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342. Chapter 338: Ancient Ming of Feiyun City

342. Chapter 338: Ancient Ming of Feiyun City


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 338: Ancient Ming in Feiyun City

  As the only sect near Luohe Village,

  Guanlan Sect is pretty good.

  Its leader is the village chief Shao in front of him.

  The leader of the Divine Vein Realm is already very strong.

  But in the long run, the strongest person in a tribe is only in the Divine Vein Realm.

  Isn’t this the sadness of the tribe’s decline!

  When Village Chief Shao handed the inheritance to Xu Zimo, he slowly exhaled.

  It seemed that the burden on him for so many years was instantly relieved.

  Xu Zimo took it in his hand and looked at it.

  This so-called inheritance of the God of War is actually just a small cylinder.

  The cylinder is pitch black and engraved with words from the early mythological era.

  It doesn’t look particularly eye-catching.

  But the ancient sense of the mythological era can still be felt.

  Xu Zimo put the cylinder away and finally returned to Luohe Village.

  It can be regarded as a farewell.

  Hearing the news that Xu Zimo was leaving, Gu Muyu’s eyes turned red and she resisted the feeling of crying.

  ”There will always be separations in life,” Xu Zimo smiled and said.

  ”Brother, when can we meet again?” Gu Muyu pulled Xu Zimo’s sleeve and asked reluctantly.

  ”Do you want to practice?” Xu Zimo did not answer, but asked back.

  ”Practice?” Gu Muyu’s little head paused for a moment.

  Then his fairy-like eyes were unusually bright, and he nodded vigorously.

  Xu Zimo asked for pen and ink in the village, and finally wrote down the “Only I Great Freedom Secret” that he practiced in his previous life.

  Anyway, he is now on the road of creation and does not need this skill.

  ”Burn it after reading it secretly,” Xu Zimo reminded.

  ”Then brother, can I see you again if I learn this?” Gu Muyu asked.

  ”When you are strong enough, you will naturally see me,” Xu Zimo smiled.

  He reached out and touched the little girl’s head.

  Finally, he turned around and his figure gradually disappeared from the sight of everyone in Luohe Village.


  After leaving Luohe Village, Xu Zimo walked straight down the river.

  A pretty good encounter!

  But now the six-month period agreed between him and Gu Ming is almost up.

  Xu Zimo didn’t plan to waste time.

  After obtaining the Nine Weeks Palace Body, he advanced to the Saint Vein Realm and reached the peak in one fell swoop.

  After walking out of this long river, the lush jungle trees in front of him gradually became sparse.

  The view ahead began to become wider.

  Xu Zimo was not sure which part of the East Continent this was.

  There was a city standing at the end of his sight.

  Xu Zimo quickened his pace and walked towards the city.

  ”Feiyun City!”

  Three big characters were engraved on the dark green bricks and tiles.

  At this time, the sun was setting, and the sunset glow of the old days had just shone on this quiet city wall.

  The weather was gradually entering winter, and the years were passing by.

  Xu Zimo didn’t necessarily know every city on this East Continent.

  He had never heard of Feiyun City before.

  This was not a small city, but it was not as big as the Hunyuan Ancient City.

  Walking into the city, the city was quite prosperous.

  Xu Zimo found an inn to stay in and asked about it.

  He just knew that this was a city within the territory ruled by the Dan family.

  When the Silent Ridge moved, it led him from the far west to the core area of ​​the East Continent.

  It was not far from the Burial Buddha Temple.

  Xu Zimo didn’t have to worry. After dinner, he used a knife to carve a triangular pattern on the table.

  Then he returned to the room.

  It got dark very quickly, and the night fell. The quietness of the night roared silently around.

  A dozen meters below the inn, unknown insects were chirping in the corner.

  Xu Zimo leaned against the window sill, turned his head and looked at the quiet room, and said lightly: “You people in Gu Ming seem to like playing hide-and-seek!”

  ”My lord, I just arrived too,” a dark shadow appeared silently in the room.

  He knelt down quickly and looked at Xu Zimo respectfully.

  ”Where is King Qin You?” Xu Zimo asked.

  ”In Lifo City,” the man in black replied quickly.

  ”Tell him to come and see me, just say that someone named Xu Zimo is looking for him.”

  As Xu Zimo’s voice fell, the dark shadow gradually disappeared in the room.

  ”Gu Ming’s power is getting bigger and bigger,” Xu Zimo murmured.

  He had asked King Qin You for a Yama Order before.

  According to Gu Ming’s rules, anyone who holds a Yama Order is Gu Ming’s most distinguished guest.

  This guest is not simply respected by Gu Ming.

  Within the permitted scope, he could even mobilize the people of Gu Ming to do things for him.

  You have to know that the huge tribe of Gu Ming once swept the entire continent during the wild era.

  Although it has declined now, its strength is still not comparable to that of ordinary imperial sects.

  Moreover, after several eras of cultivation, Gu Ming seems to have some tendency to start a prairie fire.

  The triangle that Xu Zimo left at the inn before was actually the symbol of his Yama Order.

  Once someone from Gu Ming nearby sees it, they will definitely come to him.


  After solving the matter of King Qin You, he plans to stay in Feiyun City for a few days.

  When everything is arranged properly and there is no risk, he will go to the Burial Buddha Temple.

  As for why Xu Zimo is so cautious.

  Use one sentence to summarize the strength of the Burial Buddha Temple.

  What’s wrong with the emperor being alive?

  The Blood Ming Emperor wanted to go to the Burial Buddha Temple to ask for something after he became an emperor.

  Later, it was said that the Blood Ming Emperor was trapped for a full seven days before he finally escaped.

  From then on, the Blood Ming Emperor never mentioned the three words about the Burial Buddha Temple again in his life.

  As one of the ten forbidden areas, the Burial Buddha Temple is the least dangerous, but also the most dangerous.

  It is said that as long as people who enter the Burial Buddha Temple abide by the rules inside,

  nothing will happen, and they may even get some opportunities.

  If they violate the rules, they will be kept there for life.

  A night of silence!

  Early the next morning, Xu Zimo walked out of the room and came to the first floor of the inn to have breakfast.

  He has been waiting for the arrival of King Qin You these days.

  Feiyun City is not very lively. Apart from those who stay at the inn, few people come to the inn for breakfast.

  When Xu Zimo went downstairs, he saw only two tables of guests sitting on the first floor below.

  There was only one person at one table, a young man in a green robe.

  He held a folding fan in his hand and looked quite elegant.

  The other table was three men and two women in white short robes.

  There was a word “Dan” engraved behind them.

  They should be members of the branch of the Dan clan in Feiyun City.

  At this moment, everyone was discussing with great interest.

  ”I will definitely get a good ranking in this clan competition.”

  ”Brother Danqing is the pride of our Feiyun City Dan family branch. Even if he goes to that clan, he will definitely not be inferior to those people.”

  The young man next to him praised.

  ”That’s right, come on, Brother Danqing.”

  ”Just a bunch of chickens and dogs,” heard the conversation of several people, and the young man in green robes at another table laughed disdainfully.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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