quickly, “In fact, my strength has already opened ten meridian gates.

  It’s just that this world has suppression, and it is absolutely not allowed to exceed the existence of the emperor.

  So I can only maintain the strength of the Xuan Dao realm.”

  Hearing the other party’s words, Xu Zimo nodded. After a warrior reaches the Shenmai realm, he can be considered to have opened eight meridian gates.

  At this time, no matter whether you enter the Tao or the immortal path, you must open the ninth meridian gate and then ascend to the upper realm.

  ”Where is the ancient demon cave you mentioned?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”In the upper realm, but there is a demon gate on the central continent that can connect to the ancient demon cave,” Bai Meng replied: “If the master goes to the central continent, you can also go to the demon gate to have a look.”

  Xu Zimo nodded slightly, he felt a little confused.

  He didn’t know what the demon lord meant, and what was the relationship between him and the demon lord.

  All the answers can only be asked clearly in the ancient demon cave.

  ”Master, let me follow you in the future,” Bai Meng said hurriedly: “After waiting for ten thousand years, what I wish is to follow you again like in the past.”

  ”Okay, but you are not allowed to interfere in anything without my order in the future,” Xu Zimo said lightly.

  He released the state of the prison demon body and fell from the sky. The demonic energy in the sky was also dissipating bit by bit.

  ”I dare not,” Bai Meng nodded hurriedly.

  All the demonic energy in the sky enveloped him and condensed into a black demonic cloud.

  Bai Meng’s burly body gradually disappeared in the demonic cloud, and the demonic cloud also disappeared into the void.

  Xu Zimo knew that the demonic cloud had always been with him, but ordinary people could not feel it at all.

  He looked in the direction of the Hunyuan Ancient City. The huge city still stood on the edge of the sky.

  ”Some accounts seem to be settled.”


  Hunyuan Ancient City, the Age of Emperors, 10372 AD.

  The sun shone softly on the ground, and the first ray of warmth came after a heavy snowfall in winter.

  On this day, people lived their lives as usual.

  The steamed bun shop on the corner exuded an alluring aroma.

  The old man at the tea stall was holding the book of Tea Classics in his hand as usual, reading it with relish.

  Ye Feiling inspected the family, and all the children he met greeted him flatteringly.

  It was a day when the snow had just fallen and the warm wind swept across the earth.


  ”Boom boom boom……”

  The shaking sound of the earth came from underground.

  At first, the shaking was not big, and many people didn’t even notice it.

  But as the shaking frequency became stronger and stronger, a dilapidated high-rise building in the city collapsed.

  Everyone reacted at this time.

  The earth was shaking, and people looked at the east in horror.

  There, a huge beast shadow appeared on the edge of the sky. It seemed to hold up the sky, shouldering the sky, and walked towards here step by step.

  ”What is that?” Someone looked at this scene in horror, and only felt his scalp tingling.

  Although it was some distance away, the shock brought by the huge body shocked everyone.

  This scene almost attracted the attention of everyone in the city.


  Xu Zimo stood on the top of the chaos, and the cold wind blew his long hair into a mess.

  He was wearing a black robe, with Tyrant Shadow wrapped behind him, and looking deeply at the direction of Hunyuan Ancient City.

  ”I will go even if there are thousands of people!”

  Everyone in the city put down their work and rushed to the city gate.

  The crowded streets were already crowded at this moment.

  In Hunyuan Ancient City, the major families headed by the Ye family also rushed to the front of the city early.

  People looked at the arrival of the beast shadow with solemn eyes.

  It was a giant beast hundreds of meters tall, with two pairs of blood-red wings behind it covering the sky and the sun, as if even the remaining sunlight was blocked.

  The beast shadow enveloped the entire Hunyuan Ancient City, and the huge beast power swept half of the world. At this moment, it seemed that even the sky was shaking.

  People looked up at the beast shadow, and at this moment everyone was shocked to find that there was a black-robed boy standing above the beast shadow.

  The wind blew silently from the horizon.

  The indifferent voice echoed in everyone’s ears.

  ”I’m here to kill someone!”

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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