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2186. Chapter 2125 Breakthrough to the Realm of Enlightenment, Qilin Treasure Land

2186. Chapter 2125 Breakthrough to the Realm of Enlightenment, Qilin Treasure Land


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Therefore, all the previous generations of Heaven-killers failed, including the Great Emperor Zhenwu himself, who felt unusual. This was the biggest obstacle and problem.

  How to be an enemy of Heaven when you feel the power of Heaven?

  Xu Zimo’s soul has entered the Shenzhou Continent, which has gradually grown at this stage.

  There are countless strong people in the world, and the strongest among them has already reached the realm of Daoguo.

  It sounds fast, but you have to understand that this is the strongest person in the world.

  He is the best among hundreds of millions of people, which is enough to believe the fierce competition.

  Moreover, science and technology have also branched out and are currently divided into external technology and internal technology.

  External technology is the fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and missiles that everyone knows.

  These are all strengthened by external forces.

  Among them, the one that directly acts on the human body is the mecha. The mecha has reached its peak in the Shenzhou Continent and is already well known to everyone.

  Even ordinary people can wear mechas and be on par with the immortal cultivators.

  However, the development of mechas will become more and more difficult as time goes on, and it will require countless people to calm down and spend time studying.

  Various new materials began to appear.

  In addition to mecha, there is also research on human biology. By studying the body structure of cultivators, we want to fundamentally solve the problem of slow cultivation of ordinary people.

  The science and technology industry is countless, but these are not achieved overnight. It takes time, a lot of energy and financial resources to slowly develop.

  In short, everything is in order.

  Xu Zimo’s soul continued to wander, observing the changes in the world.

  Nowadays, there are fewer wars in the Shenzhou Continent. After the two behemoths, the human race and the demon race, stopped fighting, other races also settled down.

  Continuing to wander, Xu Zimo has come to the place of the Heavenly Dao in the Shenzhou Continent.

  The mist surrounded this place, and there was a cushion at the top. Xu Zimo sat on the cushion very skillfully.

  The Dao was right beside him. He could control the Dao at will and mobilize the Dao at will.

  But Xu Zimo knew that if he used the power of the Dao, he could only use it in the Shenzhou Continent.

  Outside the Shenzhou Continent, the Nine Domains World had nothing to do with him, and he could not call on the Dao.

  So he must understand the Dao.

  If you understand one method, you will understand all methods!

  He had been trying to understand the Dao for a long time before, but he still couldn’t get the point. After

  understanding the Dao for a while today, Xu Zimo suddenly had a very strong feeling.

  He would succeed in understanding the Dao today.

  This was not an illusion, but he felt that he was in a mysterious state.

  Everything around him became quiet, and it seemed that everything was slowed down, including the Dao.

  Xu Zimo could clearly feel the passage of the Dao.

  The Dao is invisible, so it is difficult for us to understand it.

  But now, the Dao has become invisible and visible, which makes Xu Zimo feel it more deeply.

  The Dao is in my hands.

  Xu Zimo gently stretched out his hand and stroked it, as if ripples were gently stirred on the calm lake.

  With a sound of “splash”.

  The world turned upside down, all laws sounded, and the sun and the moon changed.

  It seemed that everything had changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

  The Dao was rippling, and the ripples became bigger and bigger, and finally formed huge waves. The

  huge waves of the Dao hit, the rolling river was setting, and the waves were washed away…

  Finally, as the boiling waves slowly fell, a wisp of air appeared in the void.

  A wisp of air that was indescribable and silent.

  He took a deep breath, and saw that air rushing directly into Xu Zimo’s abdomen like a tornado.

  Then there was a “boom, boom” sound, and his soul and body changed at the same time.

  This change was divided into several aspects.

  For a strong person who has realized the Dao, the first step is to have a breath.

  In short, even if he has only a breath, he is a strong person who has realized the Dao, and he has also entered the highest level of this world of the Nine Realms.

  From the heart, body, and soul, all aspects of the transformation have begun.

  The Dao heart is more stable, which is the confidence brought by strong strength.

  And the body is also changing towards the level of enlightenment, and the tendons, bones, skin and flesh are more and more in line with the Dao, and the blood is rolling like a tide.

  Every drop of blood weighs ten thousand pounds, and it is no joke that a drop of blood can kill a person at will.

  In addition to the physical aspect, there is also progress in the level of the soul. The

  soul seems to have evolved to an extremely sublimated level, and began to be on par with the world, and the soul also began to expand infinitely.

  The world that Xu Zimo can see is even more vast.

  The whole person seems to be bathed in the Dao, constantly transforming and growing.

  Xu Zimo didn’t know how long it had been.

  Until one day, he opened his eyes, and the whole person’s spirit and spirit became different.

  His eyes were like gods, and no matter who he looked at, there was a natural sense of oppression.

  This is the highest realm in the world.

  After entering the enlightenment, the number of avenues is comprehended.

  One hundred avenues, one thousand avenues, ten thousand avenues, one hundred thousand avenues, even millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions.

  These all exist.

  Now the Great Emperor Zhenwu is a strong man at the level of millions of avenues.

  As for the Saint Ancestor and the Immortal Lord, it is estimated that they are not much different.

  No one has yet been able to comprehend the hundreds of millions of avenues.

  At the beginning of enlightenment, Xu Zimo’s soul also returned to the Nine Domains World.

  This time, Xu Zimo could also clearly feel that his perception of the world was different.

  The most subtle and detailed control of the avenues was even deeper.

  Xu Zimo waved his hand, and the speed of the time shuttle under him was more than twice as fast.

  ”Boom, boom, boom.”


  The Human Emperor Palace, this is one of the strongest powers in the Jiexian Realm, and the area ruled by the Human Emperor.

  However, before, the Human Emperor went to fight the old man Shu, and now the power of the Human Emperor Palace has fallen into someone else’s hands.

  The Human Emperor has focused on rebuilding the Immortal Dao, including the entire Human Emperor Palace, which was severely damaged in the previous battle with the old man Shu.

  Today’s Human Emperor Domain is no longer a place ruled by the Human Emperor.

  The major forces are competing with each other, wars are constantly going on, and they are fighting for territory. It is a mess here.

  However, some time ago, two of these major forces suddenly rose up and almost swept across the chaos in the Human Emperor Domain.

  One of them is the Cai family in the northeast. The ancestor of the Cai family was promoted to the Three Corpses. In a short period of time, the power of the Cai family spread throughout the Human Emperor Palace.

  The second is the Wang family in the northwest. It is said that the Wang family has a set of formations that can even suppress the three corpses.

  No one knows whether it is true or not.

  But at present, the two major forces stand against each other, forming a confrontation and mutual checks and balances in the Human Emperor Palace.

  When Xu Zimo arrived, it was the time of a great battle between the Wang family in the northwest and the Cai family in the northeast.

  The two families are fighting for a piece of treasure land.

  The Qilin treasure land.

  This place is a holy land for monsters. If you get it, the monsters in the entire Human Emperor Palace will be willing to accept the call.

  This place is of great significance, so the soldiers of the two major forces are fighting here constantly. They have fought several battles, but there is still no winner, and they are unwilling to retreat.


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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