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665. Chapter 650 Destruction

665. Chapter 650 Destruction


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 650 Destruction

  ”Feng’er,” Lin Beisheng covered his face in pain on the Dadao Peak, sitting on the chair as if he had aged many years.

  Mu Changge and the other eight peak masters all looked solemn.

  ”This guy is even more evil than Wang Qi back then.”

  ”I don’t know whether it is good or bad to let him enter the main clan,” Mu Changge shook his head slightly.

  Tianjiao is worth robbing no matter where he is, but someone like Xu Zimo, who has almost no support from the sect, let alone the main clan, has cultivated to this point.

  This kind of person has a strong sense of self-awareness and almost no sense of belonging. The main clan may just be a stepping stone for him.

  ”This Lin Qiu maliciously killed his fellow disciples, and he must be severely punished,” Chang Qing said on the side.

  ”Although we have a rule that the competition does not matter whether life or death.

  But now that the competition has been cancelled, this rule has naturally been cancelled.

  He still killed the sect, which is unforgivable,” Qin Hansheng said lightly.

  This time Mu Changge just frowned slightly and did not refute.

  ”When he comes out, if he can’t give us a reasonable explanation, let’s take him down together, so as not to let him escape,” Wang Yuntian suggested.


  At this moment in the ancient ruins, when everyone saw Lin Feng committing suicide, their faces were heavy.

  The nine emperors had injured four of them with just one blow. The

  remaining five people lined up in a row, and Yu Changlong held a long knife and shouted: “Everyone, just use your trump cards, otherwise I’m afraid today will be dangerous.”

  ”If you are not crazy, how can you become a demon?” Qi Ye’s six fingers had already spurted out blood, and the hair on his head was falling off at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  His skin became more and more barren, as if all the power in it had been absorbed.

  ”Destroying the Demonic Sound,” a roar came out of his mouth like a beast.

  He fell into a state of madness, the sound of the piano sounded, and the speed of the six fingers playing the piano turned into countless afterimages.

  Circles of black demonic sounds emerged from around him.

  At this moment, the green grass withered, the space was broken, and everything around him suffered a devastating blow.

  ”Quickly close your ears,” Yan Song shouted.

  Some disciples nearby did not have time to escape. When the magic sound spread at the speed of light, just by listening to it, some people were already crazy on the spot.

  Blood vessels burst, and they died in the agitation.

  Seeing this scene, Yu Changlong breathed a sigh of relief and said, “This guy’s piano sound is so strong. Even if this trick is not aimed at us, the aftermath alone can make people so scared.”

  Shen Yu did not speak, but looked in the direction of Xu Zimo.

  Xu Zimo was in the center of the magic sound, slightly closing his eyes.

  After a long time, Xu Zimo opened his eyes, looking calm, and said with a smile: “What a wonderful sound.”

  ”The magic sound has no effect on him?” Yan Song frowned and said.

  ”Kill,” Shen Yu shouted softly, with the stars in his palm shining, and he took the lead to kill Xu Zimo.

  ”Galaxy Seal.”

  ”The 36th level of Tianyan Cangsheng Sword,” Yu Changlong followed closely. ”

  Nine Heavens Immortal Sword,” Yan Song’s eyes were slightly condensed, and the sword intent on his body seemed to be surging, one wave after another.


  ”I’m not interested in playing with you guys anymore,” Xu Zimo waved his hand and said softly, “The law of nothingness.”

  As he waved his right hand, streams of black air condensed from his body with him as the center.

  Countless groups of black air rushed into the sky and spread over the surrounding valleys. These black air screamed fiercely and harshly.

  Then, countless groups of black air turned into ghost heads, which were ferocious and full of hostility.

  Countless groups of ghost heads raged around. All the disciples who were hit by the ghost heads had schizophrenia, and died under their own delusions.

  On the Dadao Peak, Lin Beisheng stood up directly and said with a scorching gaze: “Ghost Zen Six Cuts, Qiu’er actually practiced this move successfully.”

  ”Didn’t they say that no one can practice except Ghost Tathagata,” Chang Qing frowned and said.

  Everyone knew how powerful this move was.

  When Ghost Tathagata was still in the Rongtian realm, he was already comparable to the Nine Heavens Saint.

  If the Nine Heavens Saint hadn’t been seriously injured, he might not have been able to kill this Ghost Tathagata.

  Ghost Tathagata’s strength is definitely half of this Ghost Zen Six Cuts.

  This set of pulse skills is his life’s work, and he even escaped from Buddhism for this.

  But after Gui Rulai, no one else could successfully practice this set of pulse skills, and people gradually forgot about it.

  ”This is a bit troublesome,” Wang Yuntian said, “I just don’t know how many parts of Liu Duan he has practiced.”


  When countless ghost heads were running rampant in the air, Yan Song held the Jiuxiao Immortal Sword and slashed it fiercely.

  With a “boom”, the ghost head shook for a while, not only was it not damaged at all, but it also shook Yan Song directly out.

  Yan Song stood firm, looked at the ghost heads all over the sky, and his heart trembled fiercely.

  It was just a ghost head, but he couldn’t cut it off with all his strength.

  ”Escape,” he shouted, and quickly crushed the space token in his hand.

  Unfortunately, Xu Zimo had already imprisoned this world, and the moment the space force appeared, it was completely swallowed up.

  ”How could this happen?” Yan Song looked at the unchanged surroundings, and was completely panicked.

  As time passed, there were more and more ghost heads in the sky, and then countless ghost heads were like wronged souls, howling and screaming towards Yan Song.

  ”Ah,” screams also sounded in the air.

  These ghost heads attacked not only Yan Song, but also other disciples watching the battle nearby.

  From the projection of the Great Dao Peak, all that could be seen were countless ghost heads.

  Corpses began to appear all over the mountains and plains around the valley. This was just a move of Wuwangchengfa, and this range attack was already so powerful.

  The ghost heads drowned everything. When the screams gradually stopped, Xu Zimo looked up and saw that the mountains and plains were full of corpses.

  The pungent smell of blood filled the entire space.

  These people wanted to follow the nine emperors and get through the test, but unfortunately they all paid the price.

  If they had crushed the token and escaped directly, they would be safe now.

  The remaining five emperors were also drowned by the ghost heads. Qi Ye finished a crazy piano song, and the whole person was on the verge of death.

  ”It’s over,” Xu Zimo clapped his hands, just as he was about to leave.

  Shen Yu, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up.

  ”Brother Lin Qiu, don’t be so anxious,” Shen Yu said calmly.

  ”Oh, interesting,” Xu Zimo exclaimed.

  Under the Wuwang Chengfa, Shen Yu was the only one who survived in this world.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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