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2102. Chapter 2042: In the Death Swamp, Chasing Sun Village

2102. Chapter 2042: In the Death Swamp, Chasing Sun Village


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 2042 In the Death Swamp, Zhui Ri Village

  Mu Yang has been waiting anxiously for the past few days.

  She couldn’t find Xu Zimo, so she could only wait.

  Finally, as soon as Xu Zimo appeared, Mu Yang hurriedly said, “Master Xu, when can I go back to save my mother?”

  ”I’m going to escort you back,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  ”Really,” Mu Yang was delighted.

  ”Let’s go, by the way, I also want to see the Death Swamp,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  He took Mu Yang with him, and the two walked through the south gate.

  You should know that although the Death Ancient City is famous for death, its other three sides are planted with various towering trees, like an ancient forest.

  But only on the south side, there is no grass.

  It looks very desolate.

  Of course, it’s not that the people in the Death Ancient City don’t plant, but they can’t plant at all.

  This is close to the Death Swamp, and no matter what plants are planted, they will die immediately.

  The earth is barren and dry.

  Even the sky above seems to be black.

  It is obviously the same sky, less than a few dozen meters apart, but it seems like two worlds.

  Mu Yang was used to this, and she led the way.

  The further south they went, the closer they felt the oppression and curse.

  Finally, they came to the periphery of the Death Swamp.

  The Death Swamp did not have a clear division. Wherever the swamp spread, that was its territory.

  The reason why this was the periphery was that the density of the swamp here was not that high.

  There were also some ground that people could step on.

  These swamps were not ordinary swamps. They were pitch black. This was because the curse power was concentrated to a certain extent.

  From gas to liquid.

  And these swamps were constantly “gurgling”, as if they were boiling.

  There were some evil spirits wandering above the swamp.

  These were people who died in the swamp and were exposed in the wilderness. They turned into evil spirits. They had no consciousness and only attacked people passing by.

  Mu Yang was very scared when she saw these evil spirits.

  It seemed that she had suffered a lot from these evil spirits before.

  Although the curse power of the Death Swamp could not do anything to her, the evil spirits and other creatures were all threats.

  Moreover, Xu Zimo had studied Mu Yang’s cursed body.

  This was completely different from his cursed body.

  Although both of them have physiques that can defend against the attack of the curse power, Xu Zimo is a body of living curse, which will not cause any burden to the body.

  And natives like Mu Yang and the others are all bodies of death curse.

  In short, it is a curse body that is condensed because of the death curse.

  While this curse body protects them from the curse attack, it is actually also harming their bodies.

  And as they grow older, it is difficult for these natives to live long.

  Just like Mu Yang’s mother, she got this serious illness because of the harm of the curse power. Even

  if Mu Yang uses the magic grass, it can only extend her life for more than ten years.

  This is unsolvable.

  Because the curse body has long been terminally ill, it is a question whether these natives can still be defined as human beings at this moment.

  However, although their bodies are not human, their consciousness and habits are no different from humans.

  Seeing Xu Zimo and the others, the evil spirits in the void seemed to have been wandering for too long.

  One by one, they began to pounce on Xu Zimo.

  Xu Zimo waved his hand, and the flame rules in his hand spread out, and the sea of ​​fire covered his head.

  These evil spirits were too weak, and it was not worth his effort at all.

  Wherever the sea of ​​fire passed, these evil spirits were either reduced to ashes or avoided far away.

  Mu Yang followed closely behind Xu Zimo.

  She led the way and reminded him on the way: “The natives in the outer area are not just their family, there are many other people.”

  ”These natives are very xenophobic.”

  Xu Zimo actually had no ill will towards the natives.

  People outside wanted to capture the natives for research, which led to this situation over time.

  The natives were xenophobic and unwilling to trust outsiders.

  The two continued to move forward, and the curse power around them began to grow stronger.

  If ordinary monks came here, they would probably feel uncomfortable.

  Finally, the two stopped in front of a mountain.

  Xu Zimo looked up and saw that the mountain was unreachable. This was the dividing line of the Death Swamp.

  This is the periphery. Once you cross this mountain, you will be in the depths.

  The danger inside is different from the outside.

  ”Our village is just in front,” Mu Yang pointed to the side of the mountain.

  A long time ago, when the Death Swamp had not yet covered this place, their village was built on the mountain.

  This mountain was the biggest treasure.

  They went into the mountain to hunt and pick herbs to sell for money. This was their mountain of life.

  Unfortunately, the curse later covered this place.

  Everything has changed.

  Since then, no one dared to go up the mountain.

  The village where Mu Yang is located is called “Zhui Ri Village”. It is said that the history of this village is quite long.

  The village looks dead.

  There are only a few hundred households in the village now.

  In the most prosperous time, there were thousands of people, which was equivalent to a small town.

  The two walked into the village. After seeing Mu Yang, someone shouted, “Little Mu Yang is back, little Mu Yang is back, come on, everyone.”

  Mu Yang explained to Xu Zimo, “Before I left to seek medicine, the villagers disagreed.

  They thought it was too dangerous outside.

  I’m afraid they didn’t expect me to come back alive.”

  Xu Zimo nodded.

  At this time, many villagers had gathered around.

  ”Little Mu Yang, are you okay?”

  ”Why did you bring an outsider back?”

  ”Tell me, what is the outside world like, is there anyone bullying you?”

  Everyone talked at once, showing great curiosity.

  Mu Yang didn’t know what to say for a while.

  At this time, someone pushed the crowd away and shouted, “Make way, make way, the village chief is coming.”

  Only then did the crowd quiet down.

  I saw an old man over a hundred years old with gray hair trembling and walking over.

  This old man was like an old man, with very long hair and beard.

  And it was all gray, just like the South Pole Immortal in the myth.

  walked over with a cane in his hand, supported by a strong man.

  ”Little Mu Yang is back,” he said with a smile.

  ”Grandpa Song,” Mu Yang hurried over.

  It can be seen that she trusts and respects the old man very much.

  ”You’re back, it’s good to be back,” the old man patted Mu Yang on the head.

  Then he looked at Xu Zimo with a smile and said, “Welcome to our Zhui Ri Village, thank you for escorting Mu Yang all the way back.”

  It is said that old people are wise.

  Even without Mu Yang saying it, the old man could see at a glance that Xu Zimo must have helped Mu Yang to come back.

  Xu Zimo shook his head.

  ”Since you’re back safely, it’s time for me to go.”

  ”Don’t worry, please let us express our gratitude,” the old man said hurriedly.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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