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686. Chapter 670 War

686. Chapter 670 War


Author: Love History Turns into Regret

  Chapter 670 Battle

  After Xu Zimo walked out of the fighting arena, he saw a man wearing a black vest and with bulging muscles appearing in front of him from the opposite direction.

  Even at a certain distance, he could feel the explosive feeling brought by his muscles.

  Seeing this scene, the audience below began to discuss.

  ”The madman has recovered from his injury and seems to be back again.”

  ”Although he lost the duel with Jian Ming, he was defeated with honor. However, the young man on the other side seems a little unfamiliar.”


  Ignoring the noisy discussions around him, the madman raised his head and looked at Xu Zimo proudly.

  He raised his head slightly, raised his chin and looked at Xu Zimo, and said, “Do you admit defeat or do I knock you down?”

  ”Shut up,” Xu Zimo shook his head.

  He took a step forward, and the spiritual energy around him surged. The next moment, he instantly appeared behind the madman.

  ”So fast,” the madman was shocked.

  ”Thousand-pound weight,” he shouted hurriedly, and his muscles bulged high, and the whole person seemed to be pressed on the ground like a thousand pounds.

  Xu Zimo chuckled, grabbed the madman’s waist with his right hand, lifted him up with ease, and threw him in the air.

  The madman fell heavily to the ground, and the sound of cracking the ground rang out. ”

  Admit defeat, admit defeat,” the madman slapped the ground and shouted.

  He admitted defeat very quickly, because according to the rules of the martial arts arena, if he didn’t admit defeat, he wouldn’t be responsible even if the opponent killed him.

  In fact, the madman had stronger moves, but seeing that the opponent defeated him so easily, the madman knew that he was not his opponent.

  Continuing like this would only lead to his death.

  ”Lin Qiusheng, the 100th match, do you want to fight again?” The referee looked at Xu Zimo and asked.

  ”Fight, don’t ask me next time, just let them go directly,” Xu Zimo said lightly.

  Seeing that the madman was easily defeated, the waiting area matched his opponent again.

  ”I’ll do it,” a loud shout came from the ground, and then an old man holding a staff came out.

  The old man looked energetic, with short black hair and a fancy robe, with mottled blue and black mixed with red.

  ”It’s Old Man Lei,” people who often come here to watch the battles recognized him instantly.

  ”It is said that the staff in his hand is made of the heart of a thunder beast, and he is best at mental attacks.”

  ”Now we have something to watch. Even if a madman meets him, he is helpless. This old man Lei is the most bizarre.”

  As Old Man Lei walked out step by step, the staff in his hand began to emit wisps of lightning.

  Thunder surrounded his body, and light blue arcs were accompanied by dark purple thunder.

  ”Boy, even I can’t control my mental attack. At the least, you will become demented, and at the worst, you will die.

  Listen to me, go down,” Old Man Lei stood in place and said proudly.

  ”It seems that you are also a rare genius. Don’t say that I destroyed your good seedling.”

  ”You are scared,” Xu Zimo said with a faint smile. ”

  Don’t know what’s good for you,” Old Man Lei snorted coldly, and turned the staff in his hand, and saw a thunder flying towards Xu Zimo at a rapid speed.

  With a “boom”, the thunder exploded in Xu Zimo’s chest, and everyone only felt a flash of light in front of their eyes.

  When he looked carefully, he saw Xu Zimo still standing on the ring unscathed.

  ”Is that all you have?” Xu Zimo patted his chest and walked towards Elder Lei step by step.

  ”Looking for death,” Elder Lei’s staff shone brightly, like a bolt from the blue, and countless thunders sounded around.

  Then, countless thunders on the staff seemed to transform into long dragons, all roaring and killing Xu Zimo.

  Xu Zimo’s expression remained unchanged, and he didn’t even stop.

  He let the thunder bombard him without any reaction.

  He twisted his neck and continued to walk slowly.

  ”Good boy, you have some skills,” said old man Lei.

  The staff in his hand exploded with countless thunders again. The difference was that under the cover of thunder, a soul snake in his palm twisted its body and flew out in it.

  The sound of “crackling” exploded again.

  Old man Lei looked at the center of the flashing thunder, smiled complacently, and said, “Boy, you have to pay the price for your arrogance.

  There is my soul attack in this thunder.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded.

  Obviously, the voices of the audience watching the fight were so noisy, and the thunder on the ring was so harsh.

  But the footsteps appeared in his ears very clearly, as if his feet were not stepping on the ground, but on his heart.

  In the exploding thunder, a figure walked out calmly.

  ”You,” Lei’s eyes were dull, and he wanted to speak, but the sound of footsteps on his heart made him feel more stressed, and he couldn’t even breathe.

  Seeing Xu Zimo appear in front of him step by step, Lei swallowed hard.

  With a “bang”, the staff in his right hand was crushed by Xu Zimo.

  Then Xu Zimo turned and left without paying attention to him.

  ”You won’t kill me?” Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, the next moment, his eyes narrowed, and a slight “bang” sounded.

  It was as if the beating of his heart reached a peak, and it burst directly, and the whole person fell to the ground without warning.

  ”How long will it take to fight like this,” Xu Zimo shook his head slightly.

  Looking at the audience on the sidelines, he said loudly: “Who has a knife, can you lend me one?”

  There was a little silence on the sidelines, and a young man in a gorgeous robe smiled.

  At his signal, the guard next to him threw out his saber.

  ”Lend it to you,” the young man said.

  ”Good knife,” Xu Zimo took the knife, looked at it, and smiled.

  Although this knife is still some distance away from his own Hegemony, it is a pity that Hegemony did not bring it with him in Yuanyang Continent.

  But this knife is made of Tianyou Iron, and the materials and forging techniques used in it are first-class.


  Although Old Man Lei was defeated,

  this martial arts arena has always been a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons and crouching tigers are hidden. Most people are not convinced of each other. In addition to the fusion stones betted by both sides of the arena, there is also a place for betting next to it. In

  every duel, you can bet on your favorite opponent.

  Many contestants will let people bet on them to win, and then go into the game. This method can kill two birds with one stone.

  Not only win the opponent’s money, but also win the bet money.

  Of course, this method can only be used by people who are very confident in their own strength.

  Originally, Xu Zimo’s odds were not high, but at this moment, as he defeated the two well-known pulse masters, Kuang Ren and Old Man Lei, his odds almost doubled.

  At this moment, as the underground door was opened, another contestant walked onto the ring.

  (End of this chapter)


I’m Really a Villain

I’m Really a Villain

IRV, 我真的是反派啊
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
After being defeated by the protagonist Chu Yang, Xu Zimo unexpectedly returned back to the days of his youth! The days of security when he was the young master of the True Martial Saint Sect, back when his father was the Vice Sect Master. The days before Chu Yang destroyed him, his father and his sect. Xu Zimo has resolved himself! As a real villain, he will kill Chu Yang, execute his wives and loot his treasures! In this era, he will seize the Heaven’s Will and ascend as the Immortal Emperor! This is the story of a villain’s rise into a true devil!


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