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69. Chapter 69 The Peak of Grandmaster! Xiaobai: What kind of pervert is this guy!

69. Chapter 69 The Peak of Grandmaster! Xiaobai: What kind of pervert is this guy!


Author: I eat instant noodles in Hengyang

  Chapter 69: The Peak of Grandmaster! Xiaobai: What kind of pervert is this guy!


  Hu Yanjian’s eyes widened with a look of shock on his face.

  It turns out that Li Zixuan…

  is actually the direct disciple of the Sword God?

  This news is so explosive that if it spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar and launch a new wave of online public opinion!

  ”Disciple, don’t worry, think about it carefully first…”

  Yu Wenxuan said slowly: “You But my disciple, Yu Wenxuan, is invincible at the Xiantian level.

  And the highest strength in Jianghai City is only the peak of Xiantian. How can it be possible to teach a genius like Li Zixuan?”

  Hear this.

  Hu Yanjian frowned slightly and quickly understood what Yu Wenxuan meant.


  The other party is a Jianghai Martial Arts Academy…

  The teaching staff is low, and the only one who can show off is Mr. Li, who is at the peak of his innate ability. To put it bluntly, it is not a problem for him to go into a group battle with those teachers who are in the acquired realm.

  How is it possible to use the swordsmanship to break through the ‘Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect’?

  Just think of this.

  Hu Yanjian stood up from the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. The doubts in his heart were solved.

  My heart suddenly felt like a vast ocean and sky.

  No more depressing burdens.

  After the battle on the martial arts stage, he originally thought that Li Zixuan was gifted and had mastered the swordsmanship alone.

  When I think of the other person being such a genius.

  Hu Yanjian’s sword heart was a little unstable.

  But the good thing is.

  Yu Wenxuan enlightened me tonight.

  Only then did he suddenly wake up.

  It turns out that Li Zixuan, like herself, has guidance from experts!

  ”Yes, disciple, it’s good if you understand.”

  Seeing Hu Yanjian’s condition improving, Yu Wenxuan smiled calmly and said: “It is not easy to teach a disciple like Li Zixuan, and as a teacher, I am even more curious about the strength of this Jianghai Sword God. ” With that

  said, he came to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked down at the pedestrians on the street and said,

  ”Tomorrow, I will go to Sword Valley in person, waiting to fight him!”


  Hearing this, Hu Yanjian said hesitantly. : “I heard that this Jianghai Sword God has always been like a dragon. Will he fight with you?”

  ”Haha, I believe he will come.”

  Yu Wenxuan smiled, holding the agate bracelet in his hand. Turning around, he explained patiently:

  ”Disciple, you will understand when you reach my level. It is extremely difficult to break through the master realm, especially the opportunity of inspiration, and this battle is an important means to obtain the opportunity.”

  ”So I am a master


I believe that in order to break through his own strength, he will definitely come! ”


  At the same time.

  Qin Yang returned to his home and was leaning comfortably on the sofa, browsing short videos.

  The sound of clinking pots and pans came from the kitchen, and the smoke of human smoke floated around. Xiaobai stepped on the small stool, peeling vegetables and cleaning them. The old fire soup in the pot had been simmering for three hours.

  ”It’s almost time.”

  Qin Yang calculated the time. If he absorbed the reward now, he would be able to seamlessly connect to the cooking process.


  Think of this.

  Qin Yang put down his cell phone and began to sink into the enlightenment space.

  ”Let’s start with you first!”

  Qin Yang had an idea and began to absorb the hundred years of cultivation rewarded by the system.

  After absorbing it several times before, he was already familiar with the process of guiding the centuries-old cultivation to thicken the body.

  In an instant!

  The star power surges majestically, flowing through the limbs and bones, creating a warm feeling.

  It’s like taking a bath in a hot spring.

  Qin Yang leaned back on the sofa comfortably, leaning his arms on his sides, enjoying the changes in the star power in his body.

  A warm current surged up from his tailbone and spread slowly, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.


  A comfortable moan came out.

  In the kitchen, the little white beast’s ears twitched and he immediately stood up on alert.


  What is the master calling?

  Xiaobai was curious, so he quickly put down the shelled shrimp and glanced in Qin Yang’s direction.

  I saw him lying on the sofa with the character “Tai” in his hand.

  It also made a strange sound…

  so strange!

  Seeing this, Xiaobai didn’t know why, and his face was full of disgust.

  She remembered that she had heard other foxes say that male humans seemed to have a special physiological condition.   

  It seems to be called the egg-changing period?

  ”Is the master there?”


  Thinking of this, the disgust on Xiaobai’s face became a little more intense. He couldn’t bear to look at it any longer, so he stopped and continued to process the shrimp meat.

  But just when she lowered her head.


  A majestic star power suddenly erupted, sweeping across the room in all directions, instantly interrupting her movements.

  It was like a landslide and a tsunami, overwhelming her and taking her breath away!


  Little White Tail was so frightened that he instinctively picked up the plate and protected it in front of himself.

  What a terrifying star pressure!

  ”This…this is the pinnacle of a grandmaster!”

  Is there an enemy coming? !

  The sense of crisis in Xiaobai’s heart exploded, and he quickly searched for the source of the star pressure. At the same time, he ran to Qin Yang’s side, preparing to tell him to get up and run away.

  My life is in your hands.

  Life and death.

  It’s a small matter if the egg is gone, but a big deal is if the life is lost!

  Xiaobai thought like this and ran towards Qin Yang quickly.

  But the closer it gets, the unknown star pressure becomes more intense.

  When she came within two meters of Qin Yang, the terrifying star pressure even solidified, and she was not allowed to get any closer!


  Xiaobai was immediately confused when he saw this. She looked blankly at Qin Yang on the sofa, with a look of shock on her face, and finally understood what was going on.

  here we go again!

  It’s here again!

  This human being actually made a breakthrough again!

  ”How is this possible?”

  Xiaobai squatted on the spot, holding his tail and doubting life.

  What kind of pervert is this guy? I don’t see him practicing on a daily basis. He lies flat in the library every day. How come he can break through so easily?


  Still at the pinnacle of the Grandmaster realm!


  Xiaobai went numb for a moment, thought for a moment, and finally could only return to the kitchen with his tail between his legs, trembling, and continue to process the remaining ingredients.

  no way.

  When a fox is alive, he must put his heart first…

  at the same time.

  Qin Yang has also finished absorbing his hundred years of cultivation and started to absorb the remaining two rewards.

  ”Xuan Tian Dan Jing” focuses on elixirs.

  The master of elixirs in the world records countless pharmacological secrets, saving people and killing people in a single thought.

  Qin Yang relied on his heaven-defying understanding to integrate them in an instant and understood everything.

  ”Not bad, not bad, but my head feels itchy.”

  Qin Yang scratched his head with satisfaction and continued to integrate the last emperor-level movement and martial arts, so close to the end of the world.

  After a while.

  All rewards released by the system have been accepted.

  ”I feel comfortable.”

  Qin Yang opened his eyes with satisfaction and saw that Xiaobai had already started to serve the dishes and was about to start the meal.

  So he used his close proximity and teleported to her side. He immediately frightened her so much that she trembled all over and let out a fox’s cry.


  Seeing this, Qin Yang felt a little puzzled.

  Why do you feel that Xiaobai…

  seems to be more afraid of me tonight?


  The next day, early morning.


  Qin Yang leisurely clocked in at work, and as soon as he walked into the museum, he noticed that there seemed to be very few customers today.

  Far less than usual.

  Usually at this time, people have already started to line up at the door, preparing to enter first and seize the position in the lounge.

  But now there are only a few people.

  ”Hiss, today is not a closing day, isn’t it?”

  Qin Yang was wondering when suddenly he saw Xia He trotting over with his mobile phone in his hand, pointing at the screen and shouting excitedly:

  ”Look at your mobile phone, Lao Qin, Something big has happened!”

  ”Sword Valley! The Sword Master is over there, openly calling the Jianghai Sword God!”

  (End of this chapter)


I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

I Stomped on a Bug, and the System Said I Slaughtered a Dragon?

Score 7.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
“Ding! Congratulations on slaying the Beast King. Reward: tenfold amplification. You have obtained an Undying Body and a sixty-year cultivation base!” Qin Yang looked at the big c*ckroach he had just crushed underfoot, and his face was completely shocked. “Alert! A Beast Sovereign-class star beast has been detected. Host, please flee immediately or you will die a horrible death!” Qin Yang looked at the little purple spider in front of him, and a huge question mark appeared over his head. What do you mean, “Beast Sovereign”? Inside the library, Qin Yang was reading when a little girl walked in. “Ding! Empress aura detected. Host, please kneel and beg for her to take you as an apprentice. Your future is boundless!” Qin Yang looked at the girl in front of him, who was looking very earnestly at the book she held. His expression stiffened. This System must be sick!


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