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64. Chapter 64 Undercurrent Lurking (Subscribe)

64. Chapter 64 Undercurrent Lurking (Subscribe)


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 64 Undercurrents (Subscribe~)

  Spring is getting stronger, and the midday sun is bright.

  Yang Shifei has been practicing martial arts day and night. It is rare for him to set foot on the streets of East City. Looking along the way, he sees that it is very deserted.

  The proportion of people from the martial arts world is more than expected. They all rushed to Qianren Bingtan, and the number of people in East City is getting less and less every day.

  ”It’s lunch break now.”

  Luo Xian’er followed lightly: “In another hour or two, the streets will be more lively.”

  Yang Shifei patted his forehead.

  Since he came to this world, he has been practicing martial arts almost every day, and only went out a few times occasionally. He almost forgot that there is a lunch break.

  As for this trip, the two of them are going to the cloth shop opened by Luo Mansion.

  After all, two sets of underwear were broken in succession, and even the skirt was damaged. Although they are not without clothes to wear, they are embarrassed to stay in the study afterwards, so they simply find an excuse to go to the cloth shop and prepare some new clothes for everyone.

  It’s just that

  Yang Shifei’s heartbeat accelerated when he thought of the little movements of the two in the bed.

  Perhaps because of their own trepidation, both sides gradually lost themselves, and it was good enough to hold on to the last bit of bottom line.

  In the end, the young lady even half-heartedly held the big white lotus and took the initiative to help him vent twice, and her condensed and abundant anger also faded a lot.

  ”Sir, you…”

  Luo Xian’er blushed seductively under her veil: “Are you thinking about what happened just now?”

  Perhaps because a lot of filth was sucked away, the young lady is now radiant, the coldness has faded a little, and there is a hint of charm between her eyebrows.

  ”It’s not so easy to forget this.”

  Yang Shifei recalled the big white lotus jumping in his hand, and his face was full of emotion: “Miss Luo’s body is really soft.”

  Luo Xian’er lowered her eyes slightly: “After all, I am…”

  ”I like it this way, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

  Yang Shifei interrupted her and smiled gently: “We have been honest with each other, just believe me.”

  Luo Xian’er blinked her beautiful eyes, and her slightly uneasy heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

  Yes, when has the young master lied to her? If he likes it, then he really likes it-

  ”Miss Luo’s pair of hand warmers, I like it so much.”

  Luo Xian’er: “.”

  This filthy young man, really can’t help but praise.

  The eldest lady couldn’t help but glance at him, and Yang Shifei also scratched his head and laughed.

  Looking at his bright and cheerful smile, the girl sighed softly, but she didn’t feel much unhappy in her heart, but a little sour and sweet. The

  lady, who has always been out of the world and cold, fell in love for the first time. Although she didn’t know what it felt like, she saw her fiancé so happy and

  a gentle smile appeared in her eyes.

  After walking side by side for a while, she recalled the shameful things she had done in bed, and she couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed. Are

  these two lumps on her chest really so interesting that they could make the young master love them so much?

  However, Tan Xiang was so intimate with the young master, how could she, as the master,

  ”Miss Luo doesn’t like doing that kind of thing?”

  ”I don’t hate it.”

  Luo Xian’er stroked her hair and said softly, “As long as the young master is satisfied.”

  Yang Shifei smiled gently and tried to hold the girl’s soft hand under her long sleeves.

  ”Don’t hold on anymore in the future. Absorbing more filth will also be good for your recovery. If something happens in Liang State, the combat power of your heavenly man Xuanwu will be even more needed.”

  ”Well, I know the seriousness of the matter.”

  Luo Xian’er let her jade hand be held tightly.

  The two chatted and joked along the way, and slowly came to the Luo Family Cloth Shop on South Street.

  As soon as he stepped into the shop, he saw dazzling fabrics of various colors displayed around him, and there were countless bright dresses.

  Yang Shifei was a little surprised. When he first came to Dongcheng, he only took a quick glance outside the cloth shop and hadn’t entered the store to take a closer look. He didn’t expect that there was so much inside.

  This scale is unique even in modern society.

  There were many women and girls walking around to choose, and the cloth shop business was quite prosperous.

  ”——Master Luo, why are you here today?”

  A middle-aged woman hurried over from the counter: “Didn’t I say I wanted to accompany you?”

  Her eyes soon lit up: “Is this your fiancé?”

  Luo Xian’er nodded slightly: “It’s him.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “Shopkeeper Dong, Miss Luo occasionally mentions you, saying that you are very mature and charming. Now I see that it is indeed the case.”

  Shopkeeper Dong was immediately overjoyed: “Master Luo is exaggerating. I am at this age, how can I have any charm.”

  She smiled again and said: “Master Luo often mentions you. The look in his eyes and the tone of his voice make people’s bodies go weak! At that time, I was a little unconvinced that any immortal man could win the heart of the young lady, but now it seems that they are really a pair of immortal lovers!”

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but look at the girl next to him.

  Luo Xian’er pursed her lips slightly: “Sister Dong.”

  As if hearing a hint of embarrassment, Shopkeeper Dong quickly patted his mouth: “I’m talking too much, I won’t say anymore. What brings you two to the cloth shop today?”

  ”We want to customize some new clothes.”

  Yang Shifei pulled his collar: “Now that it’s halfway through spring, the weather is getting warmer, and I want to prepare some clothes for everyone in my family to avoid being in a hurry in the future.”

  Shopkeeper Dong hurriedly invited the two into the inner courtyard of the cloth shop, and at the same time introduced various summer clothing styles.

  Yang Shifei was confused as he listened, and obviously didn’t understand the clothing design of this era.

  He only knew that they were all worn by ancient people and had a very ancient charm.

  As for the clothes he wore on a daily basis, except for the two sets of robes he bought in Niujia Village, the rest were all prepared by Tan Xiang, and he wore whatever he had.

  Luo Xianer seemed quite professional. She took the design draft and looked at it carefully. She also looked at the bright finished products one by one, and pointed out some shortcomings from time to time. Shopkeeper Dong, who was following beside him, nodded repeatedly, and the two of them discussed and talked more seriously.

  Seeing that the two of them were talking about the business of the cloth shop, he had nothing to do for the time being, so he simply wandered around the inner courtyard alone.

  He was impressed that the eldest lady was really good at clothing design, and picked up the drawing and took a look. There were not only clothing shape designs on it, but also many markings of fabric materials, etc. It

  was more complicated than he had imagined.

  ”Young Master Yang, are you interested in these clothes?”

  After a while, Shopkeeper Dong quietly approached: “Do you want to see the dresses that Master Luo wears in summer?”

  Yang Shifei was startled when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Luo Xian’er who was choosing dresses in the distance.

  Since they met, this young lady has been changing her clothes every day, each of which is gorgeous and pretty.

  But if you think about it carefully, those colorful dresses are beautiful, but they are not as beautiful as beauties.

  ”Young Master, take a look, these are them.”


  Yang Shifei took the several stacks of drawings handed to him and looked at them back and forth.

  Shopkeeper Dong’s eyes moved slightly: “Young Master Yang, do you think it doesn’t look good?”

  ”They are all good.”

  ”Eyes don’t lie.” Shopkeeper Dong smiled: “Young Master Yang, have you seen other beautiful clothes?”

  ”Yes, I have seen some, but they don’t match the style of Liang State.”

  Yang Shifei hesitated: “For example, this lining, if you can add more hollow lace or something, it may look better. And the trousers in this long skirt don’t have to be so loose. If they are tight enough, they can set off the beautiful figure.”

  While speaking, he coughed twice: “I’m just talking casually, don’t take it seriously.”

  ”Did the young master say anything wonderful?”

  Luo Xian’er walked back from not far away, a little curious.

  Shopkeeper Dong smiled strangely and repeated it in his ear, which made the young lady stunned.

  She immediately cast a very subtle look.

  Yang Shifei scratched his face and smiled stiffly. Those modern clothes, looking at this world, may be no different from the witches of the demon cult.

  Fortunately, there is no description of more exaggerated styles.

  Luo Xianer turned her eyes back to the manuscript in her hand and whispered: “The lining single clothes are mostly hollowed out, so you can try it. The kind of fabric that can fit closely to a woman’s skin is a bit precious, but it is not difficult to find.”

  Yang Shifei was stunned: “Really?”

  Silk stockings, could they be made in ancient times?

  Luo Xianer nodded slightly: “Jade Toad Silk and Bee Rose, if these two can be matched, maybe similar fabrics can be made.”

  Yang Shifei suddenly realized.

  I almost forgot that there are many magical materials in this world.

  ”Sister Dong, I have selected several sets of clothes. They can be delivered in ten days.”

  Luo Xian’er said calmly, “There are also underwear for the girls in my house. The styles and patterns are the same, but the fabrics should be better, not easy to be damaged.”

  Yang Shifei interrupted quickly, “Can you order a few more?”

  Shopkeeper Dong: “?”

  Luo Xian’er looked at him in surprise, “Young Master, you want to.”

  Yang Shifei said awkwardly, “The cat in my house used to wander around and didn’t have many clothes.”

  Luo Xian’er nodded in understanding, and then gave Shopkeeper Dong a few more instructions.


  After a while, Shopkeeper Dong watched the two leave, his face full of confusion.

  Young Master Yang’s cat actually wears women’s clothes?

  After tossing around in the cloth shop for a long time, when the two left, the sky was already a little dark.

  Luo Xian’er glanced at him dimly: “Young Master does have a lot of wonderful ideas.”

  ”Hey! They are just plagiarized ideas, not mine.”

  ”Isn’t it too…frivolous?”

  ”Of course I won’t wear it casually, but wearing it at home can increase the man’s attack speed…hey, it’s interest.”


  Although Luo Xian’er didn’t quite understand, she felt that it was a teasing remark.

  The girl opened her mouth slightly, but finally swallowed the words silently.

  She was too embarrassed to say now that she had specifically instructed Shopkeeper Dong in private before leaving, asking her to order people to make three sets of those indecent and obscene clothes with the best craftsmanship.

  She returned to Luo’s house before nightfall, and when she opened the door, she saw a familiar figure sitting in the yard.

  ”Sister Luo!” The little princess ran over quickly with an anxious face.

  Seeing the expression on her face, Yang Shifei’s heart trembled, and he immediately realized that something might have really happened in Dingjiang Palace.

   There will be updates in the evening, and the book club group will be released at that time~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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