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2179. Chapter 2118: The Insignificant Ant, the Seventh Emperor of the Imperial Realm

2179. Chapter 2118: The Insignificant Ant, the Seventh Emperor of the Imperial Realm


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 2118: The insignificant ant, the Seventh Emperor of the Imperial Extreme.

  This Heaven Devouring Demon Pot is not an ownerless thing. With such power, there must be someone controlling it in the dark.

  Just now, just a burst of demonic flames caused heavy losses to the eight major forces.

  The demonic flames will only disappear when they burn the person to death. Otherwise, no matter how you struggle, you can’t extinguish the demonic flames.

  Especially the demonic flames rioted just now, even Li Changsheng himself was frightened.

  He looked around, could there be other strong people in the Zhenwu Holy Sect?


  ”Let’s go, it’s time for us to end it,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  He took Lin Ruhu and a few others and walked over step by step from the bottom of the Eternal Peak.

  The moment he saw Xu Zimo, Li Changsheng seemed to have sensed something and instantly set his eyes on him.

  He carefully sensed with his soul, but frowned slightly. He

  could not sense anything, just like a pool of clear water, and his soul could not even touch the other party.

  ”Who is this?”

  Not to mention outsiders, even the elders and some ancestors of the Zhenwu Holy Sect were puzzled.

  Only Xiao Guizi was trembling with excitement.

  Liu Sanjian in the sky was also thinking. He also felt that Xu Zimo looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

  When Xu Zimo walked over step by step, the great elder Guan Wumian was the first to react. He

  knelt down quickly.

  He shouted: “Welcome the ancestor back.”

  ”Ancestor, which ancestor?”

  Someone was still confused.

  Liu Sanjian trembled instantly, and the word “ancestor” instantly reminded him.

  ”Eternal…Eternal Emperor,” he shouted tremblingly.

  Although they didn’t go to the Emperor’s Tomb many times, the five emperors had all created their true bodies, and they had seen what they looked like.

  At this moment, Xu Zimo’s face was perfectly matched with the face of the Eternal Emperor in the Emperor’s Tomb.

  He hurriedly looked at the old ancestor Gui, because he knew that was the servant of the Eternal Emperor at that time.

  At that time, Xu Zimo was the son of the Zhenwu Holy Sect, and Xiao Guizi was just an outer disciple.

  Later, he got to know Xu Zimo by flattering him, but he was very loyal and reliable.

  The two gradually became familiar with each other.

  Until they became good friends, even better than friends.

  Xu Zimo was also very kind to Xiao Guizi and never treated him unfairly.

  ”Boss, you are back.”

  Xiao Guizi looked at Xu Zimo and walked over tremblingly.

  He was too excited. It is said that when people are about to die, they will often have a flash of light and recall many stories.

  Xiao Guizi also often thought of the time when he was going west with high spirits when his life was about to end.

  He accompanied the Eternal Emperor all the way, which was also the proudest thing in his life.

  ”Xiao Guizi, you are old,” Xu Zimo said with a smile.

  ”Everyone will get old, but you, the boss, seem to have not changed much, and you are evergreen,” Xiao Guizi replied.

  ”You should enjoy your life when you are old. If the sect wants to be destroyed, let it be destroyed. Why should you support it with your old body?

  People should always have a decent appearance.

  You all call me Eternal, how can my general die like this?” Xu Zimo said.

  ”Boss, I don’t want the Zhenwu Holy Sect to be destroyed in my hands,” Xiao Guizi explained.

  ”After all, this is our home, and there are many good memories of us here.

  I don’t want you to come back one day and not even have a home.”

  ”Take a break, leave this to me,” Xu Zimo patted Xiao Guizi on the shoulder.

  He walked forward, looked at the people who were flying in the sky, and said lightly: “Come down, I don’t like looking up at people.”

  Xu Zimo waved his hand casually, and in an instant, an irresistible and overbearing force came to suppress.

  In an instant, all the people in the air seemed to have no support, and were all suppressed and forced to fall from the void.


  ”Eternal Emperor, the Eternal Emperor of Zhenwu Holy Sect is back.”

  ”How is it possible? How could the ascended emperor come back? No one has been able to do it for so many years.”

  ”It must be a fake. I don’t believe it.”

  At this moment, there were many different opinions. For the people of the eight major forces, they were definitely unwilling to believe it.

  Because they understood what it meant.

  To be an enemy of the emperor was to die.

  One of the eight major forces, the Huangji family, was the first to stand up.

  The Huangji family had seven emperors, and even among the eight major forces, it was among the best.

  This time they would not allow failure.

  The seven emperors came out, and they almost bet everything.

  ”What Eternal Emperor? A fake wants to scare us.

  Then let the seven emperors test your strength,” the boss of the seven emperors shouted.

  Compared with the doubts of others, the Zhenwu Holy Sect naturally believed it all.

  Of course, they had no other choice except the return of their ancestors, otherwise they would also die.

  ”Welcome the ancestors, and hope that the ancestors can save the Holy Sect from danger.”

  On Zhenwu Mountain, countless people knelt down.

  For a time, the momentum was overwhelming, and only Xu Zimo was standing.

  At this time, the seven emperors of the Huangji family had already made their move.

  The Huangji family can have the current achievements and status, which is inseparable from the opportunity their ancestors got.

  Asura blood.

  It is said that the ancestor of the Huangji family once entered a sea of ​​blood.

  When he thought he was doomed, he found a way out and obtained the inheritance of Asura.

  The most important thing is that all descendants have Asura blood.

  The overflow of this blood naturally increases attack and defense, and it is even a comprehensive enhanced blood.

  The disadvantage is that it is easy to make people irritable, and in severe cases, they may even go crazy.

  However, despite this, the Huangji family still relied on the Asura blood to cultivate the strength of the seven emperors.

  At this moment, the seven emperors are all out.

  Regardless of whether Xu Zimo is really the Eternal Emperor, they did not hold back.

  A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, let alone the existence in front of it.

  In an instant, all seven people opened the Asura blood.

  A stream of blood rushed up to the sky, and the blood light exploded, swallowing up like a sticky sea of ​​blood.

  The blood vessels on the bodies of the seven emperors burst, and their bodies grew about ten meters tall, and blood-colored marks emerged one after another.

  Their eyes were blood red, and their whole bodies seemed to have changed.

  At this moment, they were no longer human, but more like the Asura clan.

  ”Kill,” the seven people worked together, and the power of the seven emperors surged and condensed together, and finally merged into a huge Asura beast.

  This beast was ferocious and terrifying. Under the condensation of seven extreme powers, it rushed directly towards Xu Zimo.


  The powerful force rushed in, like destroying the world, Xu Zimo raised his head slightly.

  Just a glance, in the eyes full of oppression, the Asura beast instantly disappeared invisibly.

  The Asura beast that had just appeared disappeared in an instant.

  The seven emperors only felt their backs shining.

  As Xu Zimo raised his hands, the seven emperors were hung in the void in an instant, without the slightest resistance.

  Like an ant that is not worth mentioning.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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