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63. Chapter 63: Lotus Unbinding (First Order Request!)

63. Chapter 63: Lotus Unbinding (First Order Request!)

2024-01-24 作者: 枚可

  Chapter 63 Lotus Unbinding (First Order Request!)

  The beauty in the room gradually faded, leaving only the two of them looking at each other in silence.

  Tan Xiang’s pretty face slowly regained its calmness, and she straightened her messy clothes. Her cold and indifferent expression seemed as if nothing had happened.

  Thinking of everything she had just done, her face became even colder, and the temperature around her body seemed to drop by several degrees.

  But as her arm came from behind, her breathing suddenly became a little disordered, and she looked back coldly: “Are you not satisfied yet?”

  ”I just want to be gentle with you for a while.”

  Yang Shifei hugged the girl’s slender waist: “Your skillful hands are really irresistible.”

  Tan Xiang bit her lower lip lightly and cast a scornful look: “What kind of gentleness is this.”

  It was clearly teasing herself, and the words she used were very vulgar.

  Yang Shifei raised his eyebrows slightly: “Then Tan Xiang can’t let go of me?”

  Tan Xiang was stunned for a moment, and soon gave her an angry look: “Who wants to do this with you!”

  Yang Shifei showed an ambiguous smile. It was clear that she had played a lot of tricks just now. He

  also secretly sucked it.

  ”.It’s just a moment of confusion, forget it quickly.”

  Tan Xiang withdrew her gaze unhappily, snorted coldly: “Don’t you dare to push your luck in the future.”

  Yang Shifei hugged her tightly: “Really?”

  Tan Xiang was silent for a moment, and suddenly pinched the back of his hand.

  Yang Shifei withdrew his hand in pain, and felt a little amused. “Are you angry?”

  ”I’m teaching you a lesson, so that you won’t have any more nonsense.” Tan Xiang turned around and looked at him coldly, but hesitated for a moment, and reached out to help him straighten his collar and smooth his robe.

  Facing the warm gaze, he couldn’t help frowning: “What are you thinking about again.”

  ”I just thought of the white Epiphyllum on your body, which is pretty.”

  Tan Xiang suddenly crossed her arms and hugged her chest, with contempt in her eyes: “You are not a decent person!”

  Seeing the maid hurriedly leaving, Yang Shifei also hurriedly followed.

  But before he could speak, Tan Xiang turned around and said, “Just concentrate on your practice. I’ll make you some nourishing soup at noon.”

  ”Uh, I don’t need to nourish myself anymore.”

  ”It won’t hurt your body anyway!”

  Tan Xiang snorted coldly, quickened his pace and left the courtyard.

  Yang Shifei was stunned for a moment, vaguely seeing a seductive blush in the girl’s hair, and couldn’t help laughing.

  This girl is saying one thing and thinking another.

  She always speaks coldly and thornily, but in fact, this little mouth is quite warm.

  ”——Brother Yang.”

  The cold whisper suddenly sounded, scaring Yang Shifei.

  He turned around quickly, and then he found that Liang Xin was “floating” behind him like a ghost, and her eyes seemed to be full of resentment.

  ”What are you doing?”

  ”You two were flirting in the backyard, and you fought for more than half an hour.”

  Liang Xin said faintly, “You left me alone to practice boxing outside. Isn’t that a bit cruel?”

  Yang Shifei said with embarrassment, “It’s just that I couldn’t help myself and couldn’t control myself for a moment. I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

  Liang Xin opened her mouth slightly, her face full of resentment and turned into a bit of complicated sorrow.

  She almost witnessed most of the process and was already in a mess.

  wanted to say something but stopped for a long time, and finally said something in a daze: “If Brother Yang is tired, I will help you to rest first.”

  As soon as she said it, she almost wanted to cover her face and run away. What weird things are she talking about!

  ”I’m fine.” Yang Shifei smiled and patted her shoulder: “Thank you, Guan Hun?”

  Before he finished speaking, Liang Xin’s legs trembled and staggered two steps.


  The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, and Liang Xin’s face gradually flushed.

  Yang Shifei looked at him with a subtle look: “You…”

  ”No, nothing! I was practicing my legs just now and they are numb.”

  Liang Xin waved her fists a few times: “I am in very good condition now!”

  Yang Shifei didn’t say much, so he calmed down his mood and continued to practice with him.

  But not long after practicing, Liang Xin came over again, with a little concern in her eyes:

  ”If you are tired, don’t force yourself, don’t hurt yourself.”

  Yang Shifei: “?”

  This girl, when did she become so caring?

  Luo Mansion, study.

  This room is full of ink fragrance and green gauze hanging from the beams, which is as calming as before.

  Luo Xian’er, wearing a white velvet cloak, was flipping through the secret letter in her hand, frowning from time to time.

  When the door was pushed open, she saw Yang Shifei coming and her eyes softened:

  ”Sir, I disturbed you early in the morning.”

  ”Well, it’s okay. Anyway, I’m also free.” Yang Shifei looked a little embarrassed.

  After all, he had just spent an hour with Tan Xiang at home, and now he was meeting Miss Luo again, which was a bit strange.

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes flashed with a smile, and she quickly handed over the letter in her hand.

  ”I just have something to talk to you about.”

  ”This is…”

  Yang Shifei spread out the secret letter and took a look, and immediately showed a strange expression.

  Luo Xian’er said softly: “Now that all the people in the martial arts world have left, the defense of East City is a little lacking, and a group of thieves are secretly approaching the palace, intending to assassinate.”

  Thinking that there are still enemy spies in the dark, Yang Shifei felt a little bit of a pain in the teeth: “Why is this?”

  Is the hatred value of this Prince Dingjiang a bit high?

  ”Prince Dingjiang is a conservative and royalist faction, and he is a thorn in the eyes of many people.”

  Luo Xian’er pondered and said: “During this period of time, several princes have been trying in various places, but they have never been sanctioned by Emperor Liang, so many people are ready to move.”

  Yang Shifei frowned: “What does the Emperor Liang want to do?”

  If it was just the princes who were secretly making moves, and the Emperor Liang was just watching from the sidelines, it could be explained as playing a big chess game.

  But now many villains have emerged and want to disrupt the country. Can the Emperor Liang still be indifferent?

  This is no longer a fun person, it is simply…

  ”Fool, right?”

  Luo Xian’er said what he was thinking.

  Seeing that he didn’t care much, Yang Shifei nodded calmly: “It is indeed incomprehensible to ordinary people. It is hard to imagine that such a big country can have such an emperor sitting on the throne.”

  ”What you think, young master, is all right.”

  Luo Xian’er handed over another letter: “The answer is in it.”

  Yang Shifei took the letter and looked at it again, and soon his eyes widened slightly: “Emperor Liang, has a strange disease?”

  ”Is there almost no information from the palace in the past period of time, and now there is a response. I learned that Emperor Liang told the imperial physician ten days ago that he had some kind of strange disease, his mind was sluggish, he was drowsy, and even absent-minded when he went to court every day.”

  ”So it’s not that Emperor Liang is unwilling to suppress these princes, but that he is unable to do so?”

  ”It’s unclear for the time being.” Luo Xian’er’s tone was a little solemn: “The situation in the capital has been treacherous recently. Even my mother’s people cannot enter the palace to investigate at will. They can only convey the news through several old ministers who have a close relationship with the Luo family. There will be some delay.”

  ”The Liang Kingdom is in danger.” Yang Shifei muttered, “Can they really hold on to their throne?”

  Luo Xian’er shook her head, “We can only take it one step at a time.”

  Yang Shifei felt a little uneasy and couldn’t help asking, “What are the personalities of your royal brothers? Are there any who are so cruel as to kill their brothers and compatriots?”

  ”. Judging from what they have done, it is not impossible for them to kill their own relatives.”

  After hearing this answer, Yang Shifei had a headache: “If a new emperor takes the throne one day, he will send someone to eliminate you, the royal sister.”

  Luo Xian’er looked helpless, “This is indeed a hidden danger.”


  Shifei was a little entangled.

  Even if his fiancée could recover from her injuries and could freely display the power of the Heavenly Man and Black Tortoise,

  it would be better not to take risks easily in the face of the encirclement of thousands of troops.

  ”How about.”

  Yang Shifei tried, “We support a new emperor?”

  Luo Xian’er was stunned for a moment: “Your boldness is far beyond my imagination.”

  Yang Shifei quickly cleared his throat: “I was just talking casually, I don’t have this idea now.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded with a strange look in her eyes.

  It is too early to consider these things now. Not to mention that the intentions of those princes are unclear, even the dark clouds that permeate the Liang Kingdom make it difficult for her to act rashly.

  However, if she really wants to support the new emperor…

  ”The Ninth Prince may be a good candidate.”

  ”Her?” Yang Shifei touched his chin: “He has the status of a prince, but he is a bit simple.”

  The new Liang Emperor is also a disciple of Luoyue Pavilion. If this matter is spread, there will be many benefits. Maybe she can really give it a try.


  But at this time, Luo Xian’er suddenly frowned, covered her chest and panted twice.

  Yang Shifei’s face changed slightly: “The old injury recurred?”

  Luo Xian’er whispered with cherry lips: “I thought it would be fine for ten days, already…”

  ”You master and servant are too fond of showing off.”

  Yang Shifei’s face sank slightly, and he walked around the table to hold the girl’s shoulders: “If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me directly, why be so formal.”

  Luo Xian’er’s ears were slightly hot: “I just don’t want you to think that we are trying to relieve physical problems, so… Hmm!”

  But before the voice fell, the cherry lips were firmly pressed.

  The girl’s beautiful eyes flickered, and her body suddenly softened. The warmth that she had not felt for half a month swept through her body, making her unable to help but fall into intoxication.

  ”Since you have such worries, you should recover your cultivation as soon as possible.”

  After the lips parted slightly, Yang Shifei reluctantly said seriously: “You don’t have to think I am so hypocritical. If you like it, it means you like it. There is no need to be so roundabout.”

  Listening to the words in her ear, Luo Xian’er’s delicate face was tinged with pink, and she was soon hugged and sat down together.

  The young lady’s heart was in a mess: “We can’t do that now.”

  ”I understand, after all, we are just an engaged couple, so we won’t do anything too crazy.”

  Yang Shifei kissed her lips and groped with his hands.

  Feeling the big lotus being attacked, Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes suddenly widened: “Young Master, you…”

  She wanted to ask you why you are so skilled, but her lips murmured twice, and she blushed and lowered her head without saying anything.

  But when Yang Shifei was about to untie the lotus, a hearty female voice came from outside the study: “Young Master——”

  Luo Xian’er suddenly tensed up, and a trace of shyness and panic appeared in her blurred beautiful eyes: “Young Master, you can’t do it in front of Jasmine.”

  Seeing her anxious face, Yang Shifei looked around and happened to see a mahogany couch inside the study. He immediately hugged the girl and ran over, lifted the thin blanket and got into it.

  ”Young Master, do you want to eat at noon? Well, you’re not here?”

  The two closed their mouths and hugged each other tightly, listening to the voices outside the house gradually fading away, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

  When the warm breath hit their cheeks, they retracted their gazes and stared at each other closely.

  Feeling the close touch of their bodies, a sense of ambiguity gradually arose in the quilt.


  But a strange sound soon made the two of them stunned and lowered their eyes.

  They saw that the pink and white chest was unable to bear the pressure and broke, and a wave of waves rushed out from the lotus underwear.

  The big white lotus, this time it really bloomed, and it was this flower that bloomed.

  The young lady herself can almost eat lotus cakes.

  Yang Shifei felt a little dry in the mouth for a while, and then raised his eyes to meet Luo Xian’er’s shy and beautiful eyes.

  ”Let’s do it now…”

  ”Just focus on healing my wounds.”


  Not long after, the bedding in the couch shook slightly. As the breeze brushed past, the curtains on both sides also quietly closed, filling the room with style.

   The first update is on the shelves, thank you all for your support!


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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