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70. Chapter 70 Cats Attack (Subscribe)

70. Chapter 70 Cats Attack (Subscribe)


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 70 Cats Attack (Subscribe~)

  Screams were heard continuously in the front yard of the palace.

  The little princess was frightened: “What happened again?!”

  And there were roars in the front yard, which sounded like two sides were fighting fiercely.

  Soon, a group of maids hurriedly ran along the corridor, their faces full of fear and anxiety.

  When they saw the little princess in the yard, they shouted: “Princess, hurry up and run with us!”

  ”What happened?!”

  ”A group of

  people suddenly rushed over outside the palace, and now they are fighting with the guards!” The maid hurriedly said: “Those officials are also helping, telling us to go to the backyard quickly to hide, or we have to escape from the palace!” The

  little princess was stunned and cold sweat broke out on her back.

  She had never experienced such a scene since she was born, and she felt panic in her heart at this time.

  Tan Xiang suddenly patted her back, making her sober up a little: “Listen to them and go to the backyard first.”

  ”Okay, okay.” The little princess hurriedly followed.

  As Tan Xiang followed the escort, she secretly glanced at the far end of the corridor behind her.

  Before long, the shouting and killing sounds became weaker and weaker. It was unknown whether the guards and soldiers of the palace had suppressed the thieves, or whether the two sides had moved away from the palace.

  Tan Xiang’s eyes suddenly condensed, and she pushed the little princess away.


  The girl just screamed, and a figure fell from the top of the corridor and slashed down with a knife!

  Tan Xiang immediately clamped the blade with both palms, shook the silk in her hand, and slapped the person away.

  ”Princess, you retreat first. Leave this to me.”

  ”.Sister Tan Xiang, be careful!”

  The little princess endured the pain in her knees, gritted her teeth, got up, and ran to the backyard with the maid.

  Tan Xiang rolled up the long sword that fell to the ground with silk, and looked at the man who was knocked away by her –

  judging from his clothes, he was wearing a public official uniform.

  If he was not a guard or constable from the palace or the government, then there were only the imperial guards who came from the capital. As expected by the young master, these people were also crazy.

  ”There are still people who dare to rebel?!”

  Two guards with knives ran over from the far end of the corridor, their eyes wide open: “Kill without mercy!”

  The two men ran along the corridor with roars and slashed with their knives.

  Tan Xiang looked calm, and the heavy long knife in her hands seemed to turn into a nimble needle, easily wiping away the two men’s attacks as she fluttered and danced.

  Ding Ding Ding –

  the knife circle was dispersed, and the girl moved lightly, passing between the two men and behind them, and the blade quietly passed across the neck of one of them.

  As the blood sprayed, the girl turned around and swept the knife across.

  The other guard gritted his teeth and held up his knife to block, but the strong force made him stagger several steps, and the long knife flew out of his hand.

  The next moment, Tan Xiang raised his knife and slashed his neck, and blood stains were scattered all over the corridor.


  The two guards gasped hoarsely twice, and soon fell to the ground without any movement.

  Tan Xiang picked up the two knives on the ground, his face slightly solemn.

  The troops in front of the main courtyard of the palace were the most concentrated, and most of the masters were stationed there. It shouldn’t have been so easy to break through and let people slip into the palace.

  But now it seems that those crazy masters of the inner palace successfully broke through the defense –

  Tan Xiang immediately stepped back a few steps, and the top of the corridor was forcibly pierced by external force at the same time, and a big knife fell from top to bottom, and smoke and dust filled the air.

  ”I didn’t expect that there is a little girl master in the rebellious Dingjiang Palace!”

  A middle-aged man jumped down from the hole in the corridor and pulled out the big knife stuck between the floor tiles: “It’s a pity that she died at such a young age with a cultivation comparable to that of a master.”

  Tan Xiang was slightly surprised when he saw the other person’s face clearly.

  This person is a well-known inner guard master in the court, named “Shaking Mountain Dao” Xue Sanqun, who has practiced powerful external skills.

  ”When did the palace revolt?”

  Tan Xiang said calmly in a low voice: “Is Xue Neiwei talking nonsense?”

  Xue Sanqun smiled coldly: “You are using nonsense to delay time and want to call your accomplices back. That’s wishful thinking!”

  After that, he suddenly raised his knife and stepped forward. His internal force was agitated, and his strong arms burst out with tyrannical force, almost splitting a narrow crack in half of the corridor, and the window frame fragments flew.

  Tan Xiang took a step in the air to avoid it, stepped on the corridor column and kicked lightly, and leaped back, stabbing the opponent’s door with the tip of the knife.


  Xue Sanqun laughed angrily, and his skin instantly turned brass-colored. The tip of the knife pierced the bridge of his nose, and there was a muffled sound.

  Tan Xiang’s eyes widened slightly. Is this some kind of hard qigong?

  She immediately ducked to avoid the sweeping edge, raised her knife to block the opponent’s swift counterattack, and retreated step by step.

  Clang clang clang——!

  Sparks flew all the way in the corridor, and the sound of knives continued. The doors and windows along the way were chopped and chopped one by one.

  Tan Xiang’s eyes gradually became focused, and she was about to fight back, but she suddenly noticed several footsteps on the roof, and they were running straight to the backyard with Qinggong!


  The top of the corridor was broken again, and two more figures fell from it.

  Xue Sanqun laughed and said, “Come with me, chop off this girl’s head!”

  Tan Xiang glanced behind her, and saw two cold rays coming at the same time.

  ”We must fight quickly and decisively.”

  The girl confirmed that there was no one around, and two black rays of light suddenly appeared behind her, instantly breaking the stabbing long sword into pieces.

  The backyard of the palace.

  Half a month ago, this place was the place where a hero banquet was held. It was lively and noisy, and many heroes of the rivers and lakes drank and talked happily.

  Now, the place was deserted and filled with panic.

  Many servants and women in the palace were cowering in fear, trembling with fear. Only a few maids who knew a little martial arts stood in front, holding long swords, sweating and on high alert.

  The little princess and other maids huddled in a corner, looking nervous.

  The next moment, several figures leaped out from the roof of the palace and landed in the backyard one by one with light skills.

  ”What do you want to do!”

  The two maids shouted hurriedly: “This is the Dingjiang Prince’s Mansion. You will be beheaded for doing this!”

  ”It’s still unclear who will be killed.”

  One of the inner guards drew his sword and sneered: “Now the Dingjiang Prince intends to commit treason, and we are here to kill him by order!”

  ”Nonsense!” The little princess couldn’t help but say angrily: “My father has always been loyal and dedicated to the country. When has he ever committed treason! You villains dare to say such things, what evidence do you have!”

  She drew a long knife and said fiercely: “If you don’t show evidence, even if we all die here, we will not let you treacherous villains go even if we become ghosts!”

  ”There is a lot of evidence, you–”

  The inner guard opened his mouth, his expression a little confused.

  Evidence is right, what is the evidence of Dingjiang Prince’s treason?

  But he was distracted for only a moment, and he quickly made a cruel face: “No need to waste time talking to these people, take off their heads first and take them back!”

  ”Okay!” The other inner guards responded in unison and set off suddenly.

  The young princess was horrified and took a few steps back subconsciously. Several maids also hurried to stop him.

  Just at this moment, a shadow flashed in the courtyard.


  With a crisp sound, several inner guards froze and looked at the half-broken sword in their hands with wide eyes.

  When did the sword break? !

  ”You are the princess, right?”

  The ethereal and clear voice of the girl sounded like a fairy chant under the moonlight.

  The young princess came back to her senses in a daze, and then she found that a strange girl had appeared in front of her.

  She was petite and delicate, with a white long skirt fluttering in the wind, and the lower half of her face was hidden in her hair, as pure and flawless as an elf.

  With just one glance, the young princess almost thought she was still dreaming and saw the fairy in her dream.

  After a moment of no response, Yue Rui looked back in confusion: “You, not?”

  The little princess suddenly came back to her senses and nodded subconsciously: “I am the princess, you are…”

  ”That’s good.”

  Yue Rui didn’t communicate much, turned her head back, and looked at the inner guards who were in doubt not far away: “How many of you are there?”

  ”Who are you!”

  An inner guard subconsciously took two steps back, his face heavy: “Why do you want to help these traitors!”

  At the same time, they all looked at each other secretly, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

  ”Traitors, thieves?”

  Yue Rui just tilted her head: “Who?”

  The inner guard’s face was fierce: “Are you kidding us?!”

  ”Playing?” Yue Rui blinked and raised a faint smile: “Yes.”


  Several inner guards widened their eyes, and a nameless anger suddenly surged.

  Under the filth that disturbed their minds, their eyes were bloodshot, and anger immediately overwhelmed their reason. They roared and clenched the broken knife and flew over!

  ”Be careful!” The maids around screamed, but Yue Rui just smiled incomprehensibly and walked out leisurely –


  An inner guard suddenly paused in swinging his knife, and a flash of blood had already bloomed on his shoulder.

  What kind of body movement is this? !

  His pupils shrank, and he only had time to glimpse a trace of afterimage, and then he felt a sharp pain all over his body.

  ”Liehong!” Seeing his companion suddenly spurting blood all over his body, the inner guards shouted and tried to kill him with their knives.

  But as soon as the four broken knives stabbed out, the girl disappeared like a phantom, and then another inner guard was cut with a hideous wound on his back.

  Yue Rui landed several feet away, and a slender dagger appeared in her hand without blood stains.

  ”So weak.”

  She glanced at the inner courtyard of the palace with a lack of interest, and it turned out that three masters of the palace were running over.

  Several inner guards shouted hurriedly: “This woman is very skilled, be careful!”

  ”Leave it to me!”

  Three masters of the inner court came fiercely, with great momentum, and immediately used powerful killing moves.

  But in the face of furious murderous intent, Yue Rui just tilted her head and smiled, with a bit of unrestrainedness in her playfulness.

  ”Let’s go together, just right.”

  The girl held the small dagger in reverse, and smiled and casually slashed in front.

  The edge flashed suddenly, and a trace of blood suddenly appeared on everyone’s neck, and blood gushed out like a column!

  As several people fell in a pool of blood with bloodshot eyes, the corners of Yue Rui’s skirt were stained with blood, like blood lotus blooming.

  She tilted her head and glanced at the remaining terrified inner guards, smiling: “How many of you are there?”

   There will be another update in the evening


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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