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225. Chapter 223 The True World is Complete

225. Chapter 223 The True World is Complete


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 223 The True Fate World is Completely Complete

  When the Chaos Pearl appeared, boundless power spread out, and a gray gas emanated from the Chaos Pearl, enveloping the Xuanhuang Qi in it.

  Then the Chaos Pearl dragged the Xuanhuang Qi into the True Fate World.

  In this gray mist, no matter how the Xuanhuang Qi struggled, it could not break through.

  The sky is dark and the earth is yellow, this is the color of the world, and the Xuanhuang Qi is also the Qi of the earth.

  At this moment in Xu Zimo’s True Fate World, the whole world was changing.

  The wind was blowing and the clouds were rolling in the sky, and the sound of “booming” echoed around.

  The Xuanhuang Qi intertwined with the Yin and Yang Qi and merged into this world.

  The rules of this world were perfected, and everything began to evolve in an orderly manner.

  The sun and the moon rotated at the same speed, and night and day came as expected.

  The originally dead earth also had power, and the land began to be fertile, suitable for planting and nurturing organisms.

  Yin and Yang turned into five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and various attributes began to appear between heaven and earth.

  The four seasons also became distinct, with spring breeze, scorching sun, autumn rain, and winter snow.

  After many changes, the whole world can be regarded as a real world.

  The long river of fate flows in the void,

  and at this moment it is truly in operation. In the deepest part of the void, there is a void. At this moment, in this void, there is amazing power, and many changes are manifested in it. It seems that something is brewing inside.

  This is the heavenly way of this world ready to be born.

  The existence of the heavenly way is to allow this world to operate safely and normally. It will suppress any existence that is harmful to the world.

  This piece of heaven is not very big, because this world has just been conceived, and its total area is not even much larger than that of the East Continent.

  But with the growth and evolution of this world, and with the little bit of Xu Zimo’s strength.

  The area of ​​this world will also begin to expand.

  At the beginning of the world, most of the area is still ocean, and in these oceans, there are many continents rooted in them.

  If you look from the outside, Xu Zimo’s true world is like a blue sphere.

  Seventy percent of the surface of the sphere is ocean, and the land accounts for only thirty percent.

  The world had just been established, and there were no living creatures here yet.

  ”This is a new era, and it has opened its first chapter.

  Let’s call this world Shenzhou Continent.” Xu Zimo stood in the sky and said in a magnificent voice.

  The response continued in the empty sky, and at this moment, Shenzhou Continent had time.

  The world began to move, and this was its first day, first hour, first minute, and first second.

  From this moment on, Shenzhou Continent will truly exist.

  ”Let’s call this era Guixu,” Xu Zimo said again.

  At this moment, he was like a god who created the world, with boundless power spreading around him. Here, everything was running according to his will.

  Shenzhou Continent, Guixu Era, the mighty torrent of the era kicked off at this moment.

  Everything in the world returned to nothingness, the world was truly established, the continent was named, and the era began.

  This is a moment that will be remembered.


  And at this moment, when the world was truly established, there was only one problem facing Xu Zimo.

  How to make this world have living creatures.

  Living things do not appear out of thin air, nor do they appear by themselves after the world is created. There

  a story about the origin of creatures in Yuanyang Continent, including Taiyang Zhuzhao and Taiyin Youying.

  Legend has it that their fusion gave the world monsters, and later some of the monsters evolved into humans.

  Xu Zimo is not sure whether this news is true, but he now has Taiyin Youying. He

  had obtained it in Youlongjian of Zhenwu Shengzong before. Now he only needs to find Taiyang Zhuzhao and merge the two to verify his idea.

  It’s just a pity that Taiyin Youying and Taiyang Zhuzhao are not in the evolution of the long river of fate.

  It was a great blessing for him to get Taiyin Youying before, and he has no eyebrows about Taiyang Zhuzhao now.

  But he doesn’t want to think too much about it now.

  In fact, the simplest way to deal with creatures is to capture the creatures in Yuanyang Continent and put them in his own Shenzhou Continent.

  It’s just a pity that the rules of the two eras are different, and creatures that do not belong to one era cannot be forced to live in another era.

  Even if Xu Zimo is the creator of this world, he can only let dozens of creatures in at most if he lets the Heavenly Dao open a back door.

  But the development of a world requires more than tens of thousands of creatures.

  This is the exclusion of the world’s rules, and even he, the creator, can’t do anything about it.

  Moreover, the creatures of each world are the foundation of this world and an indispensable part.

  Xu Zimo naturally can’t let the creatures of other eras become the foundation of his true world.

  The most important thing is that the era where Yuanyang Continent is located has not been destroyed, and the Heavenly Dao still exists.

  Usually, the old era is destroyed, and then the new era will appear.

  If the Heavenly Dao of the era where Yuanyang Continent is located knows that there are other Heavenly Daos in this world, threatening its position.

  Xu Zimo feels that he will definitely be hunted down by the whole world.

  Although he is not afraid of anything, the premise is to wait until he is ready, which is obviously impossible in the current state.


  When the evolution of the true world in his body ended, Xu Zimo only felt a strong energy feeding back.

  This is the power of creation, which is different from any other power. Creation represents the highest and dominates everything.

  This power circulates in Xu Zimo’s body, improving Xu Zimo’s body bit by bit.

  His original power was gradually replaced by the power of creation.

  And under the tempering of the power of creation, his body was fluctuating with the rhythm of Tao, and it was actually evolving into the body of the Tao.

  The body of the Tao is pure and dust-free, and is the most powerful and most suitable physique for cultivation in this world.

  At this moment, Xu Zimo was bathed in the holy light. In his body, the power of creation, the body of the prison demon, and the body of the Tao were in a very peaceful state.

  This state was very subtle, and the three were integrated with each other, and each had its own characteristics.

  At this moment, Xu Zimo was in a transformation of being reborn.

  As time passed, his temperament changed a lot, and he looked more ethereal.

  Of course, under this power of creation, Xu Zimo did not forget to temper his weapon.

  Tyrant Shadow absorbed the power of creation bit by bit, and he also underwent earth-shaking changes.

  This situation lasted for seven days, and Xu Zimo slowly opened his eyes.

  At this moment, when he opened his eyes, he saw that the whole world had changed.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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